Japanese girl's opinion on Jews


Valued Senior Member
OK, I was talking to a Japanese girl - her English isn't all that great. Some how we got to talking about all the different religions and I was asking her some question about what she thinks (she's a Buddhist).

To make a long story short when I asked her about Muslims she said: Unn really nice. :)

At some point I said what about Jews.

And get this: She said: I don't like them.

I was :confused:

I said why? Is this something someone told you? She said no it was something she read in school - in Japan.

Now, just what do you suppose she read in her school text book that gave her that opinion?


PS: Note, on the whole she really didn't really think so much about religion, it was more or less a conversation driven by my questions. I may ask her more too :)
PS: Note, on the whole she really didn't really think so much about religion, it was more or less a conversation driven by my questions. I may ask her more too
I'm sure you will, pervert.
Ask her more...about the size of the bras in japan, its all educational experience. Ask her if she would love to go shopping with you so that she shows you the clothes she wears. And than give her a choice of panties...see where it goes, the hand and her gorgeous legs

She wants to know your opinion...on her, self assess her.
Anyway.... if you semi-losers have anything better to contribute - I'm all ears. Oh, and I'll let you know the answer when I get back.
"You want to know about my motivation, don't you? Well. It is the kind of sentiments anyone would have when he actually sees refugees face to face, begging with tears in their eyes. He cannot just help but sympathize with them. Among the refugees were the elderly and women. They were so desperate that they went so far as to kiss my shoes, Yes, I actually witnessed such scenes with my own eyes. Also, I felt at that time, that the Japanese government did not have any uniform opinion in Tokyo. Some Japanese military leaders were just scared because of the pressure from the Nazis; while other officials in the Home Ministry were simply ambivalent.

People in Tokyo were not united. I felt it silly to deal with them. So, I made up my mind not to wait for their reply. I knew that somebody would surely complain about me in the future. But, I myself thought this would be the right thing to do. There is nothing wrong in saving many people's lives....The spirit of humanity, philanthropy...neighborly friendship...with this spirit, I ventured to do what I did, confronting this most difficult situation---and because of this reason, I went ahead with redoubled courage" (sugihara)

in 85, sugihara and his descendants were given perpetual israeli citizenship.


japan and the jews
i, gustav, of some jewish descent, was banned forever by a japanese
that girl must be on to something


fucking haters!
That seems odd. There's a very positive stereotype of jews in China. They're good at business, very well educated and have a strong traditional culture. These are all things the Chinese respect immensely. The Chinese - that is, the ones who know anything about the issue - are also fiercely pro-Israel. They view Palestinian claims to Israeli land and need for independence as similar to Tibetan claims, and thus they will support whatever actions Israel feels it needs to take to ensure it's own survival. Most Chinese are surprised to find out that I don't agree with them on this point. In one conversation about Tibet a girl responded quite confidently that I "wouldn't suggest Israel ought to give Palestinians rights! So why should we give the Tibetans any control?" When I said I thought that is exactly what Israel ought to do she was very confused and accused me of having no pride in my people.

I have definitely benefit being a jew in China. I'm given instant respect as being a scholar and cunning businessman, the latter of which I most certainly am not. The fact that I speak Chinese, among a sea of foreigners who can't speak a word of the language, only confirms their suspicion that jews are smarter. I've had many an introductory conversation that ended up at "so are you Christian then? Jewish? Oh... that explains why you speak Chinese so well after a year."

I guess I just assumed this stereotype held all around Asia. Which was kind of naive of me. If you find out why she thinks that way I'd love to know.
Who knows? Japanese are weird and xenophobic. Ask her if she would marry a black man!
Anyway.... if you semi-losers have anything better to contribute - I'm all ears. Oh, and I'll let you know the answer when I get back.

I've never been to Japan, but I've read from more than one source that many Japanese people have a sort of "What if?" fetish about the Axis winning WWII. The Jews were strongly disliked by Japan's biggest Axis ally. Maybe that has something to do with it? :shrug:
Japan is quite the closed society. They know very little of the world outside their own country other than what they see in the media. Their opinions on such matters is pretty useless.
Tyler: They view Palestinian claims to Israeli land and need for independence as similar to Tibetan claims,

Says a lot in favor of Palestinian claims.

I have met a few Asians who didn't have a lot of positive things to say about Israelis.
well, I'm back, a bit hungover though... also, I watched Terminator Salvation, it was better than I thought it would be, which wasn't much.

Back to the J-girl.

I spoke to her again and there is (1) some language barrier and (2) she's really not interested in talking about religion as this is quite boring.

Anyway, she said she didn't like Jews (now this is a funny translation as I think she means she doesn't like Jews to/or who... think...) because they think they are "special" and God chooses them above all of humanity. So, she says that's not a good way to think and no one is special. She was taught that in her history book. Which is interesting isn't it? It's quite stereotypical. She's from Kobe as well.

She also said she thought Buddhism was better than Christianity because you "don't have to pay money to be Buddhist" :)

funny huh?

RE: Jewish in China,
That's pretty interesting. It's really amazing the sort of "reputation" Jewish people have for being good with money. I actually used to believe that too when I was young. I think someone here (or somewhere) was saying something about being able to buy and sell stocks at the age of 14 or 15 and so it's really about being properly educated. I wish I had, had some classes on stocks etc... when I was young, that'd been a really great class to have. Especially if we could do simulated trade. They probably do now?

anyway... so that was the answer.
Tell her they believe God chooses them to suffer [thats the part that some of them don't acknowledge] and their religious teaching is to heal the world. Maybe she'll see some commonality with Buddhism.
Japan is quite the closed society. They know very little of the world outside their own country other than what they see in the media. Their opinions on such matters is pretty useless.

Sounds like the USA.

Who is more ignorant about the world beyond their borders, the Japanese or Americans?
Yes, I could, but honestly, she's not interested. That's why there's Sciforums, because most people have better things to do - and do them :)

I'll ask her what she thinks (or knows), if anything, about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.