Islam contra Nazism


You know there are several similarities between nazism and Islam. In Nazi Germany Jews were required to walk around with a star of David on their clothing to indicate that they were "marked." In Muslim countries women are required to cover their heads and veil to indicate that they are "marked."

Jews were beaten in the streets of Nazi Germany. Women are beaten in the streets of Muslim nations.

There was little freedom of religion in Nazi Germany. None in muslim nations.

Give me some time and I will think of some more.
This is a worthless topic. You can draw parallels between any two human societies. If you wish to address a particular point of doctrine do so directly, simply asserting a parallel to Nazism does not inherently refute or discredit the position.

Hey notPresidentAndrew

you should have put Muslim contra Nazism not Islam contra Nazism
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Is there some particular reason that you keep making threads for no other reason than to piss off GreenWorld?
I have to agree. This is going a bit too far. I mean, it's like comparing Ariel Sharon to Adolf Hitler. They're two seperate people with different motivations, living in completely different times. Period.

Same goes for Islam and Naziism. I've met Muslims who behave nicely, and aren't fanatic. I've also met asshole Muslims who I'd give a dime to have deported. Of course, they're all muslim by definition, though I can't say the same for nature since I've never met a true fanatic. Obviously, theres bound to be Islamic Nazi's and quite a few more anti-semetic ones - though people have kindly pointed out that associating the two is stupid. Not mean, not dirty -- stupid.

Just because Green World is being an ass doesn't mean you have to be one too. I can tell you right now his presence will only sour the majoral view of Islamic culture.

Originally posted by Vienna
Hey notPresidentAndrew

you should have put Muslim contra Nazism not Islam contra Nazism

Islam contra Nazism works, and Muslim contra Nazi would work as well. Ideology contra ideology, or follower contra follower, I think.
Listen, I'm only saying this once. I'm against bigotry and can't stand the Jerry Farewells and Pat Robinsons who bash Islam because of their own agendas. So I'm not a bigot.

But I'm not an idiot, either. I won't say that Islam is peaceful when the Koran orders the "infidels" to be killed. Islam orders women to cover their heads and veil, which are symbols of imprisioinment.

This is 2003. We need to stop worrying about what a pedophile from Arabia meant when he wrote down his delusions (or just plain lies).

Bigotry is wrong, but pure tolerance of a harsh religion is as well.
Originally posted by notPresidentAndrew
Bigotry is wrong, but pure tolerance of a harsh religion is as well.
Since none of Green_World's opponents are advocating "pure tolerance of a harsh religion", let's set that strawman aside and focus on bigotry. Let me ask you a question: are you equally as vitriolic in your verbal assaults on Judaism and, if not, why?
Are there any Jewish people around here to debate with?

Actually I have fough right wing fundamentalist Christians who claim they have to right to kill in war (and elsewhere) because "God told the Jews to do so in the Old Testament."
Originally posted by notPresidentAndrew
Islam and Nazism are similar enough to justify this thread.
No. As I already mentioned, drawing a parallel between human societies is not a valid argument. All you have done so far is rather feebly show that Nazi German society and some Islamic societies share in some rather horrible behavior. Of course, it is not much of a stretch to do draw such parallels between any two societies.

Case in point, The Milgram experiments: In the 60's some psychological experiments were conducted regarding authority in an effort to demonstrate that the participants in the Holocaust were not just following orders but were inhumane monsters and that "normal" people would not undertake orders to perform such horrific acts. The experiment failed miserably in proving the hypothesis. What was, instead, proven was that "normal" people would indeed follow such orders. The Milgram experiment was conducted in the U.S. and though it is now considered to be unethical (due to the psychological trauma of the participants) it was repeated over the next twenty years in several countries with similar results.

I would also point out the definition of Nazism: "The ideology and practice of the Nazis, especially the policy of racist nationalism, national expansion, and state control of the economy."

The examples you gave regarding Islamic countries demonstrate none of these traits.

Further, since you are identifying these things as Islamic in origin you must prove that they are actually derived from the religion and not simply a convenient cover for a far more rampant and global tendency towards misogynistic behavior.

Basically, your "point" is useless. If you wish to argue against certain laws or situations in various Islamic countries you must do so directly. Stating, "they're like the Nazis" is not a valid argument.

Originally posted by notPresidentAndrew
Except for the new wave of nutcase Muslims and fundie Christians pretty much everyone here (except me) is an atheist, so you're not special, Xev.
I think Xev is special. I have a fairly servicable Torah and Tanach at my disposal but, unfortunately, Xev thinks that I'm boring. Oh, well.

So, what kind of nutcase theist are you, and how is/are your God(s) superior to Ba'al, El, YHWH, and Allah?
Godwin's Law


See <a href="" target="_blank">Godwin's Law</a>.

RAFL (laughing at the BORDEM of whoever MADE that law up:p)
Originally posted by ConsequentAtheist

So, what kind of nutcase theist are you, and how is/are your God(s) superior to Ba'al, El, YHWH, and Allah?

I knew someone would come around to demanding a description of my beliefs, but I choose not to reveal them because they will just be mocked, even though they are logical and justifiable.
Re: Godwin's Law

Originally posted by James R

See <a href="" target="_blank">Godwin's Law</a>.

Hey, I'm not the first to compare Nazism and Islam. They are just so similar!

My history teacher compared Osama to Adolf, I've seen a cartoon comparing the veil to the Star of David marking, and so on.