could jesus have become a mesiah through a new thought: peace to not just your fellow country men, but peace to all and no war.
That would be a powerful step in the advance of civilization, because it would be the transcendence of tribalism.could jesus have become a messiah through a new thought: peace to not just your fellow country men, but peace to all and no war.
could jesus have become a mesiah through a new thought: peace to not just your fellow country men, but peace to all and no war.
could jesus have become a mesiah through a new thought: peace to not just your fellow country men, but peace to all and no war.
peace to not just your fellow country men, but peace to all and no war.
I'm sorry, but why do you all WANT TO run down Catholicism? It seems to me that it has become one of the popular prejudices of our day. Care to admit you have prejudice against this religion anyone?
And quite frankly, the reason why the Jews never followed Jesus was because Jesus never did any of these things.
*************What was Jack thinking before he climbed the mountain to meet Jill. Were they pure or evil thoughts?
I thought that lots of the Jews followed Jesus. That's what John was doing; beating/harassing his fellow Jews who followed Jesus. But most Jews apparently did not follow Jesus. Then, several decades after Jesus was crucified, the Roman empire crushed the Jews, and tore down the Temple [leaving only the 'wailing wall', the original footing, because it was too massive to tear town]. By then, though, the converted Jews and other converts were scattered throughout the Roman empire, forming their new religion with a separate identity from judaism. Or so I've heard the story as detailed in history texts, etc.
It's difficult to estimate populations in the distant past, even in a region run by consummate bureaucrats with official census-takers. With that caveat, the figures I've seen indicate that the region LOST population when Rome fell.I was watching a television program that stated the Roman people as we know them from ancient times no longer exist because when Rome fell all types of people poured into the Empire. Most likely from all over Europe but then many Sicilians and people from that region look darker as well.
could jesus have become a mesiah through a new thought: peace to not just your fellow country men, but peace to all and no war.
In Jewish religion, the reason why Jesus was never the messiah is because the messiah had a set list of things he must do, and little or none of that list was completed by Jesus. Walking on water was not on that list.