jesse ventura conspiracy theory

It's a load of horseshit. It's conspiracy theorist's fap material.

that gets me no where.. i wonder what parts of this are true.. and what are not.. he makes a few good points in there tho.. no doubt some of the "facts" are made up but not all

ok im just wondereing about this show.. how much of this is true. the asian guy who made the accusations that the VP was told the plane was x miles out.. and so on

and if it was actually extrodised out of the logs

The dialog recounted by Norman Mineta is official about mystery plane being so many miles from target.

However, it, like many other things, was excluded from the 9/11 Whitewash Report.

that gets me no where.. i wonder what parts of this are true.. and what are not.. he makes a few good points in there tho.. no doubt some of the "facts" are made up but not all

Well, if he is referring to the Mineta testimony, then MacGyver is the one full of shit.
The bulk of that episode concentrates on the controversial theory that something other than Flight 77 hit the Pentagon. One could go in many directions from there.

I found the account of the young woman who was in what she thought was a bomb blast particularly interesting. People from the Pentagon met her in her hospital room a few hours later to make sure she understood that it was a plane that hit the pentagon, not a bomb. It's their way of saying "Get well soon!" apparently.
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that gets me no where.. i wonder what parts of this are true.. and what are not.. he makes a few good points in there tho.. no doubt some of the "facts" are made up but not all

Well...ok. I've been studying 9/11 conspiracy theories for about 3 years...let's go over a couple:

1. A missile hit the pentagon. Flight 77 flew directly over a crowded highway in broad daylight, and was seen by hundreds of people. It hit a cab, and knocked down lightpoles. The largest sub-sonic cruise missile has a wingspan of 20 feet and is 2 feet in diameter....a 757 has a wingspan of around 150 feet. How could witnesses possibly mistake something that is 10 times or more smaller for a commercial jet? How could a missile knock over poles and damage a cab? Why would the "planners" use planes at the WTC and then suddenly switch to a missile at the pentagon?
They also claim there was nothing that looked like a plane at the pentagon...when there are numerous photos of plane debris available. Then you have all of the remains of the victims of the flight that were positively id'ed with DNA testing.

2. Faked phone calls. They state that cell phone calls are impossible on a plane...this is just wrong. They also state that flight 77 didn't have seat-back air-phones...this is also wrong. The human ear is very good at distinguishing voices...especially those were hear alot. There is no technology that can replicate a human voice with such accuracy to fool the human ear....especially in 2001. Then you have the matter of content. One caller on flight 77 gave her loved ones the combination to her wall they could retrieve her will and other important papers. How would they know this? And why even bother faking phone calls? It just adds another layer of complexity to a plan that isn't necessary.

Any others you were wondering about?
Obvious troll is obvious. Try adding something useful to the discussion, instead of trying to derail.

I'm too busy salivating over Jesse "The Body".

On second thought, I did address his initial question about Mineta. I don't recall you doing so.

Oh, well. Ta ta.
WOOO i never said i believed any of this shit.. some of the facts are true is all that i have stated yet everyone is responding as if im 100% certin that it is true
I'm too busy salivating over Jesse "The Body".

On second thought, I did address his initial question about Mineta. I don't recall you doing so.

Oh, well. Ta ta.

Ok. Here is the testimony by Mineta. It's on it was not removed from the record. It's also in front of the 9/11 your idea about it not being included in the report is false.
WOOO i never said i believed any of this shit.. some of the facts are true is all that i have stated yet everyone is responding as if im 100% certin that it is true

Sorry if I came off that way. I'm glad to hear you don't believe this shit.
can you post links for more than the 5 frames that were realeased of the impact?

Show me a missile.

Because photos of the debris taken RIGHT AFTER the event show recognisable aircraft debris that matches the type of aircraft that was highjacked. Witnesses saw the aircraft flying over DC. Nobody saw a missile.

Give up.
Show me a missile.

Because photos of the debris taken RIGHT AFTER the event show recognisable aircraft debris that matches the type of aircraft that was highjacked. Witnesses saw the aircraft flying over DC. Nobody saw a missile.

Give up.

hey now ur twisting what i said i never once implied whatso ever i thought it was a missile.. quit deflecting and show me more video than the 1 five frames.. ontop of that pilots are saying its impossible to control a plain that low at 500 knotts but thats a different issue..
hey now ur twisting what i said i never once implied whatso ever i thought it was a missile.. quit deflecting and show me more video than the 1 five frames.. ontop of that pilots are saying its impossible to control a plain that low at 500 knotts but thats a different issue..

That's the only video from the Pentagon. By the way...those pilots are wrong. Planes do high speed, low-altitude flyovers at aviation shows all the time. One of the "pilot" experts is Rob Balsalmo...a well known figure in the truth movement...not exactly a unbiased source. The other pilot says the wings would tear off at 500 knots...when the VNE is 516 knots. My dad worked for Boeing as a aerospace stress engineer who actually helped design both the 757 and 767. When I asked him about it...he just chuckled at the idea.
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That's the only video from the Pentagon. By the way...those pilots are wrong. Planes do high speed, low-altitude flyovers at aviation shows all the time. One of the "pilot" experts is Rob Balsalmo...a well known figure in the truth movement...not exactly a unbiased source. The other pilot says the wings would tear off at 500 knots...when the VNE is 516 knots. My dad worked for Boeing as a aerospace stress engineer who actually helped design both the 757 and 767. When I asked him about it...he just chuckled at the idea.

thats a nice video... no where close to 500knotts tho it was a cool video tho ohh and every i work with are ex boeing employees

here is another video much closer to 500knott mark

if u skip ahead to 1:20 if a guy was standing infront of that think the point of the fightwer would have hit a 6foot man in the face talk about balls holy fuck