Islam is violent religion!

The link does not prove that Islam is a violent religion.

Revelations were made 20 years after the death of Muhammed? For the Bible, it was 35-50 years at the very least after Jesus' supposed "resurrection."

The link also dismisses the differences from the Bible as deviations. What nonsense.
1. Most religions end up violent, anyway. What's so special about Islam?

2. God is a false entity, created by ancient men to explain the then-unexplainable, and what is now explainable via the scientific method.
Any religion in the modern era that did not allow for violence would not become very popular. Look at Buddhism, for instance. Violence against one's self doesn't count.
Most religions are horribly violent from time to time and I don't believe any are the word of god... if such a being even exists.

How would you feel if somebody will constantly rape you? Will you go with the flow or try to resist? I'm sure you will become a little or much more violent after that.

Welcome to sciforums.

Are you Christian, by any chance?

Is the Koran is not the word of God, do you believe there is a true word of God? If so, where can we find it?
Mythbuster said:
Can you find links other then christian links ? I dont trust christians, all they do is dashing other religion to make them feel superior then any other religions. I dont give a damn about jesus. We want evidence.

Also this link is bashing evolution. Know your source damnit :confused:

Jesus & Mohammad are both terrorists.

I don't trust evolutionist's because they bring into view canting evidences. Some of them are sincerely misguided and some of them intentionally distort things.
Mythbuster said:
Can you find links other then christian links ? I dont trust christians, all they do is dashing other religion to make them feel superior then any other religions. I dont give a damn about jesus. We want evidence.

Also this link is bashing evolution. Know your source damnit :confused:

Jesus & Mohammad are both terrorists.

M*W: How can Jesus be a terrorist? He didn't exist!
PetriFB said:

Islam is violent religion and Koran is not word of God.

1. religion by itself doesnt cause violence, people interpreting religious texts and deriving moral authority from them does.

2. every religion on earth has played host to people who sought to use its message for personal gain and justification of atrocity.

3. there is no such thing as the word of god.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: How can Jesus be a terrorist?
Charges of sedition, inciting a revolt, public disturbance, impeity (a capital offense in ancient Rome) and high treason. The first two are somewhat terroristic, in the sense that a revolt in Judea would've terrified the Roman garrison, possibly.
He didn't exist!
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I don't trust evolutionist's because they bring into view canting evidences. Some of them are sincerely misguided and some of them intentionally distort things.

While some evolutionists may intentionally distort things, the number who do that would be tiny, in my opinion. If somebody tells you that the majority of biologists, who believe in evolution, do so for dishonest reasons, then I'd be very suspicious if I were you.

You mention "canting evidences". What are you referring to? Can you give an example?
Islam & Christians, they are both wrong:
myth buster, the above is quite amusing, good stuff.

We need to refer to them as fucked up, the KKK or militant muslims are neither christians or muslims, just fucked up!!!