It's time.

Valued Senior Member
Time to pick up the tarot deck again.
Feel welcome to ask it whatever you want to know, and I will tell you what it said :D
Well I don't know exactly how all this works, but what do you need to give me a reading? A birthdate or something, credit card info, SS number? I'll just give you the birthdate. . . 5-25-1983 (That's Month Day and Year, I hear they switch the numbers around in europe)

Ok, and I have 3 possable love interests right now, I'll let the cards figure out the pros and cons of each, but which would be the best, in the long run, for me to persue? Umm I'm sorry if that question is too magic 8ball, I'll revise it if you feel the cards can give me more information than that.
Creditcard number will do just fine...:D No, I really don't need to know anything about you, just the circumstances evolving around the question, and perhaps your intentions.
But we don't need to take this so seriously. :)

Since I don't know your gender, or the lovers genders, you can apply whatever gender you feel appropriate to the characters.

Three love interests.
King of Wands, Nine of Swords, Three of Pentacles.
This is a bit impassionate and noble man, who will however lead you to sorrow and solitude, or that he has those qualities within himself. He is succesfull in arts. Maybe you have some artistic work to do together.
The Empress, King of Pentacles, Six of Cups.
This looks like the most succesfull match. The fruitful and loving empress and the down to earth king. There is nostalgia involved, so perhaps you already have experienced something together, in this life or another. Could lead to pregnancy.
Queen of Wands, The Hermit, Seven of Swords.
A loving very economical and practical woman, but you may not reach her, or she you. And there is not total honesty.


I recall you mentioning after you 'did' the tarot cards that people under a certain age (like me) were unable to participate. Is this law still in effect:D

Just in the off-chance that it isn't...

After I discovered that a scifi dreamgirl I had stumbled upon wasn't much of a dreamgirl at all I began to put a great deal of space between me and her, the crush I had on her quickly fading. After several weeks of this she continues to sit next to me, glance at me, comment on my choice of dark shirts, you get the idea. Yet I do my best to ignore her completely. My first question is: how long will it be before she 'gives up?'

And also, after I stopped liking her much I've gone through a period of many, many crushes flying by each day. However most of these have been quick for a reason, that is, the girls I have a thing for don't do much to cement the thing I have for them.

heheh, I'm making this sound a lot more complex than it is...

Anyhoo, yesterday I was talking in the lunchroom next to, you guessed it, a pretty gal who I happen to have a crush on. While I was talking a piece of popcorn flew out of my mouth, and I immediately ceased the conversation I was having with her and glared at the yellow, saliva colored corpuscle. She burst out laughing, something I'm fairly sure I haven't ever heard her do in the way that she did. Then, today I dropped some papers accidentally while exiting the lunchroom, and as I was picking half of them up, she got the other half.

Does she have a thing for me, and do I have a chance with her?

If not, it isn't going to kill me...but why shouldn't I ask, eh? eh?
Well, all involved are male. . . unfortunately those descriptions don't seem to fit very well :p I can kinda' make one or two aspects in each of 'em fit one or another, but none seem to really fit completey with any of 'em.
DISCLAMER:THE ABOVE ARTICLE IS TAKEN FROM,I dont claim that this is true,Neither i intend to use it for any monetary purposes.May Bebelina knows more than i do.

Tarot Basics

The Tarot deck is 78 cards, divided into two parts - the Major Arcana, and the Minor Arcana. Each card is full of symbols, but what does it mean? In this document, I review the configuration of the tarot deck, the elements, the basic numerical meanings of the Minor Arcana, and some thoughts on the Court Cards.

Minor Arcana/Pip cards:

The Minor Arcana consists of 56 cards. It is divided into 4 different suits, numbering from Ace to 10, then 4 court cards - similar to a standard playing card deck.

The Elements:

The four suits of the Tarot deck correspond to four divisions of energy and activity:

Wands/Rods -
Wands/Rods correspond to the male element of fire. They represent energy, creativity, passion, and spirit. Wands are also closely associated with career and work situations.

Pentacles/Disks -
Pentacles/Disks correspond to the female element of earth. They represent money, material matters, and physical well-being.

Cups -
Cups correspond to the element of female water. They represent emotions, relationships, love, and intuition. The shielding nature of a cup also associates it with things hidden.

Swords -

Swords correspond to the element of male air. They represent the mind and intellect, communicating, and conflict.


The ace is the earliest, most primordial form of the element, and the ten of each suit is the maximum manifestation of the quality of the element. Two through nine are valuable lessons which nurture a slow evolution or ripening, as the individual gains in control and consciousness within the activities of the element.

* Wands build towards constructive passionate energy.

* Pentacles build towards physical security.

* Cups build through emotional fulfillment.

* Swords build through increased wisdom and knowledge.

Numeric Significance:

* Ace - beginnings, the arrival of something new and untempered

* Two - choices, decisions, early combinations

* Three - planning, preparing, expansion, manifestation

* Four - stability

* Five - challenges, adapting, movement, changes

* Six - realization of patterns, cycles, peacefulness, rest

* Seven - individual efforts, developing one's own style through experimentation, spirituality

* Eight - organizing ideas and efforts, structuring, delegation

* Nine - expansion, development, giving to others

* Ten - fulfillment, maximum manifestation

Thoughts on Court Cards:

There are a few different ways to interpret the court cards if they come up in a reading. One way is to interpret them as the physiological or zodiacal representations of people, using the same credentials as choosing a significator (see below). Another is to interpret the court cards as representing stages in personal development with regards to the element.

* Page - risking, daring

* Knight - focusing, intensity

* Queen - mature, competent

* King - completion, ready to let go or move on


Choosing or recognizing a Significator:

Some people choose a card to represent the questioner and lay down the spread around that card. It is not necessary to choose a significator, or to even restrict your choices to the court cards. Here are a few common methods for choosing a significator from the court cards.

* Zodiac - The signs of the zodiac are divided along the 4 elements as well.

Determine what sign the questioner is, and then use the court cards of the representative suit.

* Wands - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

* Pentacles - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

* Cups - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

* Swords - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

* Physical Appearances - A significator can also be chosen by the questioner's physical appearance. The correspondence between the suits and complexions is below.

* Wands - blond hair and blue eyes; red/auburn hair and green/Hazel eyes; fair complexion

* Pentacles - black hair and dark eyes; dark complexion

* Cups - light brown hair and brown/Hazel eyes, light complexion

* Swords - medium to dark brown hair, brown eyes; medium complexion

* Sex/Age - After selecting the appropriate suit, choose a card most fitting to the questioner's age and sex. If the sex of the questioner is different than the sex of the character portrayed on the card, but that card seems to be the most fitting - go with the card. Use sex only as a guide.

There are two main organization schemes for the court cards:

* King/Queen/Knight/Page

* King - mature male

* Queen - mature female

* Knight - young adult, usually male

* Page - youth or young adult female

* King/Queen/Prince/Princess

* King - mature male

* Queen - mature female

* Prince - young adult/youthful male

* Princess - young adult/youthful female

To best understand the workings of the Tarot, one should have a comfort level with the underlying aspects of the divination technique. While it is workable to memorize meanings of the cards, one does not have a full appreciation of their workings if the archetypes and metaphysical symbologies are not understood. There are symbologies of numerology and elements present in the minor arcana. This set of notes will focus on the elements and their associated genders.

There are four traditional elements in the Western metaphysical world. These are: earth, fire, air and water. These elements are the basis of most every magical/metaphysical working and belief. So, it is not surprising that the elements are also present in the Tarot. The Major Arcana provides an insight into archetypes that is interpreted through the elements by using astrological associations. The elements are directly embrace the Minor Arcana, with each suite representing an element.

All creation starts from a single source, a seed. This is true in the use of the elements. The entirety of the universe represents the oneness of the elements. All the metaphysical expressions of the universe are presented by one, or a combination, of the elements. As thinking creatures, the idea of an infinite oneness is not palpable to us. It is said that to name a thing is to both know it and change it. At the risk of changing the oneness, mankind does name it, divide it into parts to create a thing that seems finite and understandable.

The oneness of the Universe is then divided by two. A duality is created. The female division provides the creative potential of live and the male division provides spark that moves the creation forward. Below is a chart of symbolic roles:



In Charge
For Show

Covering and Hiding
Revealing and Exposing





Roles of the Genders

While it may seem that the genders contradict each other, they are actually complimentary. If a system is completely female, it becomes stagnant fuel/potential with no movement. If a system is completely male, it burns itself out with no fuel available to maintain the spark. A mixture of the two is needed to provide the fuel (female) and the spark (male) to the light of life.

To properly read the both the minor arcana, and their associated Court Cards, one must have a grasp of these mystic associations of "male" and "female" energy. Male energies are fast and sudden. The price for the bursts of energy are paid through short duration and non-lasting effects. Given their shorter life cycles, male energy is associated with completion and readiness to let go or move on. We shall see later that the elements of fire-wands and air-swords are male centric. Both forces of fire and air require much energy to maintain. When the energy is removed, the elements are still and inert. A forest fire or hurricane are elemental examples.

Female energies are slow and steady. This does not make female energies weak. Their slowness allows for constant application of power. Much effect can be gained with little effort. Due to the slowness of the female energy and its inability to quickly shift focus, the effects can be seen as "controlling" and "domineering". When grossly stereotyped, the mystic female energy is that of the smothering mother rather than the female’s "right to change their mind". Again, as we shall see later, the elements of earth-pentacles and water-cups are female centric. When placed in or on an object, these elements require little or no energy to maintain their resulting force or enveloping qualities. The sand dunes of the desert, or the valley carving stream, are elemental examples.

The genders are next split in two, creating four states of being in the elements. The split represents a duality of Inner and Outer. A male and female pair embraces an energy that is expressed inwardly, in ways associated with the single system or individual. The other male and female pair embraces an energy that servers or focuses on those things outside of a single system or individual. So, there is defined a "female-male" element, a "female-female" element, and so one. This is a very important differentiation, and should be understood.

Divisions of Universal Oneness

Traditionally the elements interact with each other using rigid rules: Fire and Water are enemies, therefore weaken each other Air and Earth are enemies, therefore weaken each other. The interesting point with this rule is that elements of the same "gender" don’t work together. Water and Fire are both female in orientation, and their combination leads to a passiveness that does not prosper. Likewise, Air and Earth are both male in orientation, and their combination burns out and does not prosper.

Below is a chart outlining the qualities of the elements:

Traditional Meaning

Inner /Self
energy, creativity, passion, and spirit

Inner /Self
emotions, relationships, love, and intuition
emotions, feelings

the mind and intellect, communicating, and conflict
indication of trouble and problems

represent money, material matters, and physical well-being
material things

Now that we have an understanding of the origins of the elements, each element will now be correlated to their Tarot suite, and the suite will be examined in detail. After much discussion, now the Tarot suites are presented:
Gender (Main)
Gender (Secondary)





Table of Suite Correspondences


The outline presented here is the mainstream traditional view of the genders and the suites. It should be noted that there is another group of opinion that the Wands and Swords are switched. That is, that Wands are associated with Air and Swords are associated with Fire. If this is done, the rest of the material presented holds true. The switch is based on metaphysical philosophy, and offers an example that there are no set rules. Astrology breaks down the Elements once more into three modes of operation: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. As the four elements are split into three modes, the basis for the twelve astrological zodiac houses is formed.



Wands/Rods correspond to the male element of fire. They represent energy, creativity, passion, and spirit. Wands are also closely associated with career and work situations.

The element of Fire adds passion and energy to the foundation created by the element of Earth. The natural rhythms of the planet are usurped by outside influences. The result is new creations and ideas. The goals created are not dependent on the timing of the planet. As events are accelerated, the natural balance is sometimes overthrown. The result is competition, seen most vividly in the sixth through ninth cards. The passion of the Wands is a force largely devoid of emotions. It is neither cold hearted nor full of anger. The volcano is an analogy in that it can destroy existing land, plants, and animals as it creates new land. There is no motivation of destruction. Transformation, a function of death and birth, is a balanced force of nature.

We refer to the element of fire as the force of Spirit. This means that through the expressions of fire, the primal forces of creative expression are manifested. Fire is the desire for life, the will to be, and the act of individualizing the self from the rest of Mankind. It is the element of fire serves as the animating force behind an individual’s self-assertions.


Cups correspond to the element of female water. They represent emotions, relationships, love, and intuition. The shielding nature of a cup also associates it with things hidden, as true emotions usually are.

The element of Water adds emotions to the minor arcana. Water is a substance that flows to the lowest places, and it can be calm or stormy. Water can be represented by shallow puddles or by bottomless oceans. Emotions take on all of these qualities. The shape and status of water is dependent on its container and temperature.

We refer to the water element as the force of Soul or Emotion. Soul is, in part, the element of human nature which provides understanding and compassion for the feelings of others. People who are extremely connected to the water element are extremely sensitive to human sentiment and artistic expression. They can seep into the subconscious of others and instinctually, if not intellectually, understand the motives behind other people’s actions


Swords correspond to the element of male air. They represent the mind and intellect, communicating, and conflict.

The element of Air adds intellect and conscious thinking to the minor arcana. The element of air is the most removed from the element of Earth. Fire is dependent on Earth for fuel. Water is dependent on Earth for a place to rest. Air can exist without Earth. This nature analogy can be extended to the realm of our being. One can make decisions, and have thoughts, that are not based on reality, or grounded in practicality. The thought that begins as a breeze quickly becomes a tornado, or escapes into the emptiness of space. Air is the most difficult element to contain, control, and quantity. The more we try to control our thoughts, the wilder they become. Meditation brings our thoughts back to a stable form. The purest forms of meditation seek not to contain, control, or quantify thoughts. Zen meditation instead acknowledges a thought, and allows for its natural departure. There is no counting of thoughts, no tally sheet of grievances and hurts.

The suite of Swords has traditionally had the darkest of reputations. There are more bad cards than good cards. It is my belief that this is a reflection of the turmoil people experience from the stresses of the mind. Thoughts are egocentric, and cannot join with others. When a person is operating in the realm of Air, they are furthest from the soothing womb of the Earth.

We refer to the air element as the force of the Mind. People who are strongly influenced by the airy signs can be calm and refreshing as a cool breeze. But if their temper is raised, they react with galelike force, shattering the tranquility of the world around them. Air is necessary to convey the words which one person uses to speak to another. It is in its aspect as a communicating and collectivizing agent that air has its most important function in astrology. Through air, Man can reach for ideas in the intuitive mind, and apply them in the realm of human experience. Mind is man’s most important tool and the greatest danger at the same time.


Pentacles/Disks correspond to the female element of earth. They represent money, material matters, and physical well-being.

The element of Earth is expressed through the direct experiences of our five senses: seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, and smelling. This suite is one of action and reaction. When I sell somebody an item, they will give me money. When I eat ice cream, it will taste good. When I drink too much, I will have a hangover. The functions are uncomplicated. When somebody lives at an Earth level, life could be as slow and steady as the seasons turning and the crops growing. Paganism feels very much in touch with these cycles, and celebrates them on Full Moons and quarters of the year.

We refer to the earthly element as the force of Form (or Body). Man’s strongest instinct is the will to be and the first manifestation of that desire is to create something out of matter to prove his existence. Earthly people do this through the gathering of material possessions and the actual building of the physical aspects of Man: his industries, his homes, and his physical body. It is the element of earth in a horoscope behind the needs to be practical, cautious, and very understanding of Man’s ambitions toward material security and physical pleasures.


K i have a question... Will i ever make sense of this deja vu to a point i can control it?

i'm a guy
i live in canada

if theres anything else you need to know let me know, i'm really curious about this.

thank you
Thanks Zion, for posting that. I do however not go precisely by the book like that. Sometimes the rules of interpretation sais one thing and my intuition tells me something else.

Mystech, sorry if it didn't match, maybe the cards need to get warm, they have been lying around unused for several months now, so they may be a bit moody. :D Or maybe I shouldn't listen to music while doing this...

how long will it be before she 'gives up?'
The Magician. As long as it takes for you to have the courage to indicate to her that you don't have any romantical interest in her. Use your diplomacy skills.

Does she have a thing for me, and do I have a chance with her?
Strenght. Yes, but don't be shy or weak now. You may have to take the first step. But don't rush, be confident.

Ps, it's very natural to have several crushes a day at your age, I had too. It's a hormone thing. :D

Will i ever make sense of this deja vu to a point i can control it?
Queen of Pentacles. Yes, but you should talk to someone ( except us) about this, perhaps your mother or some other woman or man, you trust.

Bebelina: 4 questions (yes/no)

A) Is magic real?
B) Are paranormal abilities real?
C) Is there a 'God'?
D) Will I be financially rich (to a rediculous extent) before I'm 31?

Crunchy, are you really asking the cards if magic is real? :eek: :D
Let's see...

A) Is magic real?
Strenght. I would take that as a yes, it's very real and very powerful. ( remember that this answer responded your definition of magic)
B) Are paranormal abilities real?
Three of swords. The heartbreak card..? Hmm, this would indicate a no, or maybe it's saying that due to mental alienation from the subject you will not experience it.
Or maybe you need to be warned about eventual nearby heartbreak.
C) Is there a 'God'?
Nine of Swords. This is so odd, I'd never thought this card would come up. It symbolizes despair and deception. This one could interpret as a no, but maybe you have subconsciously asked something different instead of the questions you have written down. Or maybe what you view as "God" is not what "God" really is.
D) Will I be financially rich (to a rediculous extent) before I'm 31?
The Hermit. Don't count on it. :D
lol - yep the first question was intentially a contradictory quesstion :)

So basically the answers to my 4 (yes/no) questions are:

A) Yes
B) No - OR - I/we're not telling and you'll never know - OR - I
I/we thought I/we'd ramble about you being hartbroken in
the near future and ignore the original question.
C) No (and the Judaic/Christian 'God' was the concept behind the
original question).
D) No

Ok, would you mind re-asking the same questions again and
let me know their answers? The context and concepts for each
question remain the same in my mind.



P.S. ...and yes, I am testing a consistency hypothesis if you hadn't
noticed :)
Thank you so much for answering my question, if you find the time i have another somewhat like pollux's and just let me know if you're tired of hearing it.

theres this girl :D been friends with her for a long time and just recently started liking her, anywayz she found out and seems to be avoiding me. I'm ofcourse taking this as a bad thing, but i wanna know if its gonna turn out better? back to friends, more, or nothing?

lol like i said, if you hear this too much and are bored of it dont worry about answering it.
Ok, this should be interesting.

A) Is magic real?
Two of Swords. Still yes, but great courage and intimacy is needed to use it. Trust.
B) Are paranormal abilities real?
Ace of Cups. A definite yes. And there is much joy and nourishment to gain from them.
C) Is there a 'God'?
Page of Wands. Yes, and for you ( in your mind) he is a dangerous rival and a thief even, although he has good news to bring you.
D) Will I be financially rich (to a rediculous extent) before I'm 31?
Four of Pentacles. This symbolizes money, but in a bad way, that you become obsessed with it, greedy. It doesn't indicate wealth, more the fear of loosing what you got.

Not at all Lepht, just ask ahead.
but i wanna know if its gonna turn out better? back to friends, more, or nothing?
Eight of Cups. Doesn't look so good right now. Give it some time.

Okay thanks... guess what i got one more ;)

K my friend has a problem

He has 3 interests right now:

One he's liked on and off for like a year and a half

Two he's recently started to like

Three a person from about 3 years in his past that's come back into his life

Which is the one for him to persue?
that it is :)

Summing up:

Round 1: Round 2:
A) Yes A) Yes
B) Psychic fart B) Yes
C) No C) Yes
D) No D) No

The consistency in response to the Yes/No questions
was 50% (4 out of 8 were the same). Ok, if you would not
mind one more round (sorry... I know you're probably getting
tired of shuffling these cards :D), could you ask A) and D)
exclusively one more time?

The interesting part is that round 2 made me sound like the
Antichrist (obviously Bill Gates is the real one) with an obsessive
compulsive relationship with moola.


Thanks Beb. I guess I'll update on my progress as soon as there's something to update assured the wheels are turning...
i guess you missed this so i'll repost it:

Okay thanks... guess what i got one more

K my friend has a problem

He has 3 interests right now:

One he's liked on and off for like a year and a half

Two he's recently started to like

Three a person from about 3 years in his past that's come back into his life

Which is the one for him to persue?
Sup y'all

I don't have any particular questions at the moment, I'm just curious what my tarot will be. Or do you need to ask something?
I had my tarot read once long time ago and it hasnt happend yet, but I'm still young for what she told me. Anyway I'll just give you some info about myself and see what you can work out with it.

I'm 20 born 1982 April 20. I'm a Taurus.... I think cuz sometimes it says I'm an Aries. My chinese astrological sign is a dog. My number is eight. My gem is Diamond. hmmmm what else ....I was born in Philippines, Manila.
I'm trying to think of a question to ask but not just anything. Trying to think of something that comes from the heart thats not so selfish. Heh... I cant think of anything, so thats my question.

I'm out, Peace.
I'll let you know when I have a real question.
bebelina ... :)

i have a few questions and i will try and keep it to just 2
for now...

will i find another Gf
does this indicate a time period?

will i get the job offer, that i am almost too scared to try to look for?

one more if you please? :)

is the 'great eye' watching me, for some reason... and if yes is,

peace light truth love
may bebelina be showerd
with gifts from above.
