It makes me sick.


Registered Member
I will start by saying that I am a Wicca.

What I have never understood, is why most orthodox religions are so CLOSED-MINDED!!! They seem to think that if you don't believe in their gods, or whatever, you are wrong, and probably evil.

Maybe I am being just as closed-minded as everybody else, BUT WHAT WAS THE HOLOCAUST ABOUT??? WHAT WERE THE WITCH-HUNTS ABOUT??? If they don't understand something, then it's evil, and it absolutely ticks me off!!!! I'm sorry, but people can be so ignorant! I keep hearing people talking about the occult things from a long time ago, or magick, or what-not, and either being extremely negative, or think it's so *cool* and I just want to go up to them and say "How would you know? It's not much different than your religion. RELIGION IS ALL TECHNICALLY THE SAME! GET OVER IT! but I can't, because I'm this reserved person who doesn't want half the school against me!!

But you know, I just have to rant sometimes.

Feel free to gimme your input.
<i><b>RELIGION IS ALL TECHNICALLY THE SAME! GET OVER IT! but I can't, because I'm this reserved person who doesn't want half the school against me!!</b></i>
If it was all the same, we wouldn't be so closed minded.

What I have never understood, is why most orthodox religions are so CLOSED-MINDED!!! They seem to think that if you don't believe in their gods, or whatever, you are wrong, and probably evil.</b></i>
Evil is a concept that by its definition goes along with religion. I don't think it really can be used outside of religion without an inherant subjectivity. Thus, I wouldn't be suprised if someone labels magick as evil because it is the gaining(or pretending to gain) power from evil spirits.

I guess that applies to Wicca, too. Right?

I know what you mean about some fundamentalists being closed-minded, but not all followers of the Abramic religions are like that (and I have to assume that's what you meant by "orthodox religions" - right?). I also sympathize with you about being a reserved person who doesn't want to make enemies with anyone - I'm exactly the same way IRL. I also remember what it's like to be in high school and feel like you must conform - or else!

I was much older when I came out of the broom closet, and it was basically no problem - even with the Christians. Once they understand that you aren't a Satan-worshipper or anything like that, they're pretty much okay with it. It helps that they accepted and respected me as a person first, before they knew anything about my religion - it made them more open to learning about my beliefs without judging me. I can honestly say there isn't anyone I deal with on a daily basis who has any problems with it whatsoever. Of course, I don't put my beliefs on display or do anything to make them feel uncomfortable, but I don't feel the need to hide anything, either.

But then again, I live in California - it's not exactly the bible belt. I don't know where you live, and maybe it's totally different where you are. But in general, I think if you really make an effort to get to know other people and you're not judgmental with them, they'll most likely respond in kind. At least, that's been my experience and I hope it works for you too. Good luck!
Yes, it does

I guess that applies to Wicca, too. Right?
Yes, it does.

But I'm still wondering one little thing ....

... And?
Well, it seems to me to be a quite common trait of the religious to claim that people of other belief systems are closed-minded. Very seldom do the people making those claims turn the spotlight back on themselves.

I'm just here to hold the mirror up now and then.
Religions are all the same? What's this about? Are you saying that the goal of all religions are the same?

It's not much different from your religion? Please back this up. Show something.