M*W: ...and religion was born.
One caveman sayeth to the other, "Look up there! Those bright sky lights looketh like the shapeth of a warrior." The other caveman sayeth, "Yeth, and he talketh to a lowly woman, and the lowly woman trieth to give the man something to eateth."
"Oh, I see wickedness amongeth them," sayeth the first man."
"And, I see a serpent slithereth amongeth them," sayeth his friend. We shall calleth them "Adam" and "Eve." The lowly woman will shareth her nameth with the serpent, and she and the serpent shall be called "HWWH" for all the days of their lifeth, and the lowly womaneth shall suffereth all the days of her lifeth until the latter days when she will be emancipated from the rib of her husbandeth.
...and holy books were written by men, for men, and of men, and they were believed to be true, historical accounts throughout the ages, and women were made subservient to men for all times. This is what was written. This is what was preached. This is what was believed to be true.
...and religions sprungeth upeth across the Eartheth.
In latter days, men retranslated the stars. Many gods became one god, and monotheism was born. The Sun was the one true monotheistic god. Then for convenience sake, the Sun had a son who was called the Sun of God. The Solstices formed a cross North to South, East to West across the sun, the centereth of the universeth, and the sun-son died on that cross to rise again in three days to conquereth deatheth. And that story was retold throughout the ages and people believed this story was about a dying demigod savior who died to give them eternal life, but they were wrong. The only eternal life is the duration of the sun which will outliveth us all.
...and religion became abusive and controlling and many millions of innocents died because of this myth created by ancient humans with low intelligence.
...and they eventually calleth it Christianity, but it becameth an illusion of evil, because nothing about it ever existed in reality. It was just the false myth of astrology written in a holy book called the bible, and billions of low intelligence were deceived.
M*W: ...and religion was born.
One caveman sayeth to the other, "Look up there! Those bright sky lights looketh like the shapeth of a warrior." The other caveman sayeth, "Yeth, and he talketh to a lowly woman, and the lowly woman trieth to give the man something to eateth."
"Oh, I see wickedness amongeth them," sayeth the first man."
"And, I see a serpent slithereth amongeth them," sayeth his friend. We shall calleth them "Adam" and "Eve." The lowly woman will shareth her nameth with the serpent, and she and the serpent shall be called "HWWH" for all the days of their lifeth, and the lowly womaneth shall suffereth all the days of her lifeth until the latter days when she will be emancipated from the rib of her husbandeth.
...and holy books were written by men, for men, and of men, and they were believed to be true, historical accounts throughout the ages, and women were made subservient to men for all times. This is what was written. This is what was preached. This is what was believed to be true.
...and religions sprungeth upeth across the Eartheth.
In latter days, men retranslated the stars. Many gods became one god, and monotheism was born. The Sun was the one true monotheistic god. Then for convenience sake, the Sun had a son who was called the Sun of God. The Solstices formed a cross North to South, East to West across the sun, the centereth of the universeth, and the sun-son died on that cross to rise again in three days to conquereth deatheth. And that story was retold throughout the ages and people believed this story was about a dying demigod savior who died to give them eternal life, but they were wrong. The only eternal life is the duration of the sun which will outliveth us all.
...and religion became abusive and controlling and many millions of innocents died because of this myth created by ancient humans with low intelligence.
...and they eventually calleth it Christianity, but it becameth an illusion of evil, because nothing about it ever existed in reality. It was just the false myth of astrology written in a holy book called the bible, and billions of low intelligence were deceived.
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