Jesus and God; Hercules and Zeus


Registered Senior Member
Jesus is to God as Hercules is to Zeus. However, people worship Jesus and few if any worship Hercules. Some think Jesus is God but nobody thinks Hercules is Zeus.

Just as Greek mythology is false from its false theory of everything, the entire Holy Bible is false from its fraudulent theory of everything.

All religions based on the Holy Bible are mythical religions.

Originally posted by GodLied
Some think Jesus is God but nobody thinks Hercules is Zeus.

That's because the original statement is not true. The Jesus/God relationship is absolutely nothing like the Hercules/Jove relationship.

By the way, if you must write "Zeus," then you should use the name "Heracles," not "Hercules". It's a matter of consistency; "Zeus" and "Heracles" are Greek appellations whereas "Juppiter" and "Hercules" are the Latin ones.

Originally posted by GodLied
Just as Greek mythology is false from its false theory of everything, the entire Holy Bible is false from its fraudulent theory of everything.

That has to be one of the most awfully tautological sentences that I've ever read.

Godlied, why do you not desist in this relentless disparagement of Christianity? Most of your incessant slandering is unfounded anyhow.
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No worse than the multitude of religious fanatics who force their beliefs down your throat. If you don't subscribe you're instantly classed as evil/devil etc and told you're gonna spend eternity in hell. Frankly if one can do it, so can everyone else.
You're right of course, but i don't think we can really deny anyone their "god given" right to freedom of speech :D know what just hit me? You're the run-of-the-mill program that boots up after a thinking mind turns its back on its god.

You're stalker, Godlied. That's what you're doing- this program has you stalking God.

And I would know. Same thing happened to me. Currently trying to get out of nested loops.

why do you not desist in this relentless disparagement of Christianity? Most of your incessant slandering is unfounded anyhow.
Now, did you or did you not promise you'd give up the logorrhea?
I don't see how that statement is logorrhea. It isn't very long-winded or excessive. Well . . . I don't know . . .
Say Redoubtable:
don't see how that statement is logorrhea. It isn't very long-winded or excessive. Well . . . I don't know . .

Right on.


But wouldn't you agree that Godlied truly is stalking God?
Re: Re: Jesus and God; Hercules and Zeus

Originally posted by Redoubtable
By the way, if you must write "Zeus," then you should use the name "Heracles," not "Hercules". It's a matter of consistency; "Zeus" and "Heracles" are Greek appellations whereas "Juppiter" and "Hercules" are the Latin ones.


In MYTH OF THE GREEKS AND ROMANS by Michael Grant, copyright 1962: Hercules and Heracles are one in the same. Therefore, Hercules is Zeus son. Since Jesus is supposed to be God's son birthed by Virgin Mary, Jesus and Hercules are sons of gods. Thus Jesus: God :: Hercules : Zeus. In ancient history Hercules was worshipped. In modern history Jesus is worshipped. I do not know how many people, if any, currently worship Hercules. Some God Lovers think of Jesus as God. Although Hercules was worshipped, he was not thought of as Zeus.

The next time you attempt to slam me, cite your source. For now I will allow for your ignorance.

Originally posted by gendanken
Say Redoubtable:


But wouldn't you agree that Godlied truly is stalking God?

How can one stalk an illusion in the minds of others?

Re: Re: Jesus and God; Hercules and Zeus

Originally posted by Redoubtable
Godlied, why do you not desist in this relentless disparagement of Christianity? Most of your incessant slandering is unfounded anyhow.

For you to consider my citations from the Holy Bible to be unfounded slander is to say the the Holy Bible is itself a pile of lies. Since religions following the Holy Bible find it to be the word of God, you then agree that the word of God is strewn with lies.

Now I have proven my point with you and all who agree with you. God lied and he therefore did not perform acts of creation nor does he even exist except as an illusion in some individual's imagination.

Be a good God lover by keeping him close to your heart as your imaginary friend who will comfort you just as some imaginary friends comfort children.

You are some extraordinary dick, man. You think I believe in God? Have you ever read my posts?

Besides, almost all your citations are from the Old Testament, which is obsolete in the eyes of Christians.
Re: Re: Re: Jesus and God; Hercules and Zeus

Originally posted by GodLied
In MYTH OF THE GREEKS AND ROMANS by Michael Grant, copyright 1962: Hercules and Heracles are one in the same. Therefore, Hercules is Zeus son. Since Jesus is supposed to be God's son birthed by Virgin Mary, Jesus and Hercules are sons of gods. Thus Jesus: God :: Hercules : Zeus. In ancient history Hercules was worshipped. In modern history Jesus is worshipped. I do not know how many people, if any, currently worship Hercules. Some God Lovers think of Jesus as God. Although Hercules was worshipped, he was not thought of as Zeus.
For now I will allow for your ignorance.

My IGNORANCE!?!? You pitiable, odious malingerer, you repellant dullard, you call me ignorant on the topic of Classical Mythology? You beastly, sordid, mongoloid churl, you want me to cite a source? How about my superior knowledge in this field, you subhuman, contemptible swine!?
If you knew a whit about the subject you so readily discourse upon, you'd make some attempt to keep Roman with Roman and Greek with Greek! In case you hadn't realized it, they weren't the same fucking people!
Besides, you loathsome, noxious cretin, you should've been comparing Asclepius, son of Apollo, to Jesus. They were both healers, the sons of benevolent deities, and slain by the will of of a god for the good of the cosmos. Heracles was not a healer, but a constantly enraged killer, and not slain by the volition of a god, but taken to Olympus under the auspices of merciful Zeus.

Now keep your snide rejoinders to yourself you degenerate, craven scum!
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Heracles: Good fight!

Jesus: Are they defending me?

Zeus: Yup

Jesus: Who's winning?

Zeus: Toss up. They're saying the heathens are stalking you.

Heracles: Jesus! Why do you have to hord the fucking popcorn?

Medea notices Odin: Hey, that god looks cute! *Strokes his tool*

Odin to Medea: Get your fucking hands off my rod you murderous wench! I'm saving myself for Mary...soon as Jesus has finished with her.

Mary lifts her head from Jesus's lap.

Medea smiles: OOh incest ;)
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To Godlied: Why are you comparing Jesus to god as hercules to Zeus? Jesus actually lived, god is unknowable and the others are well...imaginary.
Quote: Surely if you make a statement like that, you are required to prove it? So... go for it.


Well if I have to.:( There was Flavius Josephus, the jewish historian, who wrote an account of the life of Jesus but since Josephus was born AD37 his account is really only heresay and not actual proof. Let me see... *thinking*...ah okay, here is an excerpt from J.P Holding's The Reliability of the Secular References to Jesus (

"Here is a full quote of the cite of our concern, from Annals 15.44. Jesus and the Christians are mentioned in an account of how the Emperor Nero went after Christians in order to draw attention away from himself after Rome's fire of 64 AD:

But not all the relief that could come from man, not all the bounties that the prince could bestow, nor all the atonements which could be presented to the gods, availed to relieve Nero from the infamy of being believed to have ordered the conflagration, the fire of Rome. Hence to suppress the rumor, he falsely charged with the guilt, and punished Christians, who were hated for their enormities. Christus, the founder of the name, was put to death by Pontius Pilate, procurator of Judea in the reign of Tiberius: but the pernicious superstition, repressed for a time broke out again, not only through Judea, where the mischief originated, but through the city of Rome also, where all things hideous and shameful from every part of the world find their center and become popular. Accordingly, an arrest was first made of all who pleaded guilty; then, upon their information, an immense multitude was convicted, not so much of the crime of firing the city, as of hatred against mankind."

There is no proof about the Nazarene's existence that cannot be refuted by someone, so maybe he did not live, but I am inclined to believe he did. I am inclined to believe that there is enough evidence that he did live according to Roman records that cite him as a nuisance:D What I do not believe however is that he is the son of god (not anymore than anyone else), that he created a new religion (we can all thank the troublemaker Paul for that), that he turned his back on his religion (born a mosaic jew died a mosaic jew), or that he gave a diddly-squat about anyone who was not a jew.
Originally posted by Redoubtable
Besides, almost all your citations are from the Old Testament, which is obsolete in the eyes of Christians.
Christians might dislike the Old Testament and Jews do not like the New Testament. To Baptists Jesus is God. To Methodists Jesus is God's son. To Catholics Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit are one in the same. To Jews Jesus is a false messiah. All share God as their god. Which group is right, which is wrong? Are they all wrong? Decide for yourself.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Jesus and God; Hercules and Zeus

Originally posted by Redoubtable
...How about my superior knowledge in this field, you subhuman, contemptible swine!? ...

Redoubtable remains doubtable for Redoubtable has yet to cite a source in firm agreement with the superior knowledge of Redoubtable which feeds doubt of Redoubtable's doubtable comments. By all means, cite your superior source.
