Islam supports Terrorism .... biiiiiiig surprise

Bravo Zero, you are yet one step deeper in the shit hole.

Zero, you keep digging yourself deeper and deeper in that shit fire hole prepared specifically for you. I pity you and your inability to engage in constructive behavior.

And for anyone that is wondering about your credibility, all they have to do is visit some of your recent composition to understand you better.
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Re: Bravo Zero, you are yet one step deeper in the shit hole.

Originally posted by Flores
Zero, you keep digging yourself deeper and deeper in that shit fire hole prepared specifically for you. I pity you and your inability to engage in constructive behavior.

And for anyone that is wondering about your credibility, all they have to do is visit some of your recent composition to understand you better.

So, Flores believes that being straight is the only true "acceptable" sexual preference, doesn't she? Zero wonders if Flores is an anti-gay bigot, and begs her to reconsider her views. Also, he whole heartedly offers his assistance in helping Flores overcome her homophobia.
Re: Re: Bravo Zero, you are yet one step deeper in the shit hole.

Originally posted by Zero
So, Flores believes that being straight is the only true "acceptable" preference

I believe that straight is the only right way to be in every life aspect, other people like you are crooked in everything they do including sex.

PS. Picture yourself that way, you are a tail of a dog, you are crooked, you may not become straight even if I placed you in a concrete mold......I accept you as a crooked dog tale.
Re: Re: Re: Bravo Zero, you are yet one step deeper in the shit hole.

Originally posted by Flores
I believe that straight is the only right way to be in every life aspect, other people like you are crooked in everything they do including sex.

PS. Picture yourself that way, you are a tail of a dog, you are crooked, you may not become straight even if I placed you in a concrete mold......I accept you as a crooked dog tale.

Zero believes that this statement of bigotry pretty much sums up flores, and he feels no further need to discuss. He knows how people like Flores are stuck in their own little world, where everyone is 100% heterosexual, 100% religious, 100% middle class, and 100% suburban and everyone looks alike. He also admits he'd much rather boink a woman, but he thinks that men who like to boink men should not be hated for it. He wonders if Flores would like to be discriminated because of her skin color, and he points out that racial hate is the same as homophobia.
discriminated because of her skin color, and he points out that racial hate is the same as homophobia.

No it is not . You have no choice in skincolor you have choice acting out gayness .

If you cannot condamn a person by his actions , then by what ?

And keep all the Islamophobic bullpoo you cant know for yourself please . That entire article is too pathetic to be linked here .



**** Moderator edit: Personal insults add nothing useful to the discussion.
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There is evidence to suggest 'gay' genes exist. This would mean some people do not have any choice in their sexual choices. Besides, if people want to fuck knot-holes in trees (in anything else for that matter) who the hell cares?

As far as condemnation of peoples actions, Isreal is great place to start condeming.

....chinkey? Give me a break.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Bravo Zero, you are yet one step deeper in the shit hole.

Originally posted by Zero
Zero believes that this statement of bigotry pretty much sums up flores,

Actually if you want to get a little more spacific the term that best fits this situation is "heterosexism", the feeling that heterosexuals are inherently superior to the untermenchen that are homosexuals. You know the whole "My people are the strongest in the world" sort of complex.
Originally posted by Ghassan Kanafani

No it is not . You have no choice in skincolor you have choice acting out gayness .

If you cannot condamn a person by his actions , then by what ?

If being gay is a choice, then try it for maybe just 5 minuets in the comfort of your own home. You don't eve need to actually perform any sexual act, just be attracted to the same sex for 5 minuets so that you can better understand what it is you are condemning.

If you mean to imply that though people don't chose to be homosexual they do chose to act on sexual desire, give me one good reason why homosexuals should remain celibate for their entire lives.
There is evidence to suggest 'gay' genes exist. This would mean some people do not have any choice in their sexual choices.

Yes they do . Weither they have genes that creates there gay lust is fine , that still offers them a choice , be it is one against their own feelings .

Hey there might be pedofile genes just as well .

Besides, if people want to fuck knot-holes in trees (in anything else for that matter) who the hell cares?

not me as long as Im not bothered with it .

As far as condemnation of peoples actions, Isreal is great place to start condeming.


....chinkey? Give me a break.

hey .... what u want its zero Im talking to .

the feeling that heterosexuals are inherently superior to the untermenchen that are homosexuals. You know the whole "My people are the strongest in the world" sort of complex.

IMO it IS superiorior . That doesnt mean the other shouldnt do what he wants , that just means I hold more value in one than in another . Im sure to them being gay is far superior as well , weither they are aware of it or not .

If being gay is a choice, then try it for maybe just 5 minuets in the comfort of your own home. You don't eve need to actually perform any sexual act, just be attracted to the same sex for 5 minuets so that you can better understand what it is you are condemning.

Why ? I know what it means to not be allowed to do something that seems right and natural . You dont have to be gay for that .

And I am not condemning being gay , I condemn day actions as they are IMO yukkie . I condemn them for me , I dont care for another to do them but he wishes my opinion I think its yukkie .

Is that wrong ?

If you mean to imply that though people don't chose to be homosexual they do chose to act on sexual desire, give me one good reason why homosexuals should remain celibate for their entire lives.

They dont have to , however with Islam it doesnt combine .

They can do as they wish , I just dont consider it virtuous . I think lust is a serious problem dealing with it .
IMO it IS superiorior . That doesnt mean the other shouldnt do what he wants , that just means I hold more value in one than in another . Im sure to them being gay is far superior as well , weither they are aware of it or not .

Good point.

Yes they do . Weither they have genes that creates there gay lust is fine , that still offers them a choice , be it is one against their own feelings .

I'd argue the origins of your opinion, but I recall you saying that your interpetation of Islam isn't one of worshiping a god, but worshiping life (Or something? I can't remember now, but basically you say that there isn't a god, per se) so I won't knock you for your opinion. The problem, however, comes from the condemnation of people for acting on their homosexuality. Well, homosexuality is as natural as heterosexuality. People knock them for acting on their desires, yet those same people refuse to allow gays to marry, and let them do it in what is considered the "right" way.

Why ? I know what it means to not be allowed to do something that seems right and natural . You dont have to be gay for that .

Again, I'm wondering what exactly your interpetation of Islam is. Is the repression of natural tendancies done to be responsible? Because just about every other Muslim does it because "God wants it". Same goes for Christians.

And I am not condemning being gay , I condemn day actions as they are IMO yukkie . I condemn them for me , I dont care for another to do them but he wishes my opinion I think its yukkie .

I do not fault you for that. As natural as it is for a homosexual to act on his/her homosexuality, it is equally as natural for heterosexuals to be grossed out by it. I have never looked at two homosexuals smooching and said "Awwww, how cute." No, I get grossed out. Well, lesbians are nice in theory, but if you've ever seen them REALLY do it, you'd get grossed out too.

Is that wrong ?

Not at all. At least you made it clear.

They dont have to , however with Islam it doesnt combine .

I don't agree with organized religions, but again, I will not knock you for it. And I appreciate that you would word it like that, rather than "YOU STUPID HOMO! ISLAM SAYS YOU'RE WRONG!"

They can do as they wish , I just dont consider it virtuous . I think lust is a serious problem dealing with it .

That's acceptable. But I'd still like you to clear up what your interpetation of Islam is. If gay marriage was legalized everywhere, would homosexual sex be an issue? Is it the same as heterosexual sex, as it is wrong when done out of wedlock? Or is it more like "Eww, fucking homos are nasty and shouldn't be allowed to screw...EVER."?

I will admit, Ghassan, your arguments aren't terrible. The only thing you need to drop is your constant name-calling. To say everything we say is "Islamaphobic" is just paranoid delusion. You're just baselessly bashing Western culture. And, if you were to look around, there is plenty of reason to hate the Muslim world today. I'm not saying that the West is in great favor either, but the mindless death and destruction caused by religious fanatics over LAND is just unforgivable.

Gas, you're so full of gas. Take you, your stinky gas, and your sand nigger folk and your mom

back to the poor shithole in the desert from whence you crawled.

Moderator edit.

Zero, you are way out of line. Please cease with the ad hominem.

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Zero : seek help

JDawg :

worshiping life

I dont worship anything , I claimed that the IMO theologic ontological concept in Islam is that Allah=everything . Since I cannot experience anything outside life , then this is till where my understanding of Allah would go . Allah is existence itself .

Well, homosexuality is as natural as heterosexuality.

No its not natural , if it would be natural we would extinct , it happens in nature thats a different thing .

condemnation of people for acting on their homosexuality

What is the problem to condemn another for his action ? I condemn it because it does not fit in the system of life , and I have a big issue as it draws toward an immense psychotic expression of lust . This doesnt mean they shouldnt do it , they should do whatever they wish , as long as its not in my face , just like my actions wont be in their faces .

Again, I'm wondering what exactly your interpetation of Islam is. Is the repression of natural tendancies done to be responsible? Because just about every other Muslim does it because "God wants it".

IMO life wants it . First point would be because homosexuality does not lead to reproduction . On top of that the moral issue comes dealing with lust etc .

Well, lesbians are nice in theory, but if you've ever seen them REALLY do it, you'd get grossed out too.

Actually im not grosed out by it one bit , Id love 2 chicks especially when im working them :D

However I dont consider this a virtuous action , I am aware its merely lust and has no function within life whatsoever (no love nor reproduction nor an element of familiy) .

As for gays ...... you've said it right : As natural as it is for a homosexual

For him . However his system of naturality doesnt provide the things they should . First the tendency to moral-les actions etc is greatly , but even when he gets over all of that , still no reproduction .

He will die out . His end on the earth has come . He wont live forever . His system is a dead end . And thats my point , not natural .


No indeed , but homosexual Muslims should be aware what THEIR belief says about it . That way they are confronted and they should answer for themselves : why am I a Muslim if what I believe in does not believe in me ? Who's right ? Me or Islam ?

IMO you simply cant deny it , so you should deal with it .

If gay marriage was legalized everywhere, would homosexual sex be an issue? Is it the same as heterosexual sex, as it is wrong when done out of wedlock? Or is it more like "Eww, fucking homos are nasty and shouldn't be allowed to screw...EVER."?

I dont care weither its allowed with non-Muslims , in Islam it isnt . And it never will be because how you would manage to "naturalize" the whole thing by a gay family with morals etc etc ec , you still cant reproduce and die . You're dead , goners . Islam isnt about that , its not a system to die , its a system to live .

The only thing you need to drop is your constant name-calling.

I dont call everybody names , I only call names peoples who show disrespect or ignorance used for disrespectfull means.

To say everything we say is "Islamaphobic" is just paranoid delusion.

I dont say everything is Islamophobic , I do say there IS quite so phobia for Islam ..... and dont worry it outreaches the west and infects Islam itself deeply . I say fear to understand your own scriptures correctly because they might prove you and your faith wrong , is phobic just as well . Only on a philosophic level . Phobia accurs on many different levels .

In the West its mostly socio-cultural and political .

You're just baselessly bashing Western culture.

I bash only that what I can argue for as being ignorant or in any other not virtuous .

And, if you were to look around, there is plenty of reason to hate the Muslim world today. I'm not saying that the West is in great favor either, but the mindless death and destruction caused by religious fanatics over LAND is just unforgivable.

Im sorry but rather than land the issues are over genocide , oppression & occupation . And for you information I am very supportive for Palestinian resistance against zionist colonists , you should check WE&P more often . ;)

And no religion and conservative outlooks on it have little to do with the conflict itself . And we have Christian & secular "terrorists" as well , dont worry . Im hoping we get Jewish ones as well someday .
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You're so out of line here it's ridiculous.
This board does not exist for you to vomit up your aborted logic, hatred, and racism.
Your ‘reason’ of late has been infantile and your behavior is putrid.

Quite frankly you’ve fallen below the level of Whatsupyall and you should interpret that as the insult that it is.


Allah is existence itself .


No its not natural , if it would be natural we would extinct , it happens in nature thats a different thing .

extinct? you think faggotry would be the preferred mode of sexual expression if it were deemed natural? if something can occur in nature it cannot be anything but natural. unnatural is often dictated by one's individual or cultural prejudices

just like my actions wont be in their faces .

what happened, the gay parade got too raunchy for your liking?. someone hit on you...........and you felt an attraction?

On top of that the moral issue comes dealing with lust etc .


Actually im not grosed out by it one bit , Id love 2 chicks especially when im working them :D


you still cant reproduce and die . You're dead , goners . Islam isnt about that , its not a system to die , its a system to live .

islam is redundant and irrelevant to life just as the exchange of bodily fluids is to procreation
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what exactly dont you understand spookz ? With what pre-assumptions does what I have said conflict in your perspective ?

extinct? you think faggotry would be the preferred mode of sexual expression if it were deemed natural? if something can occur in
nature it cannot be anything but natural. unnatural is often dictated by one's individual or cultural prejudices

Your issues you bring in with nature are semantical , I already mentioned that it happens in nature . However it is not according to the natural proces of life . Gay men cant make babies because nature does not allow them . If the homosexual and heterosexual creatures would switch positions there would be extinction .

what happened, the gay parade got too raunchy for your liking?. someone hit on you...........and you felt an attraction?

I think its pathetic such parade . I would have the same problem with a straight parade , I dont think secuality should be an issue of parading .


As the physical relevance is so emphasized extra with homosexuals ( Im not denying in any ways there isnt emphasize in hetero-sexual acts , however the basics that provide the context differ immensly) , it is more likely through homosexuality to fall into motives of lust rather thanb love (or creating a family etc) .


explain please . Do I act on it ?

islam is redundant and irrelevant to life just as the exchange of bodily fluids is to procreation

I cant take opinions about Islamic philosophy from a person who hasnt sufficient knowledge on the issues to be of any value .

But dont that let you stop from elaborating on what you mean , as its a bit :confused:

what exactly dont you understand spookz ? With what pre-assumptions does what I have said conflict in your perspective ?

oh just that saying "allah is existence" sounds like a hindu take on god

Your issues you bring in with nature are semantical ,

not my issues. yours.

I already mentioned that it happens in nature . However it is not according to the natural proces of life .

well obviously a homosexual act is not intended to be a reproductive one (if that is what you mean by "natural process"). then again i could also say neither are most hetero ones

Gay men cant make babies because nature does not allow them .

nature is a work in progress. it is not divine. it is not perfect. it is also a mistake to view nature as some static object impervious to change

If the homosexual and heterosexual creatures would switch positions there would be extinction .

fucking is irrelevant as far as reproduction is concerned. infact, reproduction is a curse as far as fucking is concerned

I think its pathetic such parade . I would have the same problem with a straight parade , I dont think secuality should be an issue of parading .

just playing

As the physical relevance is so emphasized extra with homosexuals ( Im not denying in any ways there isnt emphasize in hetero-sexual acts , however the basics that provide the context differ immensly) , it is more likely through homosexuality to fall into motives of lust rather thanb love (or creating a family etc) .

not only hypocritical but hoplessly prejudiced as well. you are now rationalising and attempting to justify your dislike (illogical) for homosexualty

explain please . Do I act on it ?

boy/boy=bad, girl/girl=good

I cant take opinions about Islamic philosophy from a person who hasnt sufficient knowledge on the issues to be of any value .

you have a point (notice how i let your condescension pass without a reaction);). however this islamic philosophy is also, merely just a humanistic one dressed up in some regional and cultural flavor. to live is to know islam/christianity/hindu/...

But dont that let you stop from elaborating on what you mean , as its a bit :confused:

oh yeah??
