jahovahs witnesses!

I would ask the same questions to all Christian, especially missionaries.
The same can be said of any group that tries to force their aberrant ideas on others. But who is the bigger fool - the one doing the forcing or the gullible victim who succumbs to the salesmanship?
divine sapience: why do you people ruin lives?
M*W: Could you define what you mean by "ruined lives?"
Joeman said:
I would ask the same questions to all Christian, especially missionaries.

Now I can`t answer your question because I find it hard to understand how Christians could ruin your life or any life in that matter.

I would like you to tell me how we (Christians) ruin lives, please.
divine sapience said:
why do you people ruin lives?

I am just curious, how could a Jehovas Witness ruin your life or any life.
It doesn`t bother me that you say that but i don`t understand how jehovahs witnessess could do that. Explain please.

By convincing someone to believe a religious fantasy is so real that they place an unwarrented dependency on something that never delivers. Their lives would have been better had they searched and found real solutions.

Warrior61 said:
I am just curious, how could a Jehovas Witness ruin your life or any life.
Explain please.
not so much my life,but if their kids ever needed blood transfusion these morrons are opposed to it b/c their stupid religious beliefs tells them so.
they would rather let the kid die,
imo they should be charged with murder if a child dies in that case.

maybe they should also be charged with child abuse for not allowing the kid an access to the best in modern medicine.
is that not ruining life?
Cris said:

By convincing someone to believe a religious fantasy is so real that they place an unwarrented dependency on something that never delivers. Their lives would have been better had they searched and found real solutions.


Now I have yet another question>>>>>>>>>>>Are you saying that Christianity is a religious fantasy?

I`m assuming that you are and please give me examples on how it doesn`t deliver, and what would be a real solution.
><> Warrior61
Q25 said:
not so much my life,but if their kids ever needed blood transfusion these morrons are opposed to it b/c their stupid religious beliefs tells them so.
they would rather let the kid die,
imo they should be charged with murder if a child dies in that case.

maybe they should also be charged with child abuse for not allowing the kid an access to the best in modern medicine.
is that not ruining life?

Well I know some things about Jehovahs witnesses but I have never heard of specific cases where a kid has died but I have heard about their beliefs like that. But I agree!! Not being mean but that is kind of crazy. But just like anything someone believes, that belief will affect every aspect of someone`s life. But basically that is crazy! But they might take it offensive if i was to say they ruin peoples lives or their lives in that matter. And to call there religion crazy.
><> Warrior61
religious dogma that takes control of so many individual minds and souls,arrogant self rightousness,truths deluded and rearanged in a man made bible,which they consider to be the one and only truth,rejecting the fact that humanity and all being is all ONE in a whole,negative or positive

no religion can claim to possess the ultimate truth, you can only find truth within yourself,not by the words or writings of another man.

i have a friend thats been swollowed by the JW religion and i can see how it transformed her, she doenst even sound like herself anymore, she seems more confused then enlightened, i gave her advice to let go, but she said its too hard

i guess they did a good job manipulating her mind which is holding her back from her true spirituality

another victim of religious dogma
divine sapience said:
why do you people ruin lives?
Because it's the afterlife they care about, not so much this one. To them suffering=piety and pleasure=sin, they would rather eat the menu than the meal.