Jesus or Burn?


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Is the central, foundational tenet of Christianity "Accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior or you will go to hell" other words, "Jesus or burn"?
Do it my way or die...
typical mindset of a tyrannical warmonger
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Is the central, foundational tenet of Christianity "Accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior or you will go to hell" other words, "Jesus or burn"?
Yes, but expect some responses from Xianity advocates that will say otherwise; their responses will be quite sugarcoated too.

One of my favorites is: Well, if you break the the law and defy the authorities, don't you get punished?
Where does it state this?


See Jan, even Christians acknowledge this. Ask ANY Christian and they will tell you that.
What I'm curious about is if Ad does quote some scriptures, that you will finally realize that 'reject Jesus or go to hell' is the central point/idea for Christianity.
I had a conversation with my Aunt Karen back in May. She has been a devout, albeit an open-minded Christian since she was a little girl.
I brought up that the way that god operates, if you strip away the sugar coating, he's nothing but a dictator. She replied, 'well, he is sort of a dictator. And anyone who doesn't accept Christ, is destined to go to hell.'
Do it my way or die...
typical mindset of a tyrannical warmonger

I agree. Which is why I view Christians as inherently immoral. They try to be good to either win reward, or avoid punishment. There is shame in both of these motivations.

Only the non-believer can be truly moral for they do good deeds simply because they feel it is objectively right to perform them. Everyone else is a beggar, a coward, or both.
M*W: "My way or the highway" is religion based in fear. If a religion is based in fear, it can't be good. There is no Jesus, and no one will burn. Believing this is simply delusional.
I agree. Which is why I view Christians as inherently immoral. They try to be good to either win reward, or avoid punishment. There is shame in both of these motivations.

Only the non-believer can be truly moral for they do good deeds simply because they feel it is objectively right to perform them. Everyone else is a beggar, a coward, or both.
EXACTLY!!! Why do we need a 2000+ year old unverifiable book to tell us what's right/wrong, moral/immoral?

See Jan, even Christians acknowledge this. Ask ANY Christian and they will tell you that.

I am aware of this, and it doesn't make sense to me, hence my question to
This seems to have an adverse effect, by putting people off God and religion. Which is why I am curious about it.
Also, to my knowledge, Jesus does not issue such a warning in any of the biblical texts.

What I'm curious about is if Ad does quote some scriptures, that you will finally realize that 'reject Jesus or go to hell' is the central point/idea for Christianity.

As I said before, I am aware of this rule.

I had a conversation with my Aunt Karen back in May. She has been a devout, albeit an open-minded Christian since she was a little girl.
I brought up that the way that god operates, if you strip away the sugar coating, he's nothing but a dictator. She replied, 'well, he is sort of a dictator. And anyone who doesn't accept Christ, is destined to go to hell.'

There doesn't seem to be any reasoning behind this belief, not even biblical.
I cannot imagine how or why this is believed. Hopefully Adstar will throw some light on the subject, so we can see for ourselves.

EXACTLY!!! Why do we need a 2000+ year old unverifiable book to tell us what's right/wrong, moral/immoral?

Especially when it gets much of it obviously wrong.

Slavery is bad. Beating your wife is bad. Killing your wife for not being a virgin on your wedding night is bad. Eating shellfish is NOT bad. Cutting your sideburns is NOT bad. Killing your child for misbehaving is bad.

Only three of the 10 commandments make any sense, and even those should be violated at times. The Bible is absolute shit as a guide to living an ethical life, and the behavior of its adherents bears this out time and time again.
Is the central, foundational tenet of Christianity "Accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior or you will go to hell" other words, "Jesus or burn"?

Jesus' name means: God is Salvation so accepting him means accepting God.
But to be truthful that is more or less what the choice will be.

Person before called this war Mongering but Revelations makes it clear it will be in self defense of his people. So as tensions between the religious and atheist and other nationalistic groups increase so will intolerance.

As Christians it should our position to do nothing.
Is the central, foundational tenet of Christianity "Accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior or you will go to hell" other words, "Jesus or burn"?

I'm almost a 100% you are using those words against yourself.
Also this isn't really anything the bible is trying to get across.
Jesus' name means: God is Salvation so accepting him means accepting God.
But to be truthful that is more or less what the choice will be.

What is actually meant by 'accepting Jesus'?
Is it possible to accept God without accepting Jesus?

Apparently so because the Jews recognize God but Jesus.
The Islams recognize God but Jesus only as a prophet.
I am aware of this, and it doesn't make sense to me, hence my question to
This seems to have an adverse effect, by putting people off God and religion. Which is why I am curious about it.
I'm curious as to what his response will be to, but I have a feeling of what it will entail.

Also, to my knowledge, Jesus does not issue such a warning in any of the biblical texts.
He may not have, but most everyone else in the bible did:

As I said before, I am aware of this rule.
Then why do you keep arguing with me if you agree with me? Either you do or you don't. Make up your mind.

There doesn't seem to be any reasoning behind this belief, not even biblical.
I cannot imagine how or why this is believed. Hopefully Adstar will throw some light on the subject, so we can see for ourselves.
Well, she's been a Xian for her whole life, so at best, she is just shining more light on the fallacies of Xianity.

I've observed that Christians will come up with almost every answer/excuse in the book to try to reason or justify things they can't explain; ESPECIALLY things that common sense thinkers find that just don't add up.

Go revisit the website. The author brings up excellent points. Take these two, that I've brought up before:

If god is willing to stop evil but unable, he is not omnipotent.
If god is able to stop evil but unwilling, he is not benevolent.

Now, anyone with any common sense can see this is true. But you will have Christians come up with every possible excuse to invalidate those statements.
Some examples would be, "well, god doesn't stop evil because he needs evil to tempt and test us."
Which that statement brings up even more fallacies....
Why does a merciful god need to tempt and test his supposedly 'greatest creation'?

And Christians, if you want your religion to be looked upon in a more positive manner, stop allowing retards like this to speak for you:

You gotta be kidding me:
You can do what Jesus says, and turn the other cheek. I do it. I turn the other cheek, let the person slap me and then light into him like a prize-figher. I ain't up on no cross, folks. I'm down here in it! I will not take it when someone laughs at my beliefs.
I would love to meet this guy so I can tell him that Jesus was a myth, the laugh at him and his beliefs, and DARE him to take a swing at me. Then, after he was a bloody pulp lying on the floor, I'd ask him where his beautiful, merciful savior was to help him then.