Islam and Changing World


Registered Senior Member
The problem arisies in islam having less and less moderates and liberals and more and more turning to radical and conservative dogma. This is very dangerous for everyone. The danger lies in the obvious aspects of violence towards non-muslim people such as myself but there are two sides to the coin.

Europe is slowly turning from a soft liberal animal into a more fidgeting slightly nationalist animal. Notice the 25%+ stake taken by an outright french nazi party representative vying for prime minister in last elections.

The protectionist anti-immigration party in belgium led by a Gay conservative whom got shot took over 30% and did win the majority in the last elections.

In Russia the reemgernce of the orthodoxy and Russia getting back to its' roots and traditions its going through a religious revival. Also a few years ago maybe 1 or 2 when the grand mufti of all russia called for jihad against the americans * oh yes when iraq war began around there * he was promptly thrown in jail and the whole thing quickly got a lid on.

People are beginning to associate islam with something dangerous and bad which needs to be put out like a fire thats begining to burn. There are cries that not all muslims are bad but they are begining to get quieter and quieter because we notice and feel actions louder. This is only the begining and the more the west gets hurt or projects its hurt the more and more our ears will begin to deathen towards any liberal islamic outcries. This prossess will prehaps take 10, 20 , or maybe 30 years or longer but eventually there will be a brink and a breaking point of no return. Some small country prehaps serbia or belgium under a pretext of puting down violence will enforce something close to martial law on its muslim subjects and then... as always there will be nothing... Complete silence no other western country will report it as a major occurance or prehaps at all or something insignificant and all the outcries by the muslim community will be ignored because they will be looked at as the boy who cried wolf for far too long.

Why do you think they (eu) said are re-instituting the nationality/religion id-system which was outlawed after the Hollocaust...

This is meant only as a warning to muslim people who heed the action of moderation not to us who practice it, but to their own brethren who do not.
Eluminate, I agree. On one of my previous posts I mentioned that an ammendment to the US constitution be made that would outlaw any religion that spoke about doing violence to another religion. All organized religions would be given a chance to ammend their books with a preamble that stated the group is against such statements and will not tolerate any member teaching same.

It's a long shot but what other choise do you have? Religious confrontations at a big scale.
its not about ammendment its about people... Muslims need to realize that by degrading us Christians/Jews/etc... as heathens they are forcing us to act to the same effect and apply it to them. And that if they start practising toleration towards us like we do to them right now it will be much better then when we begin to resent them and act against them in earnest...

My father was in jeddah and meddinah around 1969-1972 russian merchant marine. You are not allowed to wear any christian signs ergo crosses, christmass trees, pray etc... jews are forbiden to step on that land and any religion except islam is forbiden to practice there under severe penalties.

The death penalty is still till this day choping of the head....
I abhor organized religions. They like to control people and use them for their benefits. People born in any organized religion are basically brain washed to follow lock step with the dogma of that religion.

It takes extraordinary courage to break away from so much indoctrination. I have high opinion of agnostics and atheists especialy ones that were in deep in their religion and at some point found the courage to ask some hard questions.

Organized religions are entities that derive their power from their members. Take away the members and organized religion dies and vise versa, add members to their ranks and the power grows.What do organize religions do with that power? They use it to threaten or sway politicians and anyone that's stands in their way.

Organized religion is the combined hatred towards anything not like them.
History is ending because the dominator culture has led the human species into a blind alley, and as the inevitable chaostrophie approaches, people look for metaphors and answers. Every time a culture gets into trouble it casts itself back into the past looking for the last sane moment it ever knew. And the last sane moment we ever knew was on the plains of Africa 15,000 years ago rocked in the cradle of the Great Horned Mushroom Goddess before history, before standing armies, before slavery and property, before warfare and phonetic alphabets and monotheism, before, before, before. And this is where the future is taking us because the secret faith of the twentieth century is not modernism, the secret faith of the twentieth century is nostalgia for the archaic, nostalgia for the paleolithic, and that gives us body piercing, abstract expressionism, surrealism, jazz, rock-n-roll and catastrophe theory. The 20th century mind is nostalgic for the paradise that once existed on the mushroom dotted plains of Africa where the plant-human symbiosis occurred that pulled us out of the animal body and into the tool-using, culture-making, imagination-exploring creature that we are.
Terence McKenna
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If a Mosque in England is vandalised (Graffiti, etc) the Government gives them a grant of around £3,000 to clean and repair it, if an English Church is vandalised the Government gives them nothing. So who's guilty of discrimination here??? And it doesn't go down too well with the Christians here in England.

Also there is no Governmental financial support for the Church of England. Through the lack of funds and financial assistance Churches are being closed down and Clergy are been sacked. But financial aid is offered to the Muslims and their mosques.

No wonder Christians are becoming pissed off in England. Political correctness in England has become a monster and the people are sick of the Governments biased affection for the ethnic minorities.
spidergoat said:
Terence McKenna

Maybe intelligence self destructs. It's a common arguement in the cosmological world as to why we dont see any advanced entities. It's a sad commentary on humankind if it's true.
Vienna said:
If a Mosque in England is vandalised (Graffiti, etc) the Government gives them a grant of around £3,000 to clean and repair it, if an English Church is vandalised the Government gives them nothing. So who's guilty of discrimination here??? And it doesn't go down too well with the Christians here in England.

Also there is no Governmental financial support for the Church of England. Through the lack of funds and financial assistance Churches are being closed down and Clergy are been sacked. But financial aid is offered to the Muslims and their mosques.

No wonder Christians are becoming pissed off in England. Political correctness in England has become a monster and the people are sick of the Governments biased affection for the ethnic minorities.

Quotation from antlantic monthly,author Robert Kaplan.

Such passion remains robust in the United States—a firm conclusion one can draw from our post-9/11 stocktaking. Foreigners often find Americans as a group more than a little hard to take, in their overt nationalism, deep religiosity, proud vulgarity, unashamed sentimentality, battered but defiant idealism, and propensity for searing public debate. These are precisely the qualities that are disappearing in Europe. Traumatized by world war and absolutist political ideologies, Western Europe's political elites have been working for decades to neutralize passion altogether. Europe's intellectuals and politicians have become increasingly effete, bureaucratic, and defeatist; their foreign policies, to the extent that they even exist, amount to a form of regulatory compromise, guaranteed to pursue the path of least resistance. Europe, if it seeks to avoid decline, will have to relearn the lesson of Gogol and the ancient Greeks: that rational argument alone will never fully overcome those who simply and passionately believe.
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Greco said:
Quotation from antlantic monthly,author Robert Kaplan.

Such passion remains robust in the United States—a firm conclusion one can draw from our post-9/11 stocktaking. Foreigners often find Americans as a group more than a little hard to take, in their overt nationalism, deep religiosity, proud vulgarity, unashamed sentimentality, battered but defiant idealism, and propensity for searing public debate. These are precisely the qualities that are disappearing in Europe. Traumatized by world war and absolutist political ideologies, Western Europe's political elites have been working for decades to neutralize passion altogether. Europe's intellectuals and politicians have become increasingly effete, bureaucratic, and defeatist; their foreign policies, to the extent that they even exist, amount to a form of regulatory compromise, guaranteed to pursue the path of least resistance. Europe, if it seeks to avoid decline, will have to relearn the lesson of Gogol and the ancient Greeks: that rational argument alone will never fully overcome those who simply and passionately believe.
The article is correct Greco, the native British people are like Lions led by Donkeys (the Government). It is time for the Assess to leave and a true British leader to enter.
you're right.
the instigator is the islamic radicals who bring their fanatism to england,
and the british gov't for treating them better than their own.

how can this not piss off regular brits?
How many Islamic radicals do you know? I have a number of friends who are Muslim and they aren't radicals. What's the matter with them being here?
Realisticly speaking there will be a breaking point there always is.
Notice the french already reached it. Brits will reach it as well
just takes time.
Eluminate said:
Realisticly speaking there will be a breaking point there always is.
Notice the french already reached it. Brits will reach it as well
just takes time.

LOL what did the french do by banning head scarf in schools, sounds like they did some great fucking thing? some sort of victory against muslims? what kind of fucked up mentality do you have? If you know the ban is also against Yamaqa of POTHEAD and Turbans of sikhs etc etc. What is the big fucking deal? i dont get it and what the hell is all about breaking point?? what are you talking about?

Head scarfs are ban in Turkey and guess what happened??? NOTHING.

If french think by banning head scarf they can stop the growing Islamic population then they are pretty retarded and if you think that europe can ban head scarf and stop islam then you are retarded. Please explain what is that makes you all proud and happy about this sitution where sikhs can't wear their turbans and pothead oh i mean otheadp cant wear his yamaqa?

how does it help in whatever they are trying to get??
the instigator is the islamic radicals who bring their fanatism to england
What an interesting thesis. I'd love to see your take on the history that leads you to it.
Greco said:
Maybe intelligence self destructs. It's a common arguement in the cosmological world as to why we dont see any advanced entities. It's a sad commentary on humankind if it's true.
M*W: Just accept it, Greco! Christianity is dying worldwide.