It ate the damn dog !

ok... very ummm, interesting.. i think its fake, though it was very well pute out.. i only dream of making a page that well......... but nope... for one thing about it.... the legendary men in blcak wouldve taken care of this a long, long time ago...

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

-dexter (nimrod242 :aol sn)

Very interesting story, indeed... one that I intend to check for updates... Thanks for the site!

[This message has been edited by truestory (edited January 16, 2000).]
I don't get it:
The dog was barking but it had the creatures arm in it's mouth.
The creature psudopodded the dog and it turned to dust but after the creature looked at the Doc, it then turned it's attention back to the dog...the one the just dissapeared...???
It then got clobbered and killed..but even though it's brain matter was exposed and removed for was alive again and enjoyed a nice glass of water....???
The Doc burned his hand when he touched the obelisk even though it was cold..probably an ice burn..granted..but then "fell into" the craft by accident whilst studying it...???
Make up your mind.........

Look at those crudy pictures! It's fake mon!



If you read the PDF that they have, that portion that deals with the dog is more clear. It is word-for-word with the web page, but formatting is different. In the PDF, he says that the dog is severely wounded. Then, in a new small paragraph, he states as an apparent aside that "later, Dr. Reed could find no trace of her..etc". Then, in a new paragraph following up, he says that the thing looked at him, then back at the dog. The formatting on the web page doesn't even put the aside paragraph by itself, and just lumps it in with everything else, thus making it look like a part of the sequential events. I think this discrepancy is more a matter of putting an aside in the middle of the sequential events, when it really could have been better put somewhere else. Along with that, the change of formatting that combined the aside portion with the sequential events paragraph. Mind you, that still doesn't prove he is not a kook :)

As far as the brain bust, followed by a nice glass of water, well, that certainly is screwed up. In interview, he said that he was shocked by that as well. He says that he stuffed it in his fridge to prevent decay of the body since it was dead. Some days (forget how long) later, he opens the freezer and the thing screams at him. He later states that his assumption is that the suit it was wearing may have been involved in the recovery, but re-states that is just conjecture.

In regards to the obelisk thing, I didn't see any mention of him falling into, or getting access to the inside of it. Where did you see that ?

I have to say, those pictures on the site do look pretty fake, but apparently his story says that he took a lot of video of the event when it originally happened. In interview, he says he will eventually release the video footage in one manner or another (though, to get $$$ likely). Maybe he doesn't really have video, and is still in the casting/filming stage ;)

This is one story that I would like to find out if it is fake or not, cause the stuff presented in its entirety is very compelling.

[This message has been edited by Doood (edited January 16, 2000).]
<hr><font color="red">
Jonathan refers to the craft-like object as The Obelisk.

Notice that it is slightly asymmetrical. It is about nine and half feet long. The ‘front’ is squared off with rounded edges.

Jonathan describes the black surface as looking stone-like with a certain depth. It was cold to the touch like dry ice. It left a burn on Jonathan’s hand when he touched it.

The object emitted a low, discordant hum until Jonathan accidentally fell into it during his examination. The sound then became very harmonious and pleasant.

The object seemed to absorb all sound in its vicinity. It interfered with the video camera. Jonathan cleared the vegetation from under the craft with a stick and felt a strange resistance “Like moving through molasses.” Time itself seemed distorted around the object. For example, Jonathans torn shirt sleave somehow became "untorn".

...and what is with the shirt becoming untorn as well.... for a vehicle of sorts...who really knows what it was.. it seems to tamper with things ... would it regenarate a dead guy like it regenerated the shirt? If the government had it what would the implications be of reviving dead people??? Serious repurcussions could occur if the guy didn't stay dead!
Hmmm, guess I missed that portion, or didn't pay much attention to it, thanks.

Well, according to him, he has already been shot once, though who's to say its true, or that it wasn't over some drug deal gone bad :)

I'm sure if someone wanted him dead bad enough, they could find him wherever he is currently hiding.
I hope that someday I too can be an alien with a "fleshy pseudopod" weapon, be attacked by a golden retriever, obliterate it, then allow myself to be whacked by some boob with a stick.
i agree JMITCH, that would please me very very much

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

-dexter (nimrod242 :aol sn)
Good call, Jmitch!
Backtracking a bit... whoever is hiring the suits over there need to aim at other sources for competency e.g. Mafia, Triads, Columbians...
There was a guy here in Adelaide Aus. who was a troublemaking big mouth boxer/turned drugdealer who offended the wrong people. Two men walked up to his car one night and let off a couple of shotgun pellets. He lived. He mouthed off that he was bullet proof. He got better and 4 months later, two guys walked up to his car, this time emptying the clip of a medium gun. He died on the spot. Mafia - 1 Loudmouth drugdealer - 0.
Adelaide is known as the City of Churches and that hit was major news here. We ain't America and the underworld knocked this guy off quite easily.
My point:
If the Doc was to be dead - don't you think he would be...
Maybe some grandstanding was added to the story??
If the hitman simply reholstered his gun, it means he was instructed not to kill - why else would he reholster and calmly walk away. If the Doc had a hit on him, the guy would have stepped back, took aim, completed the job, and gone on his merry way, right??
Or do we simply put it down to the government can't even get the economy right, let alone a hit on a guy!! :)


The X means no piccie in the URL you asked for (you have the wrong address typed in, Dude! ). Hit the edit button on this ( MY ) post and check the code for your gif.
Slot it in where you want. I've done an example below.


Try this:


Click on "edit" to review this post of mine. What you need to type begins with the first "[" and ends with the last "]"... Good luck!

[This message has been edited by truestory (edited January 19, 2000).]

It looks like you're putting the UBB Image Code Tag in the signature, which is supposedly not permitted - soooo, this is a test to see if we really can do that or goes!

