ive come to a conclusion...


Registered Senior Member
When people ask me what do i beive in if i dont belive in religion, they wet themselves when they hear that i believe that there isnt an explantation we are able to comprehend. Then they're all like, 'well it had to come from somewhere... it couldnt just have been here, something had to put it here." and then i say well someone had to put that something there so that they could put that something there... and then we chaneg teh subject... my I have decided there is a logic we are unable to process... and that is why I dont belive in religion because any explanation exists within one form of logic... yeah, i decided that this morning on the way to work.
What most people know but are afraid to speak up is:

"Our limited human mind can not comprehend everything about the environment we are in."

So, we make up stuff....
Originally posted by kmguru
What most people know but are afraid to speak up is:

"Our limited human mind can not comprehend everything about the environment we are in."

So, we make up stuff....

yep, we're all just a bunch of spastics
"Our limited human mind can not comprehend everything about the environment we are in."

So, we make up stuff....

Whoa, you're saying that Sparkles the Purple Dragon isn't the ultimate answer for everything?

For the love of god Xev; I keep telling you it's a giant purple squid-rhino hybrid!
is this the same crowd that berated others for trashing serious sciforums threads?

now i have to wait to see if wanderer and company too are hypocrites....
* Avatar sits next to roaring flames and comfortly watches Tyler being burned on a stake*