Jesus and Mary should have died according to God's Law


Registered Senior Member
According to God's Law, Jesus should have been sacrificed for being the first born male and Mary should have been killed for having a child with God out of wedlock.

Because of that, the entire NT is based on the life and teachings of a blasphemer who violated God's Law. Clearly, that makes the NT the text from which blasphemers will train themselves. To those who support the OT, the NT is rubbish.

As I've metioned many times before, the presentation of Jesus to the Lord was just that, presenting him to the Lord. The new testament describes this.
Originally posted by GodLied
According to God's Law, Jesus should have been sacrificed for being the first born male and Mary should have been killed for having a child with God out of wedlock.

Because of that, the entire NT is based on the life and teachings of a blasphemer who violated God's Law. Clearly, that makes the NT the text from which blasphemers will train themselves. To those who support the OT, the NT is rubbish.


GodLied, we must be on the same frequency. Recently you've posted a few things that I just got through reading! You beat me to it! Well done!
Please stop spreading lies

originally posted by GodLied
According to God's Law, Jesus should have been sacrificed for being the first born male and Mary should have been killed for having a child with God out of wedlock.
The interpretation of the custom of redeeming the first-born as a modification of an older custom of sacrificing the first-born sons in connection with the Passover feast, has no foundation in history. There are instances in later times attesting not only the custom of sacrificing children, but also the fact that at times the first-born was preferred as a victim (II Kings iii. 27; Micah vi. 7; Ezek. xx. 26); but there is nowhere a trace of the demand of such a "blood-tax" on the part of the Deity or Lawgiver from the people, and its existence is unknown even among the Canaanites.

- JewishEncyclopedia: Primogeniture (the first-born)
(Also see my post in "Will you vote for God".)

Jesus was born of God's Spirit. You might believe it couldn't be, but remember that's your own belief. Joseph thought about leaving Mary precisely because he thought she had dishonoured him. According to the Bible, they were betrothed, which
...was definite and binding upon both groom and bride, who were considered as man and wife in all legal and religious aspects, except that of actual cohabitation.

The term "betrothal" in Jewish law must not be understood in its modern sense; that is, the agreement of a man and a woman to marry, by which the parties are not, however, definitely bound, but which may be broken or dissolved without formal divorce. Betrothal or engagement such as this is not known either to the Bible or to the Talmud.

The root ("to betroth"), from which the Talmudic abstract ("betrothal") is derived, must be taken in this sense; i.e., to contract an actual though incomplete marriage. In two of the passages in which it occurs the betrothed woman is directly designated as "wife" (II Sam. iii. 14, "my wife whom I have betrothed" ("erasti"), and Deut. xxii. 24, where the betrothed is designated as "the wife of his neighbor"). In strict accordance with this sense the rabbinical law declares that the betrothal is equivalent to an actual marriage and only to be dissolved by a formal divorce.

- JewishEncyclopedia: Betrothal.
Jesus was thus not born "out of wedlock" as you say. The real issue was whether he was Joseph's child or not, which was resolved by the angel Gabriel.

Medicine*Woman, shame on you for supporting such lies. If you really were a "catechism teacher" as you claim, you should have known these things.
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Re: Please stop spreading lies

Originally posted by Jenyar
(Also see my post in "Will you vote for God".)

Jesus was born of God's Spirit. You might believe it couldn't be, but remember that's your own belief. Joseph thought about leaving Mary precisely because he thought she had dishonoured him. According to the Bible, they were betrothed, which

Jesus was thus not born "out of wedlock" as you say. The real issue was whether he was Joseph's child or not, which was resolved by the angel Gabriel.

Medicine*Woman, shame on you for supporting such lies. If you really were a "catechism teacher" as you claim, you should have known these things.

Jenyar, once more, and hopefully for the last time, I have read and reread the Bible. I have been a devout Catholic in the past. I did teach catachism. I know how xianity interprets all these things. Just because I choose not to accept these teachings based on xian interpretation any longer doesn't mean that I haven't learned them or do not agree with some of them. There is only one thing we need to know and that is the One Spirit of God dwells within all of us.
Re: Re: Please stop spreading lies

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
There is only one thing we need to know and that is the One Spirit of God dwells within all of us.
No problem, MW. As long as the fruit of that belief is love and not hatred.
According to God's Law, Jesus should have been sacrificed for being the first born male
What are you talking about? What law required Jesus to have been sacrificed?

Mary should have been killed for having a child with God out of wedlock
Again, what law are you talking about? There is no such law in the Bible.
Re: Re: Re: Please stop spreading lies

Originally posted by Jenyar
No problem, MW. As long as the fruit of that belief is love and not hatred.

The "fruit" of God dwelling in us is positive energy, therefore, what would come out of us would be anything positive. It's when WE, and I mean WE, replace the positive energy of God with either a vacuum of nothingness or with negative energy which, of course, is not God. It is totally within our own power as humans to make these choices for ourselves. God (positive energy) only makes them available. Any punishment coming from our living in a vacuum or with negativity is of our own doing, not God's punishing us.
Originally posted by GodLied
According to God's Law, Jesus should have been sacrificed for being the first born male and Mary should have been killed for having a child with God out of wedlock.

Because of that, the entire NT is based on the life and teachings of a blasphemer who violated God's Law. Clearly, that makes the NT the text from which blasphemers will train themselves. To those who support the OT, the NT is rubbish.


I'm looking back at my resources to find what the law says about these infractions. From what I remember about the law, Mary would have been stoned to death. My source was Talmudic.
Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
I'm looking back at my resources to find what the law says about these infractions. From what I remember about the law, Mary would have been stoned to death. My source was Talmudic.
I've already posted the relevent information from the Jewish Encyclopedia (see above). I just wonder whether anybody bothered to read it...
I've already posted the relevent information from the Jewish Encyclopedia.
Why are you quoting from a textbook written by humans as if it has some kind of divine authority. The word of God is contained in the Bible and only in the Bible.
Originally posted by Laser Eyes
Why are you quoting from a textbook written by humans as if it has some kind of divine authority. The word of God is contained in the Bible and only in the Bible.
Erm, excuse me, but the Bible contains customs and rituals that were practised outside its pages. by human beings. And they are the best people to ask if you want to be sure how the Bible was understood.

When you read in the Bible Joseph and Mary were "betrothed", you might think it means the same as a modern day engagement at first glance. I proved that it doesn't. I know that taking care of misunderstandings about definitions is only half the battle, but I can't force them to believe Jesus was not conceived biologically but by the Holy Spirit, as the Bible states. But at least now they can't say Jesus was illegitimate.

Or worse, like GodLied here, some think that redeeming a first-born son and sacrificing him over an altar is the same thing. Which is also a lie.

Some things in the Bible contain implicit information, and you just don't get this kind of background information from the Bible itself. Besides, the Jews would never enforce anything that wasn't made explicit in the Bible in some way or another.

If you want the original Biblical references, visit the source I quoted from - you'll see each statement has a refernce.
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Re: Re: Jesus and Mary should have died according to God's Law

Originally posted by Jenyar
I've already posted the relevent information from the Jewish Encyclopedia (see above). I just wonder whether anybody bothered to read it...

The information you posted is relevant to YOUR POSITION, but it is not relevant to mine.
Re: Re: Jesus and Mary should have died according to God's Law

Originally posted by Jenyar
I've already posted the relevent information from the Jewish Encyclopedia (see above). I just wonder whether anybody bothered to read it...

An encyclopedia is not the source. The source is the Old Testament. If God's laws from the OT show Mary should have been stoned, she should have been. If God's laws show Jesus conception from a third party, God, results in violations of God's laws by God himself, God is his own best sinner.

Sinners go to Hell. Since God violates his own laws at least twice, He is a habitual sinner. His punishment might be being condemned to Hell under Satan's rath.

So much for the war between good and evil. God sends himself to Hell by breaking his own laws to be where his favorite food, fire, exists. God's choice to submit to Satan in a hellish environment makes one wonder if God is therefore into S&M?

So your position has no relevance to Jewish authority or the Bible, is that correct?

Well then, why don't you quote us the verses which condemns God for starting life?
Jenyar, for your aid and the benefit of those lost souls seeking comprehension to the madness of the Holy Bible, I will write a condensed version of the Holy Bible and show how it disproves God. Either I will sell it on E-bay or offer it at the local book store.

Have a great Day!


Originally posted by Jenyar

Well then, why don't you quote us the verses which condemns God for starting life? [/B]
Originally posted by Jenyar
So your position has no relevance to Jewish authority or the Bible, is that correct?
M*W: Regarding Jewish law and the OT, the only authority I would consider learning from would be a Rabbi. When I have posted comments regarding Judaism or the OT, I have gotten my information from a Hebrew-speaking Rabbi. I don't believe anyone else can interpret the OT correctly.

Well then, why don't you quote us the verses which condemns God for starting life?