
Just another religion, same as all the rest. We'd be better off without such superstitions.
The only worth while religion that I have ever found to be peaceful (and its not really a religion, more like a way of thought) are buddhists. Very nice people, I had a buddhists teacher he explained alot of it to me....

Islam, like all religions are EVIL.
I like buddhists as well. They seem to have killed less people, which should be the acid test for a religion's worth. Also Taoists and Confucsians.
I must agree. The search for peace, wether it be external or internal, can't really be wrong. Hence buddhists and taoists are good by me....

"Killing in the name of", on the other hand is EVIL!
muslamic peepul our evill, beacuse the. sapuriar amirikans wil crash them ind theigh wil creigh hahaha!

muslamic peepul mast iskape the cluchis of satin if. theigh dough'nt amirica wil blough thim two bets. ha ha ha.
More Americans Doubt Islam's Tenets

Poll: Unfamiliarity Causes More Americans to Distrust
Islam’s Tenets

Oct. 25 — Amid broad public unfamiliarity with Islam,
doubts about the religion's tenets have grown. More
than a third of Americans now don't think it teaches
respect for other beliefs, and nearly a quarter believe
Islam encourages violence against non-Muslims.

Yeah, buddhism is great but it doesn't try actively to recruit newbies. Those monks are all stashed away in insanely inacccessible mountain temples. Which is a shame.

Or is it?