Jesus Camp

Prince_James said:
It is telling when a religion can only sell itself to children.

That's the tragedy of it, it's one thing adults acting like fools but to indoctrinate kids into this is fucked up.
I can't bring myself to watch it. The actions of people like this is the reason why religion will never have my respect. It's amazing how brainwashed people can become, and the moderates on this site would do well to understand that is all religion is. Although I use the term 'moderate' loosely since even the moderates on this site seem to think Jesus was actually resurrected.
KennyJC said:
I can't bring myself to watch it. The actions of people like this is the reason why religion will never have my respect. It's amazing how brainwashed people can become, and the moderates on this site would do well to understand that is all religion is. Although I use the term 'moderate' loosely since even the moderates on this site seem to think Jesus was actually resurrected.

The USA scares me (and it's not just the mullets)!
KennyJC said:
I can't bring myself to watch it. The actions of people like this is the reason why religion will never have my respect. It's amazing how brainwashed people can become, and the moderates on this site would do well to understand that is all religion is. Although I use the term 'moderate' loosely since even the moderates on this site seem to think Jesus was actually resurrected.
Interesting. The actions of Kimveer Gill is the reason why Canadians will never have my respect.

At any rate, I can tell you it's nothing that you don't expect. These guys exactly fit your description of any theist.
Themselves, mostly, since those outside of said insaniac demographic are less wont to engage in holy war.
baumgarten said:
Interesting. The actions of Kimveer Gill is the reason why Canadians will never have my respect.

At any rate, I can tell you it's nothing that you don't expect. These guys exactly fit your description of any theist.

He's a Sikh and his behaviour is very unusual for a Sikh. They are usually very boisterous, larger than life people. Sikhs are from the Punjab in India, one of the most prosperous states.
There is a preacher named Dave Roever, whose teleministry used to advertise their own camp at which children were encouraged to throw music and books deemed anti-Christian or obscene or whatever onto a bonfire. The scene actually reminded me of the album cover for Styx's Kilroy Was Here. Creepy. And certainly not conducive to my relationship with Christianity.

Interestingly, I'm declining an invitation to attend some cult meeting with my daughter's Christian maternal grandfather; the last thing I need is to go among that many cultists while some nationally-famous evangelist tells me why the theory of evolution is f.o.s. Maybe I should go so I can ask around, holding up a picture of my three year-old daughter: "When, exactly, did sin enter this child?"

We must remember that Christians look forward to the end of the world. "Jesus Camp", as such, is just another effort to rush headlong into the apocalypse.

Sad irony? Voltaire: "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."

Puerile Christian hatemongers owe a great deal to the liberals they despise; talk about biting the hand that feeds ....
samcdkey said:
He's a Sikh and his behaviour is very unusual for a Sikh. They are usually very boisterous, larger than life people. Sikhs are from the Punjab in India, one of the most prosperous states.
Kimveer Gill was a Sikh? Seriously? A vampire who's not a neopagan or an atheist? You must be referring to someone else.

But come to think of it, I guess he too was a religious fanatic in his own right.
The kid on the ground twitching was priceless... oh just think if we had a reality-based religious substitute.
Wait a minute ... you're on to something, CC. Seriously, what about a reality show set at a Christian boarding school? It could be called, "Seeking the Light", or something like that. I mean, wow. A bunch of socially underdeveloped and intellectually constricted students trying to act natural for the camera? Of course, that would alienate Christians all the more, especially the students on the reality show; if they had any secular friends, well, you know how friends never let you forget about embarrassing the hell out of yourself. ("Hey, remember that time you kissed that kid on TV and then cried and begged Jesus for forgiveness?")

Jesus, King of Ratings & Environs.
baumgarten said:
Interesting. The actions of Kimveer Gill is the reason why Canadians will never have my respect.

At any rate, I can tell you it's nothing that you don't expect. These guys exactly fit your description of any theist.

Hey, dont' judge us all based on the actions of this guy! I mean, I don't judge all Americans based on the actions of George bush or the two teenagers at Columbine.

Yeah, that Jesus camp is scary! Sort of like the Taliban of christianity.
What worries me about these type of people is they seem eager to keep the conflict with the Islamic world ( amongst other groups as well) going or intensify it.
It's too bad people couldn't take the good that exists in all religion and live their lives according to that.
I went to Pentecostal church one time and that was enough for me...It was like a trip to the lunatic assylum. *LOL*
nova900 said:
Hey, dont' judge us all based on the actions of this guy! I mean, I don't judge all Americans based on the actions of George bush or the two teenagers at Columbine.

Yeah, that Jesus camp is scary! Sort of like the Taliban of christianity.
What worries me about these type of people is they seem eager to keep the conflict with the Islamic world ( amongst other groups as well) going or intensify it.
It's too bad people couldn't take the good that exists in all religion and live their lives according to that.
I went to Pentecostal church one time and that was enough for me...It was like a trip to the lunatic assylum. *LOL*
That's exactly my point.
baumgarten said:
Kimveer Gill was a Sikh? Seriously? A vampire who's not a neopagan or an atheist? You must be referring to someone else.

But come to think of it, I guess he too was a religious fanatic in his own right.

The name is a dead giveaway.

edit: just realised if he was of Indian origin he would be mentioned in an Indian newspaper.

And I was right. :cool:
WASHINGTON: Kimveer Gill, a youth of Sikh origin, went on a shooting spree on Wednesday, killing one and injuring 19 before he was shot dead.

Canada has a large Sikh population, including many second and third generation Sikhs descended from forbears who came to the country’s western shores almost a century ago. They are typically well-integrated into Canada’s multi-cultural society and have strong community affiliations.

But peers described Gill as a loner who had no friends. In one of his blog entries, Gill himself says he is not a "people person". A neighbour said Gill never had visitors and would always dress in black.
tiassa said:
Wait a minute ... you're on to something, CC. Seriously, what about a reality show set at a Christian boarding school? It could be called, "Seeking the Light", or something like that. I mean, wow. A bunch of socially underdeveloped and intellectually constricted students trying to act natural for the camera? Of course, that would alienate Christians all the more, especially the students on the reality show; if they had any secular friends, well, you know how friends never let you forget about embarrassing the hell out of yourself. ("Hey, remember that time you kissed that kid on TV and then cried and begged Jesus for forgiveness?")

Jesus, King of Ratings & Environs.

It would destroy Chirstianity as we know it today... it can't lose. Put it back to back with some science show and rock on.
Scarry stuff, sick demented, delusional, and outright dangerous.

Key words in that short film:

God's Army
Give your life to Jesus
Pledge aligeance to the christian flag? What the hell is this about!

Key Generation to Jesus coming back
Life-taped to their mouth, but yet they preach hate.

Fucking retards!.
Godless said:
Scarry stuff, sick demented, delusional, and outright dangerous.

Key words in that short film:

God's Army
Give your life to Jesus
Pledge aligeance to the christian flag? What the hell is this about!

Key Generation to Jesus coming back
Life-taped to their mouth, but yet they preach hate.

Fucking retards!.

Yes Godless, retards is right! They remind me of the same crowd that follow preachers like Donnie Swaggert (Jimmys son)...preaching hate disguised as love..unbelievable.
Ah well, as far as I can see all the abrahamic faiths have no shortage of cruelties and harshness within them...enough to supply mentally ill people with all the fuel they need to follow a "sick" vision of God.
What makes me laugh is when reporters always say they are 'perverting" the religion...they are not. They are simply embracing the dark side that exists within them.