Islam VS Christianity

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Well, which does taste best, cheese or ham? Of course, if you're a Muslim you won't know! :D
Just ask yourself, the 911 terrorists are who?
They are muslims, right?

A religion which can teach you for Jihad (holy war) to eliminate your enemy by shedding blood irrespective of innocent people, can it be good?

Islam is evil !
Originally posted by Seeker01
A religion which can teach you for Jihad (holy war) to eliminate your enemy by shedding blood irrespective of innocent people, can it be good?

Gee, sounds rather like Christianity to me:

"Kill them all. God will know his own."
- Arnold-Aimery

Well, I think it is a stretch to say that all the killing and conquering in the name of Christianity is done with any legitimacy. It is impossible to read the Christian Bible and come away with any support for such a concept -- just the opposite.

In the Koran, though, there is support for expanding the religion by killing its enemies -- isn't there?

The question in my mind, is, is that a bad thing if you believe the religion is true.

Please don't bring up 9/11 in that regard. That wasn't killing of Islam's enemies. That was a misguided attack. None of those people were even offered a chance to convert to Islam. In fact, some of them were Muslims!
Conundrums ...

Hey <b>postoak</b>!
The question in my mind, is, is [killing] a bad thing if you believe the religion is true.
An interesting question. If you believe in the Bible / Koran and you know that God / Allah will reward you for obeying, then how can it be wrong to do away with unbelievers? I think the point of view lies with the connectedness one feels for his fellow human.

Does the will of God automatically supercede one's feelings towards his fellow humans? In the Bible, Abraham was trying to obey God's will by sacrificing his only son Isaac. In this instance, Abraham clearly loved his God more than the flesh of his flesh. Does that mean you'd want Abraham over to babysit your kids? Or would you have a sort of mistrust with God that perhaps He'd be suddenly inclined to have Abraham rid you of your kid?

Since there's quite a preponderance of morons and idiots in the world, it's too easy to dehumanize them and distance your feelings from them. Thus, it gradually becomes much easier to do some unkind things towards them. If you throw religious-backing into the mix, then you risk the above situation. Namely, "killing in the name of" absolves you from feeling too much guilt and makes you think that what you're doing is actually your God's will.

The thing with both the Bible and the Koran is that both sanction ending another person's life based solely on what they choose to <i>not</i> believe. Of course, both also include many sanctions about treating others kindly, variations on the Golden Rule, and other such homilies of kindness. But whether it's a jihad or a Crusade, the message is clear: destroying fellow human beings can be a pleasing thing to God.

Especially since there's far too many ways to die and generally only one way to live.



Well, I think it is a stretch to say that all the killing and conquering in the name of Christianity is done with any legitimacy. It is impossible to read the Christian Bible and come away with any support for such a concept -- just the opposite.

In the Koran, though, there is support for expanding the religion by killing its enemies -- isn't there?
This is a pretty strong assertion. What documentation do you have to support either the Christian or the Islamic assertions?

Essentially, I have a couple of objections, but they may lie in context, so I figured I'd ask if you might be compelled to expand on those points some?

Tiassa :cool:
Seeker01 said:
Just ask yourself, the 911 terrorists are who?
They are muslims, right?

A religion which can teach you for Jihad (holy war) to eliminate your enemy by shedding blood irrespective of innocent people, can it be good?

Islam is evil !

"They are muslims, right?"
How the hell do you know they are muslims?? Its cuz you turn on your TV and thats wut it says, and fools like you go crazy. Our religion does not teach us 'shedding blood irrispective of innocent people'
JUST HOW THE HELL DO YOU FIND IT IN YOURSELF TO SAY THAT ISLAM IS EVIL WHEN YOU HAVE NO PROOF AT ALL???!! What, people don't have the right to defend themselves?? After America's killed so many innocent people and children in Arabic countries, and do you think that they'd just sit around all bummed out? If you were in that situation.. you'd strap a bomb around yourself. Go learn something before you come out and just speak what's on your mind..
The first post of this thread is non-specific, in that it doesn't specify a means of comparison. This will inevitably lead to little more than a puerile "My god is bigger than your god, so there!" discussion.

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