Jesus as Life Coach?


Valued Senior Member
Ever notice what kind of books are sold in the self-help section of your local bookstore? The new buzz word is 'life coaching' and its primarily about attaining prosperity and partnership.

In other words, how to get rich and find a good mate.

Ive noticed TV evangelists are started to get into the act too, giving themselves a hernia trying to twist scripture into allegorical directives for current ideals of 'success'.

I thought this dissection of exactly how its done is brilliant. Watch!
Hahahahaha, that's really funny because I've been told I can't be hypnotised.
Some people make me question my stance on the righteousness of Capital Punishment.
I'd be interested in seeing if Hinn can do that with schizophrenics.

I was told by a professional hypnotist that the only people who cant be hypnotized are schizos and people with a very high IQ.

"All these crutches...but not a single glass eye or a toupee"
-George Bernard Shaw at Lourdes.
M*W: GBS, he da man!