Jesus and Zach


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
If at any time between 2 and 7 pm Eastern Time(North America) you prayed to Jesus for whatever reason then most likely it fell on deaf ears. According to Masters golf winner Zach Johnson, Jesus was with him during that time period. Sorry if Jesus wasn't around to protect your loved ones should they have died unnecessarily on a battlefield or elsewhere this afternoon. Jesus had better fish to fry, get Zach that green jacket.

When interviewed Zach was quick to point out that Jesus was with him today and he owed his success to his savior who did everything except carry his clubs. Jesus likes golf I guess, plus a multitude of other sports and to see him getting thanked everytime a Christian wins at sports causes me to wonder about Jesus' priorities. You'd think Vegas oddsmakers would take into acount whether an athlete is a Christian or not if this trend conrinues.

Now Zach probably considers himself a fine Christian lad and more than likely didn't think he could win without divine intervention. What do those other Christian golfers think when Jesus doesn't help them win?

I have some questions for all you Christians out there regarding Zach's claim. Did Zach commit a big sin by giving Jesus credit for his victory? Did Zach take this personal savior stuff too far? Is he for the lack of a good word...fucked up?
Now Zach probably considers himself a fine Christian lad and more than likely didn't think he could win without divine intervention. What do those other Christian golfers think when Jesus doesn't help them win?

Only one person at a time can win a given golf tournament.