jesus christ is god

If Jesus Christ is God and man killed God on the cross then God is mortal and man has power over God.

Is there a flaw in my logic?
Or, if jesus christ is god, and the only way we live forever is through him, what happened to all the poor souls before he came back? OR how about the fearful savages that the shining missionaries will never reach? Are they to burn forever? IS the purpose of this thread inflammation?
true wisdom

well first, there is no logic with god.

hi. u state your case very well. i love your logic...couldn't have done any better myself.
i will present my case to u thru the words of the holy bible IF u can accept the bible to be the word of god. if not, i will try to explain thru the teachings thereof.
jesus came in the flesh, handed over to man and was crucified.
jesus THE WORD OF GOD came in the flesh and was crucified. IN THE BEGINNING god said let there be light and it was so, and by the power of his word did he create all things.
john.1:1 in the beginning was the word, and the word was with god, and the word was god.
john.1:14 the word became a human being and lived with us, and we saw the manifest presense of god.
jesus said, before abraham was I AM
I BELIEVE MAN HAS SOME POWER WITH GOD. didnt abraham solicit compliance from god over where to draw the line on sodom. and job, didnt he refuse to accept anything but his faith in god...even when god was ticking him off for it! job never wavered and god accepted that.
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free cycle

hi. nicely continued, free cycle.
no, free cycle, this is not inflammation, but light for the blind and voice to the ear. when jesus was put to death in the flesh in spirit he went and preached in hell. 1 peter.3:18-20
romans teaches us that those outside the law are judged outside of the law and likewise with those inside the law are they judged according to the law. romans. 2:14...for whenever gentiles, who have no law, do naturally what the law requires, then these, even tho they dont have law, for themselves are law.
( god is very complicated )
hope this helps u.
Re: true wisdom

Originally posted by firingseeds
well first, there is no logic with god.


God is illogical and therefore unfounded in a rational world.
The very idea is flawed in its most basic premises.

zero mass

hi! yes, i could have shot myself in the foot there, zero mass.
forgive me for trying to be funny. (- - ) i'll jest stick my finger in the dyke and block the little hole, ( a little fly has entered the cube ).
ahhh, first, i never said god was illogical. a basic premise of logic is that logic has nothing to do with truth: or understanding. can logic reason the fact that by his word god created all things so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear? can logic even reason truth? IS logic even reason. no, brother! IF WE ARN'T SHOWN thru faith then there is little reason but much flawed reason.
ahhh, the dam be plugged. ( hopefully? )
thats the best i could do on that one zero. hope that helps.
true wisdom

hi wisdom.
GOD IS ONE...... 1 tim. 2:5. for god is one, and there is but one mediator between god and humanity, jesus christ, himself human.
( akjv ) for there is one god, and one mediator between god and men, the man christ jesus.
IF u can accept the bible to be the word of god.

Ok, Firing seeds, i've had no half decent response off anyone else so i'm gonna try with you.

In the bible god clearly states EVERY man must be circumcised. Anyone who's not circumcised is going against god, and against gods covenant.

IF the bible is the word of god why don't christians get circumcised as specifically instructed by god? He did say it would be 'an everlasting covenant'. Everlasting=forever.

Question: Why aren't Christians circumcised and are they aware they are, by their own definitions, going against god?
Re: true wisdom

Originally posted by firingseeds
well first, there is no logic with god.

Hehe, why doesn't this sort of thing send up warning signals for more people? It's like standing there and flat out saying "I am evil" and expecting people to love you for it.

Remember, God=Insanity Maddness=divinity Strife=Salvation, be sure to be generous when the collection plate comes round.

hi:D ...a christian is circumcised of the heart brother. ( let the bible speak. )
romans. 2:25 akjv....for circumcision verily profit, if thou keep the law: but if thou be a breaker of the law, thy circumcision is made uncircumcision.
26....therefore if the uncircumcision keep the righteousness of the law, shall not his uncircumcision be counted for circumcision?
27...and shall not uncircumcision which is by nature, if it fulfil the law, judge thee, who by the letter and circumcision dost transgress the law?
28...for he is not a jew, is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:
29...but he is a jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of god.
lucky we got this bible mate ...otherwise we'd all be in hell.
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Firing Seeds: I heard that already off of visitor and it has error. God isn't talking of 'circumcision of the heart'. Go read Genesis. God specifically says: "..anyone who has not been circumcised in the flesh, will be cut off from his people; he has broken my covenant."

Further on in Exodus god goes down to kill Moses until Zipporah takes a flint knife and chops his foreskin off.

Jan Ardena said the rule no longer applies 'cause god works to time, place and circumstance so it only actually meant something to ancient shepherds. However against this god said: "..This is an everlasting covenant." Need i point out what 'everlasting' means?

He didn't just mean the jews either. God said "Every man.."

That passage of scripture you have shown is merely another human made excuse to ignore gods rules.

Frankly i find it amazing how you guys just pick and choose whatever you want and make up whatever you want in order to ignore gods rules. Looks like all of you who think you know everything might be joining us in hell afterall.

P.S you aint my mate.
Re: true wisdom

Originally posted by firingseeds
hi wisdom.
GOD IS ONE...... 1 tim. 2:5. for god is one, and there is but one mediator between god and humanity, jesus christ, himself human.
( akjv ) for there is one god, and one mediator between god and men, the man christ jesus.
Hi firingseeds,
Your quote on scripture is accepted but the book of Timothy is in the New Testament(written 70-110 years after the death of Jesus). The OT clearly displays more than one divine entity.
Indeed, as others have pointed out, the bible allows slaves, calls for circumsision and bans divorce if it is the word of god. But how can anyone treat it as the word of god if it has gone through the process of translation? The KJV (which modern christians rely on so) was translated in a time when all humans were not treated equally, slavery still existed and women had very little say in many places. How could the environment not impart an effect on the translation?
A translation is never as good as the original because it is interpreted to some extent, even if it is down to one word choice. Or would any apologetic argue that the translators were under the influence of god?

I still have no reason to believe that the book actually is the word of god. It has good wisdom though
Why was the "Word of God" written in Hebrew(OT), a language not used today? And yet if Jesus is God then why did he speak Aramaic if the "Word of God" is in Hebrew?