Israel Palestine Conflict Resolution

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Registered Senior Member
Okay, I've been thinking about this and want it off my chest.

What do you guys think of a resolution in which both Israel and Palestine don't get the holy city. Philosophically speaking if god would not have bestowed this area of land with such religious significance there would be no war nothing to fight about. I think it is in the best interests of the sons and daughters of both peoples to just declare this place holy, like the vatican city. This is gods land not any humans, is what I want to postulate. This is a landmark. And it seems that just because people can't share, this creates wars. The holy land is as much a place where a budhist can visit as a muslim. Land belongs to god or the supreme being not muslims or israelites. As long as they fight futures will have to be cut short, but the war goes on, its time for the war to die.

Is god testing us? Did he put this controversial land on earth to make us fight over it and then realize aha, its really not ours to claim, but ours to use to advance our spirituality?

Did you see God in Jerusalem? I think people use their own weaknesses to make war.
my opinion is that jeurusilim should be like the an international govened vatican. A city state which NITHER country owns or has juristiction over. Maybe someone netural like the french could goven it
You know the whole mess was started by the British and the French divvying up the Middle East. Why would you invite either of them into the mix?
This is a political thread with an a priori assumption that a god exists that would be "testing" citizens, etc.

Closed. Establish first that a god exists; second that this god is the god of one or more of the nations; third that it is concerned with politics. Then start the thread again in the politics forum.
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