islam confronts apostasy

A few years ago we had a woman here who converted from Islam to Christianity. Her parents have disowned her, and she is receiving death threats from her brothers and friends. She had to change her name and flee her country.

My uncle is a Christian married to a Muslim woman. He had to accept her faith to be able to marry her. I visit them often and their lives are full of love and tolerance. They both trust God with their own lives and with each other's life. I think this is the way it should be.
Originally posted by Jenyar
My uncle is a Christian married to a Muslim woman. He had to accept her faith to be able to marry her. I visit them often and their lives are full of love and tolerance. They both trust God with their own lives and with each other's life. I think this is the way it should be.
so, he's still Christian, living as a muslim? or muslim?

why did he need to convert? in old Islamic Spain, the women converted to the religion of the husband not the other way around, what's different?
Originally posted by Randolfo
so, he's still Christian, living as a muslim? or muslim?

why did he need to convert? in old Islamic Spain, the women converted to the religion of the husband not the other way around, what's different?

Randolfo, there is no way for you to elevate from the mud and yuckiness of the ignorance, because your soul seems to desire the foul in things. All religions have foul and christianity enjoys a great deal of that, nowonder why are founding father fleed from the foulness of it in effort to preserve the goodness they knew of christianity. Keep looking for foul and your life will become one. I pity you for your inability to see the correct prespective and the goodness in elements.
Flores, how about a demonstration that you CAN for once sidestep your ad hominem attacks and contribute with something useful?
Originally posted by DJSupreme23
Flores, how about a demonstration that you CAN for once sidestep your ad hominem attacks and contribute with something useful?

lol good one.

I think Flores likes getting mentally raped!
Originally posted by DJSupreme23
Flores, how about a demonstration that you CAN for once sidestep your ad hominem attacks and contribute with something useful?

This is not possible, my definition of usefulness does not coincide with yours. Face it, we're two parralel lines that will never meet....We may only yell at each other from a distance, that's the only possible move.
Flores ....

I'll have to dig up the references, but I do recall reading that some of the Muslim mystics between the 9th and 13th centuries concluded that people without exposure to the Koran could still, technically, follow Islam. I thought of that when I saw the point that Abraham was a Muslim, because I think this was a Faylasuf assertion, though I can't remember whose specifically.

However, I don't think people understand the counterpoint: A Muslim, by Christian doctrine, cannot be a Christian. This is what people are used to. A Christian, however, according to certain Islamic philosophical assertions, can indeed pursue a proper way to God. It's a larger metaphysical argument generally removed from the common faith, but perhaps if I can dig up a couple of names, or if you know what the hell it is I'm referring to, it might be helpful to some of those who don't understand your point. Of course, I could be off by miles, too.

I'll try to put together a more coherent version of this post.

Tiassa :cool:
Originally posted by DJSupreme23
Flores, how about a demonstration that you CAN for once sidestep your ad hominem attacks and contribute with something useful?

...and pigs can fly.... dream on.
Originally posted by tiassa
I'll have to dig up the references, but I do recall reading that some of the Muslim mystics between the 9th and 13th centuries concluded that people without exposure to the Koran could still, technically, follow Islam.

Absolutely, and I believe that a man in China who have never read bible or Quran or announced his faith, may be following Islam. From my experience, I have seen too many muslims without Islam and I have seen Islam without Muslims. It's a philosophical point of view, but it's valid.

Originally posted by tiassa
I thought of that when I saw the point that Abraham was a Muslim, because I think this was a Faylasuf assertion, though I can't remember whose specifically.

This assertion is made in the Quran.
[3.67] Ibrahim was not a Jew nor a Christian but he was (an) upright (man), a Muslim, and he was not one of the polytheists.
If you notice, you'll see that being a muslim is compared with being upright....straightforward...uncrooked, ect...

Also, in the Quran, when god speak of salvation, he mentions.
[2.62] Surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians, whoever believes in Allah and the Last day and does good, they shall have their reward from their Lord, and there is no fear for them, nor shall they grieve.

Notice that god doesn't even mention muslim here, but we assume that a muslim lies in the definition of those who believe. Believing is quite a wide spectrum of people, don't you agree.

Originally posted by tiassa
However, I don't think people understand the counterpoint: A Muslim, by Christian doctrine, cannot be a Christian. This is what people are used to. A Christian, however, according to certain Islamic philosophical assertions, can indeed pursue a proper way to God. It's a larger metaphysical argument generally removed from the common faith, but perhaps if I can dig up a couple of names, or if you know what the hell it is I'm referring to, it might be helpful to some of those who don't understand your point. Of course, I could be off by miles, too.

That's something that bother me, if I accept the christians, why can't they accept me. Tiassa, if I have ever felt prejudice, it has been in the idea that Christians form exclusive clubs.

Originally posted by tiassa
I'll try to put together a more coherent version of this post.

I look forward to it.