The ones that enter your pupil.
It has nothing to do with the intensity, a laser that has the power to burn a hole in steel is invisible if the air is completely clear.
That effect is called reflection
The room is not a void it is filled with air and adding a small amount of smoke does nothing to the viscosity of the air. Changing the temperature of the air would have a much greater effect on the viscosity than adding smoke. The smoke however does reflect the laser beam.
If there is perfectly clear air we will not see the beam.
In the smoke filled room we see the beam because the beam reflects off of the smoke particles
That is exactly what we see. The reflection from the beam is evident as well as secondary reflection from other smoke particles around the beam.
I do not know what point you are trying to make with that comment.
You are so wrong and confused on this that I am somewhat impressed that you can figure out how to use a computer.
Wow that is just sad. Does that gibberish really have any meaning to you.
I define a void and you add air? ok.
The Photons that enter your eyes, let me see, I add smoke I can see the beam of Photons passing through the smoke, I do not observe any Photons spreading through the smoke, a laser does not work that way. There is no reflection of the beam, or from off the beam, you are deluded not me, I have done several experiments and observe no reflective beam from the surface, if the surface reflected the beam we would see it the same has the incident beam, a mirror shows us this.
You are denying simplicity of the truth, it is more than obvious that I am correct, and for some reason science does not care but that does not surprise me because your heads are in the serious naive of science.
The obvious truth is dark is always there and not just the absent of light. It is more than an obvious axiom, and is easily proven by shadows , you block the ''light'' in the day time, this makes a shadow, a shadow is dark, a shadow is the origin of state behind the light, it is only by adding light that dark becomes visible and see through.
depending on intensity is the dependant of translucency of the dark to sight , hence a cloudy day today, it is really dull out, I can clearly see that the dark has more opaqueness than when there is more intensity of light, you know absolutely nothing in science, I challenge any of you mug heads because I am way ahead of you guys in my understanding of The theory of everything , because I simply understand reality and do not accept garbage.
I learnt , I read, I realised you are all wrong,
Put me in the bin, I do not care, it is not my loss if I quit science, it is a loss to science because I really do get it and understand it all, every single science subject I get, something clicked and I understood.
To be honest I am getting bored of getting nowhere and soon will quit, life is to short , it is not my fault you have all been such fools and actually believe all the garbage that is far from the actual truth.
Suit your selves and carry on living in your make believe world, I am telling the truth and will swear to the truth.