Its Alive! Starcraft Two!

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i actualy prefer dawn of war to starcraft.

i play games to make myself angry. i then go and beat homeless people with the anger for fun.

so, in a way....i guess i indirectly play videogames for fun?

In fer a bit o' the old ultra-violence eh?

I'm hoping this game doesn't take a lot of horsepower to run it. I can't wait for it to come out.
Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to be dominated by your Protoss overlords!!
I wonder if the AI is going to be a little more challenging. In the days of SC, you'd simply try to build as many ground troops as necessary to deal with the Zerg's first advancement of Zerglings and Hydralisks. After this point you could pretty much build up a decent defensive grid for a base.

Myself and a Friend use to play 3 AI's who would work as one team, however usually they would go after my friend first. I showed him how to deal with the attacks however, since he was terran he could float some of his bases into the air so Zerglings couldn't get them however he'd usually have all other structures attacked. The tactic was simple, Take a group of SCV's, get the Zerg's attention and then click on the opposite of the mini-map so your SCV run over there... The Zerg would just chase them all over the map, while you gain intelligence on the terrain and also rebuilt the base with better defenses.

The problem with my friend to begin with was he kept rushing over to my base in the beginning for me to defend him, this meant that the single set of resources would be consumed quicker, there would be less space to build and the Zerg would control more of the map.

I managed to get him to realise how important it was to grab secondary and trienary resource locations, however he complained for a few weeks until he could keep up with my "Land Grabs". It was a bit Tsun Tzu denying the enemy from their own supplies :)
I hate RTS. RTT(tactics) is good however. "Strategy" in real life is almost never done in seconds and minutes, but only hours days even weeks.

So what if it is not a exact simulation of speed?

First of all it is a science fiction so it isn't realistic anyway. And it can use it's science fiction to explain why the timing works. I.e., marines are in some cryo chamber and producing a marine is basically waking him up, protoss is explained by "warping in" units, and zerg needs no explanation, they just build new organisms really fast that don't need training.
I wonder if the AI is going to be a little more challenging. In the days of SC, you'd simply try to build as many ground troops as necessary to deal with the Zerg's first advancement of Zerglings and Hydralisks. After this point you could pretty much build up a decent defensive grid for a base.

Myself and a Friend use to play 3 AI's who would work as one team, however usually they would go after my friend first. I showed him how to deal with the attacks however, since he was terran he could float some of his bases into the air so Zerglings couldn't get them however he'd usually have all other structures attacked. The tactic was simple, Take a group of SCV's, get the Zerg's attention and then click on the opposite of the mini-map so your SCV run over there... The Zerg would just chase them all over the map, while you gain intelligence on the terrain and also rebuilt the base with better defenses.

The problem with my friend to begin with was he kept rushing over to my base in the beginning for me to defend him, this meant that the single set of resources would be consumed quicker, there would be less space to build and the Zerg would control more of the map.

I managed to get him to realise how important it was to grab secondary and trienary resource locations, however he complained for a few weeks until he could keep up with my "Land Grabs". It was a bit Tsun Tzu denying the enemy from their own supplies :)

The AI will most likely always suck because no one really is interested in playing computers when online plays is free.

On a side note, who here knows that starcraft is played professionally in Korea? Some of them make hundreds of thousands per year. Who knows what APM is?
They used CSS, neat little trick.
.footer {height:391px; margin:0; padding:0; clear:both; position:relative; text-align:center; font:bold 8px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; text-transform:uppercase; color:#a7a7a7; background:url(/images/layout/bg-planet.jpg) 50% 100% fixed no-repeat;}
.footer div {background:url(/images/layout/bg-footer2.gif) 0 0 no-repeat;}

Partly transparent gif overlayed onto another background image, looks like most of the page uses this.
What is CSS?

Anyway, if anyone wants to set up some SC games, I'd be happy to defeat some of you in the name of Aiur :)
So what if it is not a exact simulation of speed?

First of all it is a science fiction so it isn't realistic anyway. And it can use it's science fiction to explain why the timing works. I.e., marines are in some cryo chamber and producing a marine is basically waking him up, protoss is explained by "warping in" units, and zerg needs no explanation, they just build new organisms really fast that don't need training.

I don't know, I just don't understand it. I get too stressed trying to clicklclickclick as fast as computer ai can spit out it's basic, same ol' grind of units.

These games are hard to "put down" and pick up later. I prefer that type.
Can't wait to play this game....Age of Empires II: Age of Conquerors is still keeping me very entertained though
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