Jesus' Brother


Registered Senior Member
Okay, so Don has posted a few times on this, but neither gave a link to a story or the actual story...

A limestone burial box, almost 2,000 years old, may provide the oldest archeological record of Jesus of Nazareth, several experts announced Monday.

The ossuary, as the bone boxes are known, dates to A.D. 63 and has an inscription in Aramaic which translates to: "James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus," said Andre Lemaire, an expert in ancient writing who identified the box in Jerusalem last spring.

(later in article...)
Two scientists from the Israeli government's geological survey tested the box last month, inspecting the surface patina and inscription under a microscope. They concurred that the object is more than 19 centuries old, the archaeology magazine reported.

(later in article...)
Lemaire said out of hundreds of such boxes found with Aramaic writing only two contain mentions of a brother. From this, scholars infer that the brother was noted only when he was someone important.

James, Joseph and Jesus were common names in ancient Jerusalem, a city of about 40,000 residents. Lemaire estimates there could have been as many as 20 Jameses in the city with brothers named Jesus and fathers named Joseph.

Any links or additional information on this?

For such an incredibly important discovery I cannot find a single link.

Sorry, but my skeptic's hackles have already started rising.

I don't find this shocking at all, it's about time that some evidence of the man Jesus was found.
But was James really a common name in Jerusalem back then? Isn't that a very American name?
I used to have a limestone box way older than this one that had ancien-looking runes on the top and had some bones inside. I got it from my grandmother, who said that her grandmother’s grandmother’s grandmother had passed it on, claiming that the box had "mojo, big time." I'm not superstitious, so I gave the bones to my dog as a treat, and I now use the box to hold my Dale Earnhardt Memorabilia collection.

For the helluvit, I photographed the inscription on the top and had it translated by a biblical scholar at Emory University in Atlanta. The translation came back:
  • "Yeshua, bastard son of Mary, and brother of James. Really a good boy, but no one understood his life of self-sacrifice, his unconditional love, and his physical sense of humor. Tragic consequences when he urinated on the leg of Pontius Pilate, and told the Governor of all Judaea that it was raining."
I wonder what the heck that could mean?!?!?

Really. If I bury a copy of Gone With The Wind, and it is dug out of the ground two thousand years from now, does it prove there was ever a Rhett Butler and Scarlett O'Hara?

I might still have that box around... I'll go look.


Youth is the first victim of war - the first fruit of peace.
It takes 20 years or more of peace to make a man;
it takes only 20 seconds of war to destroy him.
  • -- King Boudewijn I, King of Belgium (1934-1993)
Liar, liar, pants on fire!
Your story lost credibility just when it got the giving of bones to the dog part. Even if you didn't care about the bones, you must surely care about the health and wellbeing of you dog and don't give it something you don't where it came from and how old it is, to chew on, would you?!
Originally posted by Bebelina
I don't find this shocking at all, it's about time that some evidence of the man Jesus was found.
But was James really a common name in Jerusalem back then? Isn't that a very American name?

I am more concern about Son of God, having a brother? So if God had two sons........then they both were God? According to christianity offcourse, then it will get little more complicated. I assure you that soon or later it will turn out to be just some "other" James and Jesus. It is a good find but making a big deal out of it, is just extreme.
Markx: supposedly Jesus was born of the virgin Mary, who married Joseph so as to not get in trouble for giving birth to a bastard. (she could be stoned to death for this)

Later on, Mary and Joseph had more kids in the conventional way.

But there's one thing wrong here: supposedly Jesus had an older brother. What's up with that?
Something wrong in the translation?

Jesus? Would it not have been Yeshua, Joshua, or some variant thereof? Or is it merely a "simplification" for the public?

Tiassa :cool:
Re: Something wrong in the translation?

Originally posted by tiassa
Jesus? Would it not have been Yeshua, Joshua, or some variant thereof? Or is it merely a "simplification" for the public?

Tiassa :cool:
and it probably remains a simplification for the public;)
Update: Ain't gonna happen

Jesus artefact "a fake" (BBC)
But Israel's Antiquities Authority said its own investigation carried out by several committees of experts concluded the inscription was fake.

"The inscription appears new, written in modernity by someone attempting to reproduce ancient written characters," it said in a statement.
Just thought I'd break the news.

Tiassa :cool: