it `s right to hide the true...


Registered Senior Member
well it`s right at least for know, is right to hide the true regarding Roswell, apollo project, aliens and their ships, can you imagine the panic the uncomprehesion that would create on the world the annoucment of the existence of alien lifeform even more here on earth, i think that US government and others to act regarding these subject are proceding well. Here in Portugal for instance our government simply doesn`t issue any comment on this subject.
I think mankind is well aware that there is a hidden true, but i think they also believe that when time cames if necessary they will have some answers.
well we, all the persons here that express they`re opinion are important, we are helping to prepare the people to the true, it`s true that we are giges to them, however they hear our opnions, they need our effort.
Who studys these subjects must know that the effort is not in vain it`s important.
Someday if necessary we will know, once..
well we will be told.
I think it was Winston Churchill that said: "Truth must be accompanied by a bodygaurd of lies".
Something similar, anyhow.
Originally posted by patriotSTORM:
I think it was Winston Churchill that said: "Truth must be accompanied by a bodygaurd of lies".
Something similar, anyhow.
It`s good to see that Churchil was a inteligent man , but what about your opinion?
Or, as another man put it, "I hate quotes. Tell me what you know."

I don't think Churchill was referring to ALL truths, just ones dealing with national security. You know, need-to-know basis and whatnot. Although, I believe in the dilemma that if extraterrestrials don't exist, then there's no national security risk in releasing the information. If there IS a national security risk, we need to know enough about it to protect ourselves. They're caught either way.

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.
Ok, you asked ofr my opinion so you're going to get it!
I think that we, as a race, have not being visited by an extraterristerial race (oh dear....that was spelt wrong), I don't swallow all the propoganda from the CIA-did-it brigade. I balieve that Area51 is used by the US as a military testing ground, period (sattelite pics of groom lake can be found at No fancy alien ships there. I don't believe in Roswell (the CIA has admitted that it encouraged reportings of UFOs to cover up sightings of US spyplanes) I don't believe that people experience any form of timetravel, or that a new age of enlightenment is approaching. I believe in reality, in hard, proven facts. And what do you think that they are hiding about the Apollo project? To you subscribe to the theory that it was filmed in someones backyard or something? So have you guys had enough or do you want some more of my boring (and downright uninteresting) opinion?

"The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred with sweat and dust and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who' if we wins' knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid sould who know neither victory nor defeat."
-"The Man in the Arena"
Nothing wrong with believing in cold hard facts but we don't have the facts on everything and it is nice to speculate sometimes. After all it's the dreamers that most often change the world.

Regarding the Apollo missions, I'm certainly not someone who believes thay they were faked but there are definately aspects to many of the photographs that are very odd indeed. I must admit that when I first heard about this it sounded like a crackpot idea. After looking at the evidence I would now agree that there's a lot of questions that NASA needs to answer.
OK Spadge, you have got my curiosity going. Would you mind taking the time to explain what was wrong with the photos?

"The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred with sweat and dust and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who' if we wins' knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid sould who know neither victory nor defeat."
-"The Man in the Arena"
I know some people claim that the photos of the moon landing were faked because there are no stars in the background. What they fail to realize is that the lighting conditions on the moon, although nice, aren't ideal for outdoor nighttime shooting with the technology level of the cameras they had back then. The job of the moon photographer was to record an event, not to capture a view of the panoramic splendor.

I believe in extraterrestrials if only for the fact that such beliefs can lead to other verifiable discoveries. Ferdinand, Isabella, and Columbus had the same belief in a westard passage to the Orient. He followed it and ran into the New World. (I don't say he discovered it, because there were plenty of people already here... ;)) Maybe by chasing after little green or grey men, we might make some unexpected discovery that revolutionizes our entire worldview again.

As far as Area-51 goes, I don't think there's a flying saucer there, but I do believe that something crashed at Roswell. I've personally talked with a few eye-witnesses who testify that something came down, but they couldn't say if it was "Martians" or an experimental craft.
It really is too deep and complex a subject to go into here so I’ll just briefly just outline some very general points.

Artificial light appears to be present in many of the NASA moon photos even though no special lighting was taken to the moon. The classic ‘Man On The Moon’ photo is a case in point. Armstrong appears to be standing in a pool of light and there are distinct fall off areas to each side of him.

There are many strange inconsistencies in the Moon photos. For example, the photo which Armstrong took of Aldrin exiting the LEM for the first time and descending the ladder shows Aldrin sticking his leg out at an angle, although in the TV footage he never does this. Armstrong also appears to be standing in a completely different position to where he supposedly took the photo.

Cross hairs on many of the photos clearly go behind astronauts and other objects in the foreground.

Many photographers are convinced that the standard Kodak colour film taken by the astronauts could not have stood the extreme temperature changes on the Moon’s surface and still taken such remarkably clear photos. Film apparently goes very brittle under such conditions and broken sprocket holes would have been a major problem. Not only that, the lunar camera (which was mounted on the astronaut's chest) had no viewfinder and yet the photographs are all incredibly good and well framed. In fact they seem far too good and many photographers and professional imaging experts have expressed surprise and puzzlement when asked to study the photographs.

One thing which proves to me that NASA has at least faked or altered some photos, is the two pictures of astronaut Michael Collins which I possess. NASA claim the one photo of Collins is taken during weightless training inside an aircraft. Unfortunately, there exists another photo of Collins allegedly doing a Gemini spacewalk. If you look at the two pictures side by side it is very clear that the second picture is simply a reverse image of the first one in which the background has also been blacked out to simulate space. There is 100% no doubt about these to being the same picture. This at least proves that NASA have certainly doctored some photos in the past. Why did they do this?

Surely it would benefit NASA to answer the very reasonable questions about these photographs and lay the subject to rest. Typically, as with certain other subjects of which I’m sure we’re all aware, they refuse to comment. Why?

[This message has been edited by Spadge (edited June 11, 2000).]
All I can say is, Wow!

I don't come over this way much, but since I've been stuck at work for 11 hours and counting now and am bored out of my mind, I decided to look around.

Spadge, do you have any links to anything on the web where I might see some of these photo's? I think this is absolutely fascinating, I've never heard that NASA was suspected of this kind of thing. I guess it doesn't really surprise me though. But, I really would like to see some of these, if you know where I could find them.

(edited to fix spelling of Spadge's name, oops!)

[This message has been edited by MoonCat (edited June 11, 2000).]
Good points Spadge, but why? What would NASA gain by faking a trip to the moon? Then it raises the question that what was real, and what wasn't. I would have thought that the Soviets would have been the first to point out the fakes...........can't buy into your theory yet, but it is worth looking into.

"The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred with sweat and dust and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who' if we wins' knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid sould who know neither victory nor defeat."
-"The Man in the Arena"

You've misunderstood my stand point on this as I'm not from the camp that believes NASA didn't go to the Moon at all. I think that's all crap and I'm a huge fan of what NASA did in the 60s and early 70s. But like many people, I've got problems with some of the photos. You asked the question why would NASA do this? I'm asking myself the same thing and I have no idea what the answer to this might be. It certainly intrigues me though.


Sorry about this Mooncat, but I'm a bit stuck to help you there. Believe it or not, I've never actually gone looking for stuff about this on the Net yet. I really didn't know anything about this until I saw a discussion program last year on TV featuring various photographers and image experts all discussing individual Apollo photos.

These guys really did present a very good case and since they were professional photographers and not 'Lunar Conspiracy' nuts, it did make it a lot more believable. Since then I've come across a couple of magazine articles on the same subject but that's as far as it goes. I would send you some of the photos to check out but unfortunately I don't have any scanning facilities at the moment.

I would suggest that you type 'Lunar Conspiracy' or whatever into a search engine and see what you can find. It certainly wouldn't surprise me to hear that there's stuff out there on this. Happy hunting!

[This message has been edited by Spadge (edited June 12, 2000).]
Originally posted by Spadge:
Nothing wrong with believing in cold hard facts but we don't have the facts on everything and it is nice to speculate sometimes. After all it's the dreamers that most often change the world.

Regarding the Apollo missions, I'm certainly not someone who believes thay they were faked but there are definately aspects to many of the photographs that are very odd indeed. I must admit that when I first heard about this it sounded like a crackpot idea. After looking at the evidence I would now agree that there's a lot of questions that NASA needs to answer.
i was refering indeed to those photographs and some other storys tank you..
Originally posted by patriotSTORM:
OK Spadge, you have got my curiosity going. Would you mind taking the time to explain what was wrong with the photos?

patriot -you should look harder to the photos and you can also read the transcripts on the gemini 7 flight , however be advised that you have to pay $350 to have access to FOIA documents, was told me by JPL
:) ( maybe because i`m foreign :) not alien :) )
Oxygen - As far as Area-51 goes, I don't think there's a flying saucer there, but I do believe that something crashed at Roswell. I've personally talked with a few eye-witnesses who testify that something came down, but they couldn't say if it was "Martians" or an experimental craft.

in a document released by USAF it wasn`t a experimental aircraft
Oxygen - As far as Area-51 goes, I don't think there's a flying saucer there, but I do believe that something crashed at Roswell. I've personally talked with a few eye-witnesses who testify that something came down, but they couldn't say if it was "Martians" or an experimental craft.

in a document released by USAF it wasn`t a experimental aircraft