Islamic democracy;an oxymoron


Registered Senior Member
Enough is enough Time to get out of Iraq and let the games begin. The US effort to introduce democracy there has been a failure. Democracy is not for everybody, the population has to be ready and willing to embrace democracy in order for democracy to work.

Islam will not allow democracy to flourish, Islam wants to be an active member in any goverment and have the power to veto any issue that's deemed counter -Islamic.

Forget about it, as the new yorkers say, democratizing Iraq or any Islamic country is spinning your wheels, wasted power.

In order for democracy to work people must have an educated, open mind and be willing to compromise. Does anyone in his right mind think that is possible under the stearage of Islamic thought?

Mr Bush get your soldiers out of Iraq, they are sitting ducks to any crack pot Islamic fanatic. The american soldier is proud to do his duty but not where he's not welcomed.

Enough blood has been shed for your mis-calculation. Democratic Iraq is a fantasy.
Our troops are to defend our countries from attack, they didn't enlist to be targets for backward crackpots in some barbaric land.

Iraq is a savage Islamic country and it will remain so - and no amount of persuasion from anyone or anything will change that fact.

Vienna said:
Our troops are to defend our countries from attack, they didn't enlist to be targets for crackpots in some barbaric country.

Iraq is a savage Islamic country and it will remain so - and no amount of persuasion from anyone or anything will change that fact.


Great minds think alike. Are you sure you not Greek? :D
What do you all think would happen if we did pull out of Iraq? Would the Iraqis kill each other and starve to death? Would there be anything left of them in say 5 years?
Just wondering.
I think it would turn into another afghanistan hostile to non-muslim countries especially the U.S. And of course global oil prices would rise. Tough luck to poorer nations.

Thanks to bad Intelligence & trigger happiness the Americans are trapped into a no-win situation.
Padma said:
What do you all think would happen if we did pull out of Iraq? Would the Iraqis kill each other and starve to death? Would there be anything left of them in say 5 years?
Just wondering.

The US chose to take out Saddam and declare war on Iraq, once Saddam was defeated and the US became the occupieng power, US had the responcibility to restore law and order and support a democratic goverment.

Almost a year has gone by since the end of the war and US is no closer to a democratic Iraq than when Saddam was in power.

There's too much hostility towards the US for the US to remain there hoping at some point the Iraqis will see the light and create a democracy. Too many soldiers are being killed for an US fantasy.

Now what would happen is anybodys guess, most likely a three way civil war between Sunni, Shites,Kurds with sourounding nations aiding and abbeting.

Yes Iraqis and Kurds are going to get killed but what is the altenative, have US soldiers dying there day after day for playing policeman? That is military abuse.

So at the end I say let Allah sort it out.
the US dont give 2 flying fucks about democracy or anything. they have their own agendas so thats why their attacking. why are they all of a sudden attacking Iraq but as you've seen in the news recently let the Genocide, mass killingsa of innocent people go on in Ruwanda. they even went as far as to say it didnt want anymore involement in another African country and wasn;t even going to support any other country who wanted to help.

Iraq was in no immedaite danger of people being killed in great numbers but Ruwanda WAS.

incase you dont know about Ruwana just look in the news. basically it was the same idea as Hitler had od "ethinin cleanising" but done in a smaller scale. their were 2 huge tribes in the country and one tribe decided to get rid of the other by means of genocide. look at the pictures on CNN news and you will see rows of thousands of skulls. people went in to other villages and killed completely innocent men, women and children including newborns, pregnant women, elderly, disabled and sick.

America even refused to give ANY money AT ALL to help the govermant stop this from happening. but it could however spend $300 BILLION on the war and an average annual bnudget of $400 BILLION on weapons.

it also refused to support any other countries to stop this from happening.

the US dont give 2 flying fucks about democracy or anything. they have their own agendas so thats why their attacking

What agenda is that?

they even went as far as to say it didnt want anymore involement in another African country

You got it bud. US is staying out of Africa to avoid racial problems at home. White soldiers killing blacks is taboo at this time.


Good point, I should have mentioned the africans also as unable to come to turns with democracy.
America even refused to give ANY money AT ALL to help the govermant stop this from happening.
Very true, but no other country helped either, except a few UN troops, and it happed right after Somalia, which was a disaster for the US, Americans were sensitive about this. Also, unless you were there, it was hard to believe the conflict would escalate into genecide. These aren't good excuses, though, Clinton failed the world on this one.
spidergoat said:
Very true, but no other country helped either, except a few UN troops, and it happed right after Somalia, which was a disaster for the US, Americans were sensitive about this. Also, unless you were there, it was hard to believe the conflict would escalate into genecide. These aren't good excuses, though, Clinton failed the world on this one.

Think about it, if Clinton had got engaged in Rowanda and american troops had been killed and dragged through the streets AGAIN the US citizens would have impeached him for sure.

Africa is slowly deteriorating into chaos, no city is safe, hoodlooms rule the street, angry young black men with nothing to do join private armies for fun and fortune. Africa is a lost cause. Why do you think nobody is willing to do bussiness in Africa?

The only possible way for Africa to be saved is if the UN put an army of several million to keep the peace and allow commerce to thrive.
Greco, do you mean Africa as a whole? Surely you don't mean to include the northern countries like Libya, Egypt and Sudan?? hee hee hee.
What I meant was that the whole continent is f@#$ed up. I was being facetious,silly. I would not tour the area myself especially after 9/11 and being female.