jesus and school


The All Knowing.. I think
Registered Senior Member
over the years at school the fundies would come at the end of the day and pass out bibles at school can they do that?

some other unrelated thoughts. I thought of a way to cut down on bandwith, when someone goes to start a new thread make them go to the search page first then they might search for what there about to post before they start a thread.
another thing ive noticed there are like 6000 + members and only a few of them post.

edited for spelling
How about they pass out the newest Star Trek book (some people worship Star Trek)

What's wrong with passing out bibles? It wouldn't be illegal or against school policy because they are not forcing anyone to pray or even open the book.

Those 6000+ members are the one's that aren't hogging all the bandwith...look at the members with 3000+ posts they've probably taken the most.
(Perhaps this thread should be in Religion? Just a thought.) :)

Hey, people pass out Bibles at my school too. It was only the New Testament though (cheap bastards) :D. I wanted one! :mad: I think it's illegal though...or at least frowned upon. All in all, it's better than those Jehovah's Witnesses stalking you on the subway. :eek:

J. Witness: "BELIEVE!!!"
*thrusts a pamphlet at me*
Me: "Ok, ok!"
*J. Witness stomps off and begins harrassing an elderly couple*
J. Witness: "BELIEVE!!!"

I didnt say anything was wrong with it I didnt know if they were supposed to be doing that. althought I dont like the idea because school is for learning math and what not, not a place for fictional pepole.
the thing about the 6000+ members and bandwith was not related but yeah your right about that.
yes prehaps it should be in religion i was going to but for some reason I did not.
I didnt say anything was wrong with it I didnt know if they were supposed to be doing that.
*shrug* It's not allowed here, that's all I know. :) Something to do with the damn Constitution...? :D "Freedom of religion", meh. :)

althought I dont like the idea because school is for learning math and what not, not a place for fictional pepole.
"Fictional people"...ouch. :)

You should have told them they were gay.
*shudder* Nah, one thing I've learned is never to talk or argue with a religious person. Or tell them they're gay, unless it's some sort of gay cult...Either way, it's dangerous. :eek: :D
A reply to Grazzhoppa

What's wrong with passing out bibles? It wouldn't be illegal or against school policy because they are not forcing anyone to pray or even open the book.

SO your saying that if pro-pornography groups want to hand out copies of HUSTLER magazine to children after school, it would be OK. No one would force them to open the magazine. Of course not. There are laws against that. The childrens psychological welfare is at stake. Religious literature should be regulated in the exact same way. Exposing someone to religious literature before their 18th birthday should be punishable by law. Such a practice is oppurtunist and takes advantage of young minds. But, of course, how ELSE are you going to be able to instill a life long fear of opposing a particular belief? Mabye it is time to wake up.
pornography is not an accepted form of media in todays society (probably won't ever be) but religion is. Being that most people have a religion and most people do not look at pornography in public, it's safe to say that it's not okay to hand porno to kids. Looking at pictures is different than reading and understanding words. The only thing that handing out bibles to children will do is give them religious tolerance of others, and that's not a bad thing at all.

Besides, it's illegal to do throw pornography at kids...handing out bibles is covered under freedom of religion in the constitution.
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not to be off topic, but one of my friends, who says he's a satanist, i think he just wants to scare people, but thats off topic, he was at his house and a couple of witnesses came up to him, and he opened the door and he was wearing this cradle of filth shirt *brittish death metal band* that had a picture of a nun masturbating on the front and said "jesus is a cunt" on the back.

they just left. ;)

*reformedtopunk does not officially condone that type of behavior, but god damn its funny*
a post from a member that has more than 3000 posts

Originally posted by grazzhoppa
pornography is not an accepted form of media in todays society (probably won't ever be) but religion is.
anyone asked if it is accepted by me?

Being that most people have a religion and most people do not look at pornography in public

Looking at pictures is different than reading and understanding words
you're totally right- one picture is worth a thousand words:)

The only thing that handing out bibles to children will do is give them religious tolerance of others, and that's not a bad thing at all.
oh really? :Dwhere was that said in the bible that your duty is to kill all the sorcerers and force others to believe like you...?;) :bugeye:

Besides, it's illegal to do throw pornography at kids
that's why bible handing out should be made illegal too
it's a threat to ones intellect- especially children

handing out bibles is covered under freedom of religion in the constitution.
it would be a real freedom if the same people gave also hindu, muslin, jewish and local pagan belief books

*reformedtopunk does not officially condone that type of behavior, but god damn its funny*
dude is cool:cool:
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Originally posted by grazzhoppa
pornography is not an accepted form of media in todays society (probably won't ever be) but religion is. Being that most people have a religion and most people do not look at pornography in public, it's safe to say that it's not okay to hand porno to kids. Looking at pictures is different than reading and understanding words. The only thing that handing out bibles to children will do is give them religious tolerance of others, and that's not a bad thing at all.

Besides, it's illegal to do throw pornography at kids...handing out bibles is covered under freedom of religion in the constitution.

"Accepted form of media" and "most people" have nothing to do with it:

Amendment 1: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Not to mention that the categorization of "pornographic" is rather subjective. After all, I've yet to see an article in Playboy advocating the killing of children and rape. If the censors ever took their red pen to the Bible there'd be almost nothing left.

The thing about fundies is that they claim their own right to freedom of the press and freedom of religion while trying to deny others the same rights. I wonder how the Bible tossing fundies would feel about the local coven or Satanist cult distributing some pamphlets amongst the student population.

I wonder how the Bible tossing fundies would feel about the local coven or Satanist cult distributing some pamphlets amongst the student population.
good idea- tell that to your friend, reformedtopunk:D