Islam (yet again). A religon or a Political Ideology?


The thing with Islam, is that it is not merely faith. It is part of every aspect of life - at least in many Muslim countries.

Countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia for example (there are many others): is it possible, in some way, for someone to criticize their policies without being called an Islamophobe?

Someone criticizing the rulers in any theocracy is branded by authorities as "not real Muslim", and therefore, not only an enemy of the State, but of all of Islam. Can someone be against their own government but still be a good Muslim?

Can I, as a westerner, criticize Saudi Arabia's policies without being branded as slandering Muslims?
That, I find, is the escape path that many Arabs, at least on my campus, are taking.
I'm not sure I know of a religion that does not seek to control its host culture, and become a pervasive lifestyle. It could be said that Islam is merely a successful religion that can keep its followers devout.
otheadp said:
Someone criticizing the rulers in any theocracy is branded by authorities as "not real Muslim", and therefore, not only an enemy of the State, but of all of Islam. Can someone be against their own government but still be a good Muslim?

Can I criticize Bush and his administrations ineptitude and lies without being called un-American or unpatriotic? It's just politics as usual, it just happens to come in slightly different flavors in other nations.
you see, America is a country. is Islam a country? didn't think so

are people who criticize Saudi Arabia called unpatriotic and un-Saudi?
are people who criticize Hamas called unpatriotic and un-'palestinian'?
are people who criticize Iran's mullah government called unpatriotic and un-Iranian?

they are called "bad Muslims"

therefore, if I criticize Saudi / 'palestinian' / Iranian policies, I am being an Islamophobe

which is why some leaders in the middle east conveniently brand the West's political / military moves as a War Against Islam

and I just don't accept that
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otheadp said:
you see, America is a country. is Islam a country? didn't think so

That's really just a semantic difference. But if it's semantics you want to argue over, i could come at you with the whole "nation of Islam" thing. But that would just be silly and I don't want to get into it.

It's all just the ruling elite of a particular sect (Be it nation or religion) trying to whip the defacto members into a frenzy and get 'em on their side of the fence. Social engineering in a sense, hardly anything unique. Now I didn't say that it was right, just not anything special.
are you saying there is no difference at all?
it's not just semantics

Islam is 1400 years old. there are 1.4 billion Muslims
political ideologies are decades-old, and those 1.4 billion Muslims live in different countries with different political ideologies

an attack on Iraq, for example, is not an attack on Islam, because Islam is not a country, and not a political ideology

Arab leaders calling it a "war against Islam" makes people think that their religion is in danger here, not their country.

how about 2 Arab countries disagreeing with each other? the 2 leaders call each other Infidels to incite their population