I've got a theory.


It's an animal thing
Registered Senior Member
It's astounding, fourth-dimensional space and time is fleeting,
Madness oscillates in the fourth dimension takes its toll.
But listen closely, mass would oscillate on a spring in the third dimension not for very much longer.
I've got to keep control as long as no outside force interferes

I remember doing the TIme Warp and “time” may be observed.
Drinking those moments when the end of that moment, technically will never arrive, although time will seem to pass “normally" for you.
The blackness would hit me and the void would be calling, you are in a state of “suspended time” to an outside observer.
Let's do the time warp again... This is much like how modern science hopes to deep-freeze cancer patients and the like until they can be defrosted in the future when cures are available.
Let's do the time warp again! You’ll live forever! … well, until the universe ends… close enough…

It's just a jump to the left, one should also note the effect of gravity on time
And then a step to the right, as there is a tiny time difference between the bottom and the top.
With your hands on your hips; a slowing effect of 2.57 x 10^-13 percent was detected by using extremely accurate nuclear process
You bring your knees in tight. Thus gravity and time are without a doubt related.
But it's the pelvic thrust that really drives you insane, an experiment was carried out at Harvard University to measure the time-warp
Let's do the Time Warp again as a wave that travels outward three-dimensionally with an amplitude in the fourth-dimension!

It's so dreamy, the concept is quite similar to two oscillating masses oh fantasy free me in a calm pool of water.
So you can't see me, no not at all If the masses are relatively close and massive, they will be attracted to each other.
In another dimension, with voyeuristic intention on a spring, an object with more mass will create a larger period.
Well-secluded, I see all, not to be confused with the wave period.
With a bit of a mind flip; T = 2*pi*sqrt(mass / spring const.)
You're there in the time slip as observed in the equation.
And nothing can ever be the same if the mass increases, more “time” (relatively speaking) will be needed to reach a reference point to define “time” (as observed by the person there).
You're spaced out on sensation, the central point where it enters the water will oscillate like you're under sedation, sending out waves that will decrease in amplitude.
Let's do the Time Warp again via the inverse square law in proportion to distance!

Well I was walking down the street just a-having a think: The simple result in the decrease of amplitude will decrease the distance between the crest (highest point) and the trough (lowest point), which is basically the period of oscillation (NOT the wave’s period). This will bring us to the reference point “sooner” (relatively speaking).
When a snake of a guy gave me an evil wink [and said] if you were to move with a gravity wave, which propagates at the sped of light (c), you will experience time-warp
He shook me up, the faster you go, the larger the time-warp he took me by surprise; technically, the time-warp becomes infinity when the speed of light is reached.
He had a pickup truck and the devil's eyes. Why? Because you are now “surfing” the gravity wave along a fourth-dimensional plane.
He stared at me and I felt a change, gravity is the result of masses oscillating in four-dimensional space.
Time meant nothing, never would again, which in turn gives a fourth-dimensional point of reference that defines “time.”
Let's do the Time Warp again!
Has the rocky horror show gone to your head Lol
''with a bit of a mind slip,
You're in for a time trip,
and nothing, will ever be the same''
Why thank you, that was beautiful. Time is a repeating phanomona, that isn't quite a phanomona. Let's surf the stars without seeing them, lets see the cosmic rays. Through the sun we go, as we see our way. When it warm, we have passed only a second gone by, atlas, I see it...