Jesus and other religions


Registered Senior Member
I noticed that several topics show the simularities of Christian belief to others... (im not a very good speller so please endure with that)

...I figured it would be better to for people to see this if it had its own thread.

A lot of Christian beliefs where shapped, even after Jesus' death, to create a simularity to other religions (from Lore to Peganism). This is because their effort was to convert them. example: Christ was not born Dec 25th. He was born around May-June. They changed it because there where several religions, some even pagen.

One example of Christmas is the Christmas tree. This is accually a tradition of the Celts. The evangulists used this to convert them to Christians.


Any comments are okay, this is just an informat on why christianity is structured the way it is. Apparently its keep hidden from even it own people. I didnt know this till i was about 17, and it wasnt from a believer.
All modern religions can be shown to have ties to earlier mythology camphlps the faithful just refuse to admit it ;)
I cant think of any to "go" with Greek Mythology. But i dont know all religion nor do i know all mythology, so im sure that a possibility
I cant think of any to "go" with Greek Mythology. But i dont know all religion nor do i know all mythology, so im sure that a possibility

Greek/Roman Mythology is based on Babylonian and Sumerian Mythology. And if you meant Greek/Roman Mythology going with Christianity, it's a bit different as one is polytheisic and the other is monotheisic. However, even in Greek/Roman Mythology, there was the Underworld (hell) ruled by the God Hades/Pluto (Satan) and Persephone (Saddam) [heh, sorry, South Park movie flashbacks]. There's a couple myths that are similar as well but I can't name any off the top of my head right now as I'm a little rusty with Greek and Roman mythology. I've been reading too much Middle Eastern mythology as of late.

- N
camphlps said:
I cant think of any to "go" with Greek Mythology.

Norse mythology for starters....very similar to Greek in it's deities and many stories.
do some research on the web first then you have back up on what you say instead of appearing ridiculous.
Campphelps inversely speaking, The Christian interpretation of Christ has segregated them from other religions since its beginning. The great irony being that his intentions in print, seem pacifistic in nature, yet the aftermath of his stories have brought great misery to the world. A man who has come to be a symbol of love by many, including Christians has instead been the justification for death and destruction and daily social friction in many lives.

The defintion of Irony is when the literal intrepretion is opposite of expressed one.

Jesus could be a prefect example of irony.

What if Jesus was a word for love compassion and acceptance and his ideas were more important than the interpretation of his being?
Misery? I doubt that. Even when people are broken down in life their spirits have never been higher...Christians have a "General" good impact on populous.
Example: A church my father ministers takes one Sunday a month to visit the Elderly in one of those special homes they have for them. He believes that they are "forgotten" and he is not as much concerned about converting them as to bring them a little joy. The elderly people really like our youth...just to bring a happy day to someone else...

I would not call their impact misery, but i cant rule out that some do not take it possitively and some probably do suffer from us. I cant think of any off the top of my head, but I do see the possibility and the probability