Jesus of the Apocalypse?


Fat people can't smile.
Registered Senior Member
in the book of revalations, when talking of the riders of the apocalypse one of the riders is reffered to mysteriously as lamb.
the same lamb of god?
Non-Logical-Idea-Guy said:
in the book of revalations, when talking of the riders of the apocalypse one of the riders is reffered to mysteriously as lamb. the same lamb of god?
M*W: Welcome to sciforums, Idea Guy. Yes, the "lamb of god" is one and the same. The lamb is represented by the Sign of Aries, the Ram, who is represented as a human Abraham. In reality, Abraham never existed as a human being, but the lamb is represented as Abraham's offering instead of Isaac (who, himself, was not real).

Just a hint: Everything in the Old and New Testaments are references to the zodiac.
That rider is Jesus at His second coming. He is the Lord of lords and King of kings.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
That rider is Jesus at His second coming. He is the Lord of lords and King of kings.
Augustus was better though. Augustus was deified after his death, so he wasn't the son of a god, he was a god, and he was fuckin' emperor.
Remember, Emperor is higher than King, no matter how high a king you is. ;)

Imperator Romanvm Semper Avgvsvs. :)
Hapsburg said:
Augustus was better though. Augustus was deified after his death, so he wasn't the son of a god, he was a god, and he was fuckin' emperor.
Remember, Emperor is higher than King, no matter how high a king you is. ;)

Imperator Romanvm Semper Avgvsvs. :)

ummm say that again.....

All Praise The Ancient Of Days