Its War !!

Don H

Registered Senior Member
Being serious for a moment: If it is war, it isn't about whether a few little boys are eager to fight it (or watch safely while others do so.) It is about assuring the stability of energy prices. Do you fear that we are in the rapacious clutches of the oil gang? Take note of the fact that we have enjoyed relatively low energy prices since the 1980s. This, more than actions by Alan Greenspan or any politician, has allowed the prosperity we enjoyed in the last 20 years.

Now we are faced by a double-dip recession, partly cylical and partly greed-and-terror generated. We can put the Enron and Worldcom crooks away, we can wait out the cycle, but we still don't have a plan to moderate energy consumption or insure independent supplies.

Yes, these days we can get oil from the North Sea or Mexico. But, as critics are so fond of pointing out, we must pay a world price for it. Anything that threatens a major supply is a concern to us. That is why will fight if we have to. Those Lincoln Navigators piloted by Greenpeace lawyers and Hollywood actors need gas, too. They can afford the higher prices; most of the rest of us cannot.

George Will pointed out lately that a smoking gun means someone has already fired. Perhaps that's why some of the concerned people in our Government (including Democrats who hesitate to speak because of the impending election) feel we must act even if there is no smoking gun.
okay, i think its time to explain a few things, i live in texas, i have a resonable decent understanding of how politicians in texas are trained and a few things are neccessary to understand.

Bush is a texas politician, in the state of texas our legislation only meets biannually, thats every other year, and only for 140 days. This is supposedly to keep the politicians from become entrenched by forcing them to have another job on the side, also to try and keep them in touch with 'real' people. During this time legislators, both in our house and senate are only paid $20 a day, yes $20 and for only 140 days, no more. This too was intended to keep them from becoming career politicians, unfortunately it has created a hugh problem in the texas congress, Lobbyists. The congress here is extremely susceptable to lobbying, its seen as a way to suplement their income and also considered a 'natural' practice by texas politicians. Keeping that in mind who do you think is influencing the president to attack middle-eastern countries with oil, it sure as hell aint the pro-lifers.

government fights for its interests, companies fight for money, since the begining of our nation, companies and the government have walked hand in hand, and the life of the average man has always been cannon foder, ever since labor unions, since militia, since a raised armed force has exsisted in this country, the common man has been expendable as long as the action protects the interest of the almighty dollar

and this can be justified, albeit facistly, but justified, we are a leader of the world, our economy effects everyone elses, if we dont take control and regulate it than who will, and god-forbide we lose control

dude, we are a nation of euro-centric people, we are taught euro-centric ideas, euro-centric history even "god bless america" is based off a British song, with all that, its not all that crazy that we as a government go out of our way to set up these "colonies" around the world, we just call them "independent free governments" that we put in power, and keep in power. Hell, why do you think Castro was such a threat, we dont control him, who knows what he might do

anyway, im rambling, the point is, we are going to war, and as long as the people of this nation sleep and allow our representatives to think for us, their aint jack we can do about it. :mad:
sorry, realized that didnt respond to any of your questions, but as for alternative fuels, i think its just a matter of time, we are going to have to run out of oil before they are taken seriously. Since it seems to be progess (alternate fuels) we should be okay by the time the suppy of oil does run out. In the mean time, i think this is our other plan to ensure independent supplies, a government teacher of mine who used to work for the Reagan administration thinks the only reason we put craters in the crater they call Afghanistan was to clear a way for a pipe-line to and from Kuwait. The politicians are posturing, you can tell they are all hesitant about fighting Iraq by the reactions in the U.N. the only one who seems serious that this is a good idea is Dubya, and in all seriousness should we really be listening to a guy who was quoted as saying "apparently, most of our imports come from other countries"? I mean comone, those speech writers need to hold on to the puppet strings a bit tighter and not let the goofball say such things when we have a camera pointed right at him

war is just what they are trying to legitimise as economic measures,
wich will never work, it should be a known fact that the economy in it's present form is designed by a little group, to enrich a little group.

to keep the people far away from this known fact did not succeed.
people killing eachother over resources instead of shearing them is what -this- economy is all about.

concurrent forces stimulated and setting nations and their people up against eachother.

don't talk about -this- economy as a meassure of goodness towards ANY issue of global-ism.

-this- economy is dead.
welcome to the afterlife,...
Re: war

Originally posted by Fukushi
war is just what they are trying to legitimise as economic measures,
wich will never work, it should be a known fact that the economy in it's present form is designed by a little group, to enrich a little group.

to keep the people far away from this known fact did not succeed.
people killing eachother over resources instead of shearing them is what -this- economy is all about.

concurrent forces stimulated and setting nations and their people up against eachother.

don't talk about -this- economy as a meassure of goodness towards ANY issue of global-ism.

-this- economy is dead.

The World Bank did screw up just a bit even regarding their own interests.
apologies if i misinterpret what has been said but

current US foreign poilcy=bad

globalism is what hitler wanted when he envisioned his one world order non-sense