Islam and Christianity... Muhammed (s.a.v) and Jesus


Registered Senior Member
As you all know the main difference between Islam and Christianity is the status of Jesus in Christianity. (being the son of god)
In Islam, Jesus is not god's son but just a messenger like Muhammed (s.a.v). When Muhammed (s.a.v) was alive the main thing he was concerned about was the status of himself in the eyes of the Muslems. He said almost in all of his speeches that he is just a messenger. He said that the people before him made a big mistake by worshipping to Jesus and seeing him equal to God. He repedeatly said that no one is equal to God and that they are just messengers. In his farewell speech he said that people shouldnt draw pictures of him. (He was afraid that people would worship him in those pictures instead of God, thats why portrait drawing in Islamic cultures couldnt improve.)

It's very interesting that Muhammed (s.a.v) always tried to make clear that he is just a messenger and shouldnt be worshipped.
It's like he was trying to correct a false understanding before him. In addition he also ones said that Islam is not a new religion but just an updated version of the already present monotheist religion. (please dont get offended, i am just trying to discuss these sensitive issues)

What you say about the monotheism Islam is as Shiaa or Sunni religions , you are indeed correct in the sense that its purpose is finishing the books , sort of speak . An Islamic claim of Israel for instance , exists in the islamization of the jews .....the muslims would be the new jews , as the christians were the new jews before that . So its about part 3 , if u know what i mean .

But thats just the monotheistic part of Islam , Islam is much more than just some modern christianity , although its current representation IS .

Islam correct some dumb things the Jews didnt think off , like Adam and Eve having an incestuide family , Allah simply created many tribes like Adam and like Eve . And circumcision has been brought back , as more things . It was a sort of reflex on christianity .....was sometimes happen when certain privileges exceed , people tend to turn the other war . Thats why Judaism is in center with Islam and christianity surrounding it , while Islam should be closer to Christianity according to chronology , again I am speaking of the simple monotheistic understandings .

And science was recognized seriously , the christians didnt do that cuz it wouldnt match with for instance their understandings of their 6.000 flat world .

Well all i can say , as religions , all 3 suck severely .
Off topic but in the same direction and to silly for a new thread ........i wanted to ask , does anyone here study Islam , or knows about it , read the Qu'ran etc ?

Some interesting views I wanted to elaborate , but that would seem useless if nobody knows/gives a fuck
Originally posted by Allahs_Mathematics
Off topic but in the same direction and to silly for a new thread ........i wanted to ask , does anyone here study Islam , or knows about it , read the Qu'ran etc ?

Some interesting views I wanted to elaborate , but that would seem useless if nobody knows/gives a fuck

If you are not already opinionated and trying to form a trap, then give me a shot. I read the Quran in Arabic and studied Islam non conventionally, within the context of my life.
If you are not already opinionated and trying to form a trap, then give me a shot. I read the Quran in Arabic and studied Islam non conventionally, within the context of my life.

Im never opinionated , either I know,doubt or wish to find out . A trap is only to be set with pruposes , none of whitch i can find on this board at this moment .

Im merely a student of Islam and its Qu'ran , and the only way I could be considered formed in knowledge , is that I am not viewing it in the tradition of monotheistic Abrahams God religions .

Your non-conventionality can actually help me out with a question I have about the Qu'ran , and whitch the traditionals simply do not even wish to think about because the learned have said only Allah knows.....

Whats up with Alif Lam Mim , in front of several Suras ? What your view on these mysterial letters ?

An other thing , is the mentioning of "we" when spoken of Allah , instead of "I" . I understand that is "nahno" in Arabic , but still I cant seem to coprehend how exactly this works out .

Another interesting aspect I descovered , is when u view the 99 names of Allah in Allah to be the highest moral creature , u could view his names as attributes , reminding of Aristotelian Virtue ethics , developed 800 before religious Islam . Whats your view on that ?

Thats all I could think of rightaway ......
This very well could be biased sensationalizing, but I heard a Theologian speak and say there is no real word for "Peace" in the Islam religion. Only when speaking Islamist to Islamist. Is this true?
And science was recognized seriously , the christians didnt do that cuz it wouldnt match with for instance their understandings of their 6.000 flat world .
Where does this information originate? In the Christian's little instruction manual, the Bible? If so where? Thanks.
Purely out of interest i'll state this:

Allah actually comes from Alla who was a Sumerian god of the netherworld. The Akkadian is 'Allatu'.

As i said, was just out of interest.
Originally posted by Allahs_Mathematics
Whats up with Alif Lam Mim , in front of several Suras ? What your view on these mysterial letters ?

An other thing , is the mentioning of "we" when spoken of Allah , instead of "I" . I understand that is "nahno" in Arabic , but still I cant seem to coprehend how exactly this works out .

Another interesting aspect I descovered , is when u view the 99 names of Allah in Allah to be the highest moral creature , u could view his names as attributes , reminding of Aristotelian Virtue ethics , developed 800 before religious Islam . Whats your view on that ?

Thats all I could think of rightaway ......

Your first question is about a mystery found in the Quran. When god gives his message, he usually tries to outdo the current state of the art technology of the humans. During Moses times, sorcery and majic was excellent, so god gave Moses majical signs that will make the most knowledged believe. During Jesus time, medecine was best, so god made Jesus cure blind and raise dead. During Prophet Muhammed time, Poetry was at its best. The pagan arabs were so good that they were involved in changing the language, modifying the rules, and could write pages and pages at very early age. The Quran was a written scipture miracle. In the way it rythems, in it's content, ect. I believe that to this day it's still meant to be a langauge miracle and although we don't know the meaning or implications of the letters, they might be connected in very mysterious ways that is intended for future generations.

In arabic, "nahno" is not always plural. Most of the time it is, It is actaully the respectfull way to refer to self. Like Usted in spanish used for one and many as respect. I hope you are not implying crap like god is more than one and such here. Because there are so so so many times in the Quran that it emphasize the concept of ONE and ONLY ONE god.

As far as the 99 names. The Quran never mentioned that it's the first word of god. It only said that it's the last word of god....never first though... God said that he has sent the same message many many times before....That all civilzations have recieved a version of the message. I wouldn't doubt that Aristotle and Socrates were reading older religious scriptures or where actually prophets of god...who knows...and truly who cares...If someone have something good and nice to say, I'm all ears for it, if it stinks, I'm blessed to be given only tuned ears from god that rejects garbage. It's very easy to tell good from bad, and the greek philosophers had a lot of good stuff to say.
Originally posted by SnakeLord
Purely out of interest i'll state this:

Allah actually comes from Alla who was a Sumerian god of the netherworld. The Akkadian is 'Allatu'.

As i said, was just out of interest.

Words may have shallow meanings like people that uses them. Allah to the muslims (Submitters), is the single force responsible of creating and maintaining order in the universe. Now, what is the netherworld? and who gives a crap if they used the word god to refer to their pagan peace of stone that they worshipped or whatever.
Words may have shallow meanings like people that uses them. Allah to the muslims (Submitters), is the single force responsible of creating and maintaining order in the universe. Now, what is the netherworld? and who gives a crap if they used the word god to refer to their pagan peace of stone that they worshipped or whatever.

I didn't say anyone gave a crap... i was just out of interest showing where the name Allah originally came from. You really should lighten up a little.

Netherworld= The world of the dead btw.
Originally posted by SnakeLord
I didn't say anyone gave a crap... i was just out of interest showing where the name Allah originally came from. You really should lighten up a little.

Netherworld= The world of the dead btw.

Excuse me for not lightening up to a doofus who makes blanket statement about MY god.....If you're going to say that you're finding the original name of Allah, then you need to not say Netherworld and give me the arabic equivalence of world of dead. I also asked what country may this great achievement of founding the name be attributed to....Don't say, Sumeria, cause there was no country like that. Here are your options.


Those were the big civilizations back then, so pick one.
Babylon :

First of all Babylon isnt a country , Ancient Egypt's proper name was Kemet and Sumer was definetly an empire before Babylon , it even had an own language . Abraham was Sumerian .

But on the Origins of the name "Allah" :

Islamic Allah is said to be the continuance of
Baäl (from the Old Testament)
This means Lord in the semitic languages

In about 850BC during King Achab's ruling , prophet Elia fights the followers of Baäl , the God of Babylon , according to the bible .

There are theories that Baäl comes from BA'ILI . And then it is sayd that IL , comes from IL the God Of Babyl & Sumer .

Baäl's queen was Ba'ilat , and the idea is that both names contributed to the name of Allah .

Allah = Al Illah (The God) , and with 99 names from the Qu'ran .
But before Muhammad , people were already praying towards Mecca & there was Ka'aba , together with the 360 God Pantheon , of whitch Allah was one .

Within the Pantheon , it was Moongod Hubal who was the Most High , and a period follows in whitch Allah replaces becomes the Most High . Before this time , Allah was also used as a pre-name for the Most High God of the Tribe .

The Moongod is Ismaels Moongod , and Ismaels offspring were heathens in the monotheistic sense of the word . Untill Muhammad , Ismaels offspring , the Arabs , fight the Christians & Jews (Isaacs) for their Moongod Allah .

There is a book , by Christians (some cult , yes propaganda) , and u shouldnt read it entirely its a waste of time , but it might be nice to go through it globally .
Its called Allah Divine or Demonic - The Journy of a Pagan Deity from Babylon to Mecca .

Allah actually comes from Alla who was a Sumerian god of the netherworld. The Akkadian is 'Allatu'.

Actually I have never heard of this theory , care to elaborate a bit ?

This very well could be biased sensationalizing, but I heard a Theologian speak and say there is no real word for "Peace" in the Islam religion. Only when speaking Islamist to Islamist. Is this true?

Salaam means Peace . And it is said Islam to mean peace as well as truth or as submission , ancient Qu'ranic is a bit complicated I am affraid , and I have little knowledge on it .

Where does this information originate? In the Christian's little instruction manual, the Bible? If so where? Thanks

Well the bible calculates the earth to exist 6.000 years .

And to helflores , i read elsewhere u were American , the way u spoke to that Syrian implied u not to be Arabic , am I correct ?
Interesting you have read the Qu'ran in Arabic then , could u perhaps elaborate on this uncommon phenomena .
Another question , do you considere yourself to be muslim , in the sense of submitter to the one God Allah the monotheistic religion of Islam the tradition of Abrahamism ? How exactly do you understand your onconventionality u spoke of earlier ?

I will respond to the answers you gave me later on .

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Originally posted by Allahs_Mathematics
And to helflores , i read elsewhere u were American , the way u spoke to that Syrian implied u not to be Arabic , am I correct ?
Interesting you have read the Qu'ran in Arabic then , could u perhaps elaborate on this uncommon phenomena .
Another question , do you considere yourself to be muslim , in the sense of submitter to the one God Allah the monotheistic religion of Islam the tradition of Abrahamism ? How exactly do you understand your onconventionality u spoke of earlier ?

I will respond to the answers you gave me later on .


I'm American Egyptian....I hold two passports, so I guess that it's a fair characterisation. I lived in Egypt for 15 years and in US for 14 years. I was born in US and shortly went back to Egypt, then came back at age of 17 to study. I married a hispanic who converted to Islam after we met in college.

To your second question, I consider myself to be a muslim, whether that will be accepted by god or not, I have no clue. Whether i'm going to heaven or hell, I have no idea, nor do I know how others performance will get them to.....It is for god to judge whether what I'm doing will be accebtable or not. I think religion is a private matter, and I feel very jealous about my relationship to god, so I get upset when humans interfere and tell me how to conduct my business with my creator.
Your first question is about a mystery found in the Quran. When god gives his message, he usually tries to outdo the current state of the art technology of the humans. During Moses times, sorcery and majic was excellent, so god gave Moses majical signs that will make the most knowledged believe. During Jesus time, medecine was best, so god made Jesus cure blind and raise dead. During Prophet Muhammed time, Poetry was at its best. The pagan arabs were so good that they were involved in changing the language, modifying the rules, and could write pages and pages at very early age. The Quran was a written scipture miracle. In the way it rythems, in it's content, ect. I believe that to this day it's still meant to be a langauge miracle and although we don't know the meaning or implications of the letters, they might be connected in very mysterious ways that is intended for future generations.

Could I perhaps give another possibility of the way the Qu'ran is written , other than the poetic and literary articism it contains ?
How about mathematics ?
I havent studied the QU'ran in such a way myself , I am beginning to approach it mathematically , perhaps the conclusions will be shocking , who knows ? I know the Jewish Qabbalah studies the Thorah numerology to conclude knowledge . I happen to know that according to Jewish Qaballists , the Alif Lam Mim has a numerologic meaning , their specifically concluded Alif Lam Mim to equalize 70 , the Qabbalists assume this 70 to be the number of years Islam to exist.....perhaps they were right ? Perhaps 70 years after Muhammad Qu'ran losts its "true" mathematical value , and began to be interpreted according to monotheism in tradition of Abrahamism ?
Scholars have also said , Alif Lam Mim to have imply some sort of importance of the Surra , i find that a bit too simplistic . There's got to be much more . Did u not create a theory , or thought of possibilities , in that poetic context u sketch it ?

Bring that poetism in the context of magic & medicine , I do believe if this would be the case , in the first place God would be very wrong . Magic has been great before Moses just as well , and medicine was also highly practiced by the Kemetians long before the time of Jesus . Another thing I would consider , is astronomy , possibly the most advanced pre-christian science there has ever been . Such an obvious thing to use , yet no writings in the stars were considered , while now we deal with astrology and such . The Chinese however , who were also dealing lots with astrology , do have it within their Confucionism and Taosim , we all know the famous Chinese Horoscopes .

But the thing I really do not find making any sense , is that he who knows and hears all , is choosing his knowledge to come forth based on some earthly trends ? I would consider God to bring forth his knowledge in the way that it is best , basing it on trends doesnt mean its best , and on top of it the trends were not chose very well .

How u feel about this ?

Oh and just pops into my mind , the whole magic aspect , i believed magic was not approved was it ? if it was not , how is it possible that God practices it showing his knowledge through magic ? I do not agree on the possibility of approval to depend on human time , since God creates time .

In arabic, "nahno" is not always plural. Most of the time it is, It is actaully the respectfull way to refer to self. Like Usted in spanish used for one and many as respect. I hope you are not implying crap like god is more than one and such here. Because there are so so so many times in the Quran that it emphasize the concept of ONE and ONLY ONE god.

Actually I did consider plurality with we . Notice the mathematical value of one . I am sure u also know the 99 names of Allah . Did u not notice that the 99 names are included into 1 , whitch is allah . It isnt 99+1=100 , because the 1 is surrounding the whole 99 , 1 (Allah) , consists of 99 . I figured we perhaps implied us the 99 names of Allah , and Allah is only ONE . I considered thuis we to mean the attributes of allah , whitch create 1 , Allah himself .
How about that ?

As far as the 99 names. The Quran never mentioned that it's the first word of god. It only said that it's the last word of god....never first though... God said that he has sent the same message many many times before....That all civilzations have recieved a version of the message. I wouldn't doubt that Aristotle and Socrates were reading older religious scriptures or where actually prophets of god...who knows...and truly who cares...If someone have something good and nice to say, I'm all ears for it, if it stinks, I'm blessed to be given only tuned ears from god that rejects garbage. It's very easy to tell good from bad, and the greek philosophers had a lot of good stuff to say.

It is know that the Greeks travelled to Babylon and to India (perhaps China even) as well as Kemet , they're knowledge does indeed come from older scriptures and ancient philosophies they came across on their journeys . But hey , so does Judaism and Christianity....both include knowledge that is ancient and not created by themselves , for instance the tree of life , or the birth of a virgin . Both are Kemetian philosophies .
Short and sweet.

Yes, I believe that Quran is a miracle on all levels, biology, chemistry, mathematics, poetry, ect....I really think it should be studied parallel to modern science. I believe that one of the reason that the muslims are not up to speed on science, is because they refuse to study the book and life concurrently. They prefer to stick to 1500 years ago interpretations and translations. There is a lot of value in studying the Quran the way you suggest.

As far as plural god, I agree and disagree. We need to be very carefull when we explore and talk about such things. Yes one god has many features, but it's still one god, the creator. I can't claim to be expert in the arabic language, but Nahno reads to me like a respectable referral to one god. I agree with you that god possess many attributes, and he could be referring to him as Nahno based on his attributes, so it could be a good point, but should be carefully adminestered, or before you know it, we'll go back to worshiping a god of love, a god of peace, a god of power, ect.......just like the Greeks did.

I don't think that any of Prophet Muhammed knowledge came from the greeks or babylon. The message was purely revealed to him. He was illitrate and not in the business of studying or travelling. The Quran is a pure revelation. On that note, since all the stories the creation theories were taught before, then I think that prophet before got this information from god. It was just never recorded, so philosophers got their hands on it and minipulated to look like their work. I don't think the Egyptians founded anything that is relevant to the Quran.
We need to be very carefull when we explore and talk about such things

We need to be carefull about everything always, but we need not to censure ourselves in order to please some religion .
Whats more important , Allah or religion ?
It is the censuring attitude of today's Islam that prevents muslims from understanding what they believe in .

before you know it, we'll go back to worshiping a god of love, a god of peace, a god of power, ect.......just like the Greeks did.

And this is just what i meant to link when i spoke of the Aristotelean ethics . His Virtue ethics were attributes people could have in order to be good . Naturaly when they created mythological Gods , those Gods were perfection in some sense .
And there the links is leaid between their eithics and their deities , something I consider similarily possible within Islam .
Why did the great sufi master Al Halaj say Ana Al Haq ? I believe their lies a key to a new and unconventional understanding of Islam that perhaps can be gained .

And back to the Greeks , to be honest i dont believe most philosophers really believed in their myths in the way we tend to understand them , as some invisible deities in the same way today God is being viewed (ofcourse not in its plural form) .

I don't think the Egyptians founded anything that is relevant to the Quran.

I think there is a very great relevance if u consider the relations between the attributes of Allah , Aristoteles virtue ethics , the Greek mythology....and u end up with ancient Kemetian Spirituality/Mythology . Weither u believe Muhammad didnt know about this , or not , it doesnt make the fact that similarities are seen any different . But like I said , these similarities implie a very unconventional way of Islamic thinking , something not welcomed by todays Islamic leaders .
PLEASE READ everyone!!!!!!!!!

I think that everyone one here should just cool their nerves for a minute. Now religion is always a touchy subject especially when one of another religion asks questions of yours. They may not know how to respect the other persons religion or how to pose a question correctly. Thats why we are in this forum, to discuss and help enlighten thoes who don't know . Not to yell at them or make silly comments back to them in responcse to their questions. I am a muslim. I study the quran not just read it. I have also studied other religions on the basis of curiosty as to not be ignorant to that thesis on life. If anyone has any question please email me at DLACI_2000@YAHOO.COM. I will treat all questions with respect and I am in no way partial or bias. If you ask a queation you will be given an honest answer and the materials in which it derived from so that you can see it for yourself. Thanks for your patience and may peace be with you all.


Me as an advit studier and practicer of my religion I can tell you all one thing. No matter what religion you are , no matter what you believe in there is one rule to studying it effeciently. That is................ start from the basics and work your way up to complicated. When you get into things like saying why did this person reveal this matter, or why did this quran say it was the first book (it wasnt), it becomes confusing to the peson asking the quesion when you give them the answer. Because if you dont know the basics of that religion chances are you wont understand the answer, and if you dont know the basics of that religion and you ask complicated questions it is of no avail to answer it without quoting the basics. Most of the time when a person asks you something that deep its because they heard it from somewhere. In fairness ive them an answer but in all respects wath out for webs of confusion.
Originally posted by Allahs_Mathematics

I think there is a very great relevance if u consider the relations between the attributes of Allah , Aristoteles virtue ethics , the Greek mythology....and u end up with ancient Kemetian Spirituality/Mythology . Weither u believe Muhammad didnt know about this , or not , it doesnt make the fact that similarities are seen any different . But like I said , these similarities implie a very unconventional way of Islamic thinking , something not welcomed by todays Islamic leaders .

I don't think it was a progression, more like a maturity of people's thoughs making the time ripe for the message to be sent by god. I don't think god can send the pharoas cellular phones as miracles, they wouldn't even start to comprehend what hit them. Same for knowledge, there was a natural progression of theology, but it was wrong, so when the time was ripe, the message was revealed to Mekkah, which was not influenced by state of the art knowledge to a prophet who was illiterate.

Allah, are you suggesting that Moses, Jesus, and Mohamed really got their knowledge by sitting in the city cafes, and never really communicated with god? Because your claim that greek methology and Egyptian methology have something to do with Bible and Koran truly implies that either the prophet are cheating or god is cheating from a misely human.
I don't think it was a progression, more like a maturity of people's thoughs making the time ripe for the message to be sent by god. I don't think god can send the pharoas cellular phones as miracles, they wouldn't even start to comprehend what hit them.

I do not believe peoples minds were in the period of Christianity nor Islam (Judaism is a bit different though since it isnt "consciously created" as far as we can know) at a certain level where they could coprehend the message of God , and to prove this I have 2 religions that asses emotional reactions as their vary basics : Fait , Hope , Fear etc .

But I think a significant difference in your way of thinking and mine , is that I do not consider the word of God any different than Intelligence within Science . And as far as that goes , Kemet as well as Babylon , as well as the Maya or as other anicent tribes , had a significant ammount of knowledge compared to even today . Cellular phones to do not resemblance intelligence , there is hardly any person who can actually explain how each and every proces of the creation and the function of this celular phone . It is technology , there is a great differnce between the technology of a people and its intelligence . The Kemetians didnt have even invented the wheel , yet they create the sphinx ? Yet they understood mathematics ? But ofcourse the difference between individuals intelligence and collective intelligence is immense as well , such a thing shouldnt be left out .

Same for knowledge, there was a natural progression of theology, but it was wrong, so when the time was ripe, the message was revealed to Mekkah, which was not influenced by state of the art knowledge to a prophet who was illiterate.

So u understand that I do not agree on this "natural progression" , not only based on the knowledge I have on the midevil people (Although the Arabs Intellect was way more complex than the Euro's) , but also on what this theology has become today . I do not even consider it theology , when the first statement is we cant know God . How the Theos have Logos if Logos is human reason . I dont agree with Muhammad getting "the message" revealed , since"i dont really see a "the" in the message , but that is because as far as I understand this message , I understand it in a linguistical sense , the same as the Bible . This way , I consider a message like the I-Ching or the Tao Te Ching to be of far far greater superiority than the modern theologic reasoning on "the message of God" , be it the Bible or the Qu'ran . And as far as the revealing goes , i do not believe the literal intepretation of Gabriel sended by Allah , Allah is not some guy sitting on a cloud sending flying dead people to Muhammad telling him this or that . Perhaps because of our different understanding of the concept of God , Theos Logos , you wont agree with me on the irellevance of the Illiteracy of Muhammad and the word of God being created .

Allah, are you suggesting that Moses, Jesus, and Mohamed really got their knowledge by sitting in the city cafes, and never really communicated with god? Because your claim that greek methology and Egyptian methology have something to do with Bible and Koran truly implies that either the prophet are cheating or god is cheating from a misely human.

No I am Not , I agree with you that IF they're scriptures are honorable (something whitch is only potential to me since I have no proper understanding of any of them , for the Bible for instance , i find the God concept the saddest ever , IF I am to take the text literary without some sort of symbolic formula to translate the text into new meanings) , IF , then they Indeed communicated with God . The Qu'ran as I see it is most definitly heavy potential to be an amazing communication with God , but in the first place Muhammad did not write the Qu'ran , he only told stories . Scientists/Artists wrote the Qu'ran , and perhaps through the knowledge of Muhammad , and through their own intelligence , they indeed achieved communication with God . To me talking to God is talking to oneselves highest form of intelligence , it is not by far mr who sits on a cloud . Nihilism is all what you will find if you approach God through religion . So i dont consider Muhammad attaining his knowledge by sitting in cafe's chatting about the Greeks , but by perhaps meditation , visions , who knows many ways to attain knowledge , perhaps he took a rock and logically concluded its essence , something hardly any people could ever do......further than Nihilism .

So i dont imply any Prophet of cheating (cheating is what the theologists and religious historians have been doing for ages to keep man understanding the concept of God by making him say wishfull thoughts and bow down 5 times a day without even knowing to who man is bowing , and accepting this and even dying in the name of the unknown ) , I imply i misunderstanding of Theology and Mythology (if u think for a moment both are the same , while one of them is hilarious and the other widely accepted) , I imply the lie that is called religion and history .

As I said before , quoting the chased and punished and tortured the great sufi master Al Halaj : "Ana Al Haq"
Religion is that what put this greta man in prison after sharing true knowledge , knowledge that did not depend on faith , hope and fear , but knowledge that gave emotions its proper place not making THEM God . Faith , Fear and Hope are no Gods of mine .

Interestingly , Qaballah and Sufism (who both have its roots in a combination of Babylonic Science and Kemetian "Mythology") in its deepest and most profounds forms , do not accept this astral concept of God , but regard God as the most perfect concept of existence , the ultimate supreme being . Living in the relative world we live in , God is only that what is potential , and God is what is attempted by Mankind when they try to live "righteous" .

I always found it fascinating how traditional theology aolways combines epirstemology , ontology , aesthetics & ethics ....while logics shows us theology to be about the saddest attempt of understanding life EVER . How could such an interesting concept be so weak ?

Only it can be when its misrepresented and misinterpreted on an amazing level , and thats when we end up with religion .

Isnt it interesting how the greatest anathema in religion ever , is KNOWLEDGE ?

And that brings me to you calling me Allah , is that not about the worst thing a today's muslim could ever do ? And thats where the error is the deepest .

The whole concept of 1 is irellevant in its modern understanding . Its is not like Allah is one in the sense that there is one God , instead of Allah & God & Ilohim & YHWH is about ethe completeness of a system : There is one X(lets call that God),within this specified we will find 1 solar system , 1 planet , 1 people , 1 person .

1 is merely 1 when its pasrt of a system , that system is a as well , as it is part of a system etc...we end up with the unmoved mover , Allah . Not a starter , but that what makes complete .
10 is simply 1+0 . And 1+0 contains 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 . Its the whole reason why we stop at 1(0) , and not at 9 . If so , Allah was 9 . But he isnt .
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