Issues with Evolution


Registered Senior Member
I have some questions for those that believe in evolution from monkeys (or whatever) that I'd like an honest answer for:

1) Given that evolution takes hundreds of years, it requires that if the female evolved before the male, at least one male must evolve within the first female's lifetime in order for pro-creation to occur (and us to exist) - this is vice versa if the male was first. What are the chances that a male and female went through the complicated evolutionary process at close to the exact time (in close vicinity as well because they must have been able to find each other before their deaths) in the same stages in order to be able to procreate?

2) Question 1 must be expanded to ALL animals, because of the pecking order of this world structure (since animals depend on other animals for survival). So what are the chances that EVERY ONE of these animals' both sexes evolved near the same time (when evolution takes hundreds of years) to get the society of animals we see today??

3)How exactly did all the "races" evolve?? Did one "race" come from a certain type of ape...honestly, they ask this of believers all the time, yet I don't ever think an evolutionist has answered this question (or even truly been asked this question, at least on this board).

We are not evolved from monkeys at all. We de-evolve from humans to monkeys and down the line. That is why all the animals have similar DNA and rocks do not. For some reason, monkeys have DNA closer to us than pigs and dogs. That is why, all the drugs are or used to be tested on them.

It is rediculous to think that monkeys got smarter and became humans. It is the otherway around. There are too many idiot humans out there who will gradually de-evolve to monkeys.

That is so logical. Dont you think????

The idea is not that we are super-funky evolved monkeys, but that we and other primates had a common ancestor. We became us. The rest became what they became.
The rebuttel should be as strong as the argument, or one borders on bullying.

Therefore, this is easily explained by the following

Space monkey
That funky monkey
Space monkey

Or, in other words:

Sexual reproduction evolved in steps. There are asexual and bisexual (ha ha, you know what I mean) animals......presumably, some bisexual (like wrasses) animals mutated in such a way that prevented them from switching between genders....and this mutation was passed on through the generations.

Race is a fairly useless concept. We all evolved from a common human ancestor, then, over time, through natural selection and geographical isolation, humans separated into different races.
Xev, so what you're saying is, the universe is one great big monkey-lovin' orgy? :p
Originally posted by Jordan
I have some questions for those that believe in evolution from monkeys (or whatever) that I'd like an honest answer for:

1) Given that evolution takes hundreds of years, it requires that if the female evolved before the male, at least one male must evolve within the first female's lifetime in order for pro-creation to occur (and us to exist) - this is vice versa if the male was first. What are the chances that a male and female went through the complicated evolutionary process at close to the exact time (in close vicinity as well because they must have been able to find each other before their deaths) in the same stages in order to be able to procreate?

The way that I see it is that ONE monkey/person/fish evolved by a fluke then that gene was passed on to their children. Then when another animal evolves a similar thing the two genes combine to create the "better" fish (no i didn't say battered) eventually the genome of that animal gets sufficently full of these new genes for it to appear in the whole species.

Did one "race" come from a certain type of ape...

The only race is the human race. we just spread out and evolved to suit our environment.