Jesus said...


Valued Senior Member
In this world there are some very good people who lead very decent lives, and they are of different cultures and faiths. But according to the sayings of Jesus, these people go to hell.

I don't think so!
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Jesus said to his disciples, "Compare me to something and
tell me what I am like."

They replied, "You are the eschatological manifestation of
the ground of our being, the ontological foundation of the
context of our very selfhood revealed."

And Jesus replied, "What?"
born again is not judged by man, but by GOD. God knows your heart!

you haven't thought deeply on what Jesus said.

go and buy some theologicaL BOOKS to understand bible peoperly.
you haven't thought deeply on what Jesus said.

go and buy some theologicaL BOOKS to understand bible peoperly

Maybe you havent thought deeply about it either:

Luke 17:20: Jesus said:

"The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. "

It doesnt sound to me like he was recommending book study (observation) more like he was recommending direct apprehension of an inner state.
Either way. But there are still 4000,000,000 people going to hell according to Jesus, and I wanna know why......And forget theology!

Maybe heaven is sort of a christian ghetto. Maybe all the interesting people go somewhere else, some where more exciting, like maybe Akron

Im really just trying to sow doubt. Faith without scepticism, doubt and examination leads to fanaticism. You go around believeing but not knowing if what you believe is true (even subjectively) this creates conflict and anxiety, to relieve the pressure you are driven to hand out phamplets and burn people at the stake. Lousy way to run a belief system.
stu43t: Although I appreciate the compliment, I did not write it.
A friend sent it to me via email a long time ago. It is of interest
to note that saying 13 in "The Gospel Thomas" goes like this:

13 Jesus said to his disciples, "Compare me to
something and tell me what I am like."

Simon Peter said to him, "You are like a just messenger."

Matthew said to him, "You are like a wise philosopher."

Thomas said to him, "Teacher, my mouth is utterly unable
to say what you are like."
Popualtion of Christians in the world = 2000,000,000

Population of the world = 6000.000.000

Therefore 4000,000,000 will go to hell according to Jesus.

Being stuck forever in a place with 2,000,000,000 Christians IS hell. ;)
A4Ever: You are very welcome.

stu43t: Superman was from Krypton not Akron.
Superman will walk again!

Superman will walk again. Mine eyes have seen the first steps.

Nonetheless, that hardly has anything to do with what Jesus said. But since much of what Jesus said is disregarded anyway, why worry about it?

Jesus said a lot of things, but nobody really cares, it seems.

Tiassa :cool:
I think he just said it. They just wrote it down in strange ways sometimes.

It's also politics.

There's supposed to be a text about Jesus and Maria Magdalena which says: they were often toghether and he kissed her often.

Of course, this could not be in the 'official' version of the Bible.

Don't put down the man, cause the man ruled. :)

There are probably lots of reasons not to believe in God, but not wanting to go to heaven doesn't make sense.

The difference is whether those 2 billion care whether the rest believe or not. Christians can warn, testify, show, and pray - but not convert. People have to do that bit by themselves.

I think Paul (or one of the apostles) said once that even if an angel came down from heaven and told people about God, some still wouldn't believe. So the first 30 years of Jesus' life wouldn't change much about your belief anyway - neither would 2 billion, or even 2 Christians.

PS. What do you expect from a gospel thousands of years old? One flawless, irrefutable message? As you know, not even a single word can be irrefutable (love? truth? evil? do they mean to you what they mean to me? Hopw long would one book have be to explain what one needs to know about those words?).

But guess what, there is a message: Love God with all your heart and your soul and everything you have, and love those around you equally. There is also a promise: God will give you love and eternal life.

The problem is that people need more, they need to know history (wars, oral traditions, prophesies - and how God was there), eyewitness accounts, etc. (no written account will give anyone enough proof anyway, but it's the only way to capture it - in words - isn't it?)

How can you expect human accounts about different human experiences over hundreds of years to be consistent? There are so many layers of the Bible - chronological, historical, poems, songs, letters, sermons, accounts, laws - that it's a miracle that there's *any* kind of consistent message at all. And that's why no one can say that they are a Christian if they don't study the Bible and try to find out more and learn from it. You don't just magically become an enlightened saint, and you don't get the message by reading only the parts you like.

What would you like to know?
Lost In The Translation: The First Copyright

They recently discovered a smaller scroll hidden in the cylinder of
the first scroll of the ancient Biblical scriptures, believed to be the
actual "first page" of the Bible. When deciphered, it read:

"Copyright (c) 300 B.C. God. All Rights Reserved First scrawling
First-Sunrise-After-Stonehenge-Keystone- Is-Shadowed, 300 B.C.

All beings, places and events depicted in this work are fictional,
and any resemblance to actual beings, places and events past,
present or future is purely coincidental.

WARNING: Some of the actions performed in this work are
dangerous and should only be attempted by professionals
familiar with the action in question.

NOTE: Those tiny points of light in the sky when it gets dark are
called 'stars'. Some of them do blow up on occasion. In no way
should this be construed as a sign that there is, beneath such an
explosion, any form of saviour. Should such a misconstrual
happen, the author will not be held responsible for the avalanche
of arrogance, zeal, bigotry, humanocentricity and other vile acts
which will surely follow the residents of the planet into time
eternal until someone sees fit to erase the denizens of the world
and let the author start over.

DSBN 0-000000-0000-1

Suggested retail: 1 sheep.
Please note: I didn't write this. It was written by
some guy named Anon the Unknown and passed
around the news groups many moons ago. -EP
I think there is now over 7 billion people in the world. Saw that not to long ago in the Guinness Book of World Records Museum.
According to the International Programs Center, U.S. Bureau of
the Census, the total population of the World, projected to
10/2/02 at 17:28:24 GMT (10/2/02 at 1:28:24 PM EDT) is

