Japanese Manga: Saint Young Men


Valued Senior Member
Ran across this the other day while in a Lawson: 聖☆おにいさん (that's a review).

This Manga (Comic) is about two saints that come to earth and share a flat in Tokyo and have wild and crazy adventures. These dudes being Jesus and Buddha (MoMo would have liked to come and have a party, but, apparently, his followers are so backwards the editors of the Manga would have been blown to bits ....and so he had to stay behind .............. deep in hell).

Funnily, Jesus is a hippy and all happy about hanging in the modern world [mainly because hot chicks think he looks kakui (cooru) ... a bit like Jonny Depp] meanwhile chicks think Buddha looks a bit like Buddha :)-p) and Westerns compare him to a ninja :-D

hahaha... gotta love Japanese... because they make great beer ...................speaking of which.... :)


HAAA! They even have figurines .. pffffff...

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