Islam, Freedom and Artistic and Literary Innovation


Shield of Islam
Registered Senior Member
Islam, Freedom and Artistic and Literary Innovation

Dr Yusuf Al-Qaradawi

When Islam dawned, it enunciated the principle of freedom. Commander of the Faithful, Umar Ibn Al-Khattab declared his famous saying: “When, on earth, have you enslaved people while their mothers delivered them free human beings!” . The fourth caliph, Ali Ibn Abi Talib, advised some people: “Never be somebody else, since Allah has created you as a free man from the beginning.”

The original principle is that all people are free, in accordance with the fact that Allah creates them in freedom and that they are born free. They are entitled to be free and not be slaves. When Islam proclaimed freedom as a principle, it was during an epoch when most people were virtually enslaved intellectually, politically, socially, religiously, and economically, etc.

Running counter to all those forms of human bondage, Islam came to announce all possible forms of freedom: freedom of belief, freedom of thought, freedom of speech and freedom of criticism. Those categories have always been the foremost kind of freedom usually sought by people..

Freedom of belief:

Despite Islam being a religion itself, Islam has set forth religious freedom. It has never allowed coercion in converting to Islam or any specific religion. Many texts can be cited here. Verses in the Quran from the Makkan period show Allah, the Almighty, as saying: “And had your Lord willed, those on earth would have believed, all of them together. So, will you (O Mohammed) then compel mankind, until they become believers?” (Surat Yunus: verse 99).

During the period in Madina, we have this Quranic revelation: “ There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the Right Path has become distinct from the wrong path.” (Surat Al-Baqarah: verse 256). The significance in this revelation, in particular, shows how far Islam has gone to sanctify freedom and how it holds it in high esteem.

Read more about other freedoms in Islam:
The original principle is that all people are free, in accordance with the fact that Allah creates them in freedom and that they are born free. They are entitled to be free and not be slaves. When Islam proclaimed freedom as a principle, it was during an epoch when most people were virtually enslaved intellectually, politically, socially, religiously, and economically, etc.

It depends what the meaning of the word "is" is. In this case the meaning of the word "free" means a variety of different living conditions for anyone asked to define it. If a million people were asked what free meant you would get a myriad of definitions constituting a broad spectrum of liberties ranging from extreme freedom of chaotic behavior to extreme regimental robotic behavior.

As I recall on one of your previous post you discussed the merits of the head covering and or burga vs the various form of western dress.

In the case of freedom of dress I would say one extreme of the spectrum would be bikini clad women roaming the public streets and the other end of the spectrum would be women dressed with burgas.

I believe that the social acceptance of the definition of freedom of dress would be in the middle of the two extremes.

Despite Islam being a religion itself, Islam has set forth religious freedom. It has never allowed coercion in converting to Islam or any specific religion. Many texts can be cited here. Verses in the Quran from the Makkan period show Allah, the Almighty, as saying: “And had your Lord willed, those on earth would have believed, all of them together. So, will you (O Mohammed) then compel mankind, until they become believers?” (Surat Yunus: verse 99).

If I'm not mistaken no organized religion dogma allows coercion. In reality what happens the members of the majority religion will exercise feelings of superiority,sometimes subtle discrimination and at times total abhorance of minority religions. For instance If the head of a corporation is a sunni muslim the chances of a shite muslim getting a job there would be unlikely. Thats how coercion starts,the majority religion slowly makes it more difficult for minority religion to exist.
Yes, greco, big difference between religious ideals and the reality of how religion is implemented.
otheadp said:
what is this orwellist bullshit?

I'm not sure who or what you are refering to with the orwellian epithet. I tried to respond to PM's post in a non-emotional manner. Escalating the discussion to a more visceral level would be counter-productive.
Well done Greco, you are improving, I am willing to discuss anything with you if you remain like that, civilized and rational.

Thank you.