Israelis threaten to attack lawful picket of Marks and Spencer.

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Israelis threaten to attack lawful picket of Marks and Spencer.

For nearly four years, supporters of Palestine have organised a Saturday picket outside Marks and Spencer in Market Street, Manchester, protesting M&S's support for the Israeli state and its sale of Israeli goods. Called by Manchester Victory to the Intifada, pickets start at 12 noon and continue to 3pm.

This lawful picket has been under intensifying attack over the past few weeks from Israelis, British Zionists and M&S security. On 3 July, a gang of Israelis attacked the picket. Their ring-leader was arrested but released without charge. He is quoted in the Jewish Telegraph (9 July 2004) as calling for a counter-demonstration on 17 July. His choice of words clearly indicates preparations for a physical attack. A British member of Likud (right wing Zionists who wish to cleanse the West Bank of all Palestinians) is boasting that the picket will be finished by the end of August. M&S security is actively and openly collaborating with these people, detaining a picketer on 26 June.

There is clearly a systematic attempt to deny the rights of lawful demonstration and free speech. The Israeli state's contempt for human rights is shown by its continued construction of the separation wall in the occupied West Bank in defiance of the recent ICJ ruling, and through its continued oppression of the Palestinian people in defiance of the United Nations. That contempt for democratic rights now extends to supporters of the Palestinian people on the streets of Manchester.

We demand that our human rights to free speech and lawful assembly are respected, and that the attacks on the Palestinian people are ended. We will continue to demonstrate our opposition to the illegal occupation of Palestinian territory, and we call on all democrats to support us.

Manchester Victory to the Intifada calls for an end to the illegal Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, the dismantling of all settlements, an end to the construction of the separation wall, and supports the right of the Palestinian people to a sovereign state. We campaign for a boycott of Israeli goods, and focus on Marks and Spencer because of its support for Zionism and the Israel state.

10 July 2004

For further information, contact Bob Derbyshire on 0781 654 7066
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