Jesus of Dead Sea Scrolls


I heard Grant Jeffries last night saying that the Dead Sea Scrolls also mention Jesus himself, as the Messiah.

The Dead Sea Scrolls remained under wraps for 50 years, and the information finally began to trickle out. The Jesus is Messiah mention obviously is one of the most guarded secrets of the Scrolls, but even this now apparently is seeing the light of day.

Has anyone else heard of this, and how can it be confirmed?

If it's true that this is in the Dead Sea Scrolls, how can the Darwinists defend that it's been such a tightly guarded secret?
I'd like for him to give the actual scroll references. I have found no other thing that has said anything about his stuff.

He also seems to be not that much of a scholar, so much as a preacher.
He does give scroll references, and he quotes other scholars speaking about these fragments.

It's no surprise that this material was attempted to be kept from the public, so read that link in post #3, scroll references and scholars' quotes included.
IAC, this does look like it has potential. I haven't read through the whole article but will later.

In a way this ties into my other thread, "How can one attain faith in God," because if the Dead Sea Scrolls are proved to be genuine and not made after the gospel of Luke then it may provide a "basis for belief in Jesus" which can lead to a "belief in God." Because it seems like all beliefs need a basis, right?

He never gives his specific sources of info, nor provides us any information regarding the exact verse. He is very vague.

Which scroll exactly? What fragment? Where can we find the translation?
Well, what is it then? Are they for real or not?

You can't use them as proof of the Jesus as Messiah concept and still reject the Book of Enoch, the Book of Jubilees, and the Testament of Levi as Canon for your piggy-backed Hebrew/jew religions. You DON'T get to pick and choose!

MEN wrote the bible is all it proves to me. MEN have carefully ommited and crafted it over the centuries to suit themselves as needed. Israelites may have practiced earnestly some piggy-backed Zoroastianian/eastern concepts.

They are none-the-less, a facinating archaeological find. They are actually quite embarrasing for many many modern religions.
IAC, this does look like it has potential. I haven't read through the whole article but will later.

In a way this ties into my other thread, "How can one attain faith in God," because if the Dead Sea Scrolls are proved to be genuine and not made after the gospel of Luke then it may provide a "basis for belief in Jesus" which can lead to a "belief in God." Because it seems like all beliefs need a basis, right?

I don't get this logic? If people say that the bible is all just made up then they can say the same thing about the dead sea scrolls. That they may be old but they where all just made up.

The dead sea scrolls will not be able to prove anything to those who wish not to believe Jesus.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
The only thing that we can really say for certain about the Dead Sea Scrolls is that they were probably written before 100 CE. One of the parchments has a date range of between 20 BCE and 60 CE, but this is the date of the parchment, not the writing on the parchment.

But for the sake of discussion, perhaps IAC or other interested parties would be willing to cite direct sources of whatever information they feel is relevant to their beliefs so that we may discuss and examine it here. I'll look at the site one day if I get an opportunity, but surely it would be far easier for IAC or others to cite the most significant or convincing of the information -saving us all some time.
But for the sake of discussion,perhaps IAC or other interested parties would be willing to cite direct sources of whatever information they feel is relevant to their beliefs so that we may discuss and examine it here.
you are kidding!
I'll look at the site one day if I get an opportunity, but surely it would be far easier for IAC or others to cite the most significant or convincing of the information -saving us all some time.
you most diffinitely are kidding! skinwalker, theres more chance of the sun turning green, than IAC doing any of that.
I don't get this logic? If people say that the bible is all just made up then they can say the same thing about the dead sea scrolls. That they may be old but they where all just made up.

The dead sea scrolls will not be able to prove anything to those who wish not to believe Jesus.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Indeed you are right that the DSS do not prove anything - either way. If that scroll proclaiming Jesus as Messiah was written before his birth, it explains why so many were named Jesus at that time(after). If written after - it is not prophetic, however lends support to "Jesus" exhisted. The DSS in general lend support that Canon is preserved(Moses' books are very much almost identical to copies for OT from 1100 AD) AND that Canon has CHANGED(ENTIRE book ommissions). Why?

So you read the book of Enoch yet? Jubilees? Testament of Levi ??
What possessed them to include some books but not others?
In the New Testament?
Possibly to put a unified face and belief structure to the growing religion, dismissing any Gospels that possibly detracted from the view of Jesus that they wanted (e.g. the Gnostic Gospels).
What possessed them to include some books but not others?

Well, if you are trying to make jesus look cool and godly-like you probably wouldn't include text that states he killed a child for snoring, absolutely regardless to whether it was true or not.
Note that "Jesus" in hebrew means "Savior". This was a common concept in those early times, and something many wished would occur. That wish that someone would actually become a savior spawned the myth of Christianity. The Dead Sea Scrolls simply refers to those common ideas.

An actual savior named Jesus was no more real then than it is now and the DSS gives no support for the actual existence of such a person.

The silence we see surrounding the DSS, especially from Christians, is because the texts do not support their story or of a real Jesus.