Jesus born out of incest!!!


Registered Member
Consider this. If we are all children of God and Mary is Jesus’ mother then was Jesus born out of incest? After all was it not God who got her pregnant?
oxypunk101 said:
Consider this. If we are all children of God and Mary is Jesus’ mother then was Jesus born out of incest? After all was it not God who got her pregnant?
Jesus aka God aka Holy spirit aka Holy trinity are supposedly one and the same entity,so in fact God knocked up this virgin that gave birth to God and eventualy had to sacrifice himself to himself to save us from his wrath. :rolleyes:
dont ask me why it makes sense to religious folks.
jesus and god is not the same thing
jesus is the son of god

as to the op yes we are all born of incest but not because of jesus and mary but because of adam and eve
Even if it wasn't incest, Jesus was certainly a bastard. That's supposed to make people go to hell, isn't it?
Well hell with that! Long before that, people are all suposed to be descendents of Adam and Eve. That makes us all inbreeds, including Jesus and his mother (and possibly human father). I even made a thread about it before I noticed yours

And when Noah made his little boat, all other humans died? So we have another case on inbreeding.
whos ah yous kaling inbred, we's in redneck kuntree, dont inbreed wit our sisters, we's has sex n babies just like everyone else. and gawd nose zit.
So then he wasnt born out of incest because he didnt exist? Nahh, ill go with the cuban theory :p