Islam and Cardiovascular Science

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It used to be that we had an Advanced Physiology class where each student performed an ECG on one another. This was real hands on work. Then one day a Muslim girl complained and complained and then complained some more .. because her religion says she can't be touched by an infidel and also it's not fair she should miss out on a class activity. Obviously the only solution is that everyone else stop doing ECG and instead one volunteer will stand in front of the whole class and it will be done by a professional where everyone will just sit there and f*cking watch.

hence IMO we take one more step into backwardness.
People need to pull their heads out of their arses.

Yeah, probably the USA's fault.
why in gods name would you be doing ECG's in psychology, what a waist of time. WE do ECG's however i cant see anyone failing if they refused to take off there shirt to get the dots put on, its a matter of personal choice.

Out of interest did you do 3 lead or 12 lead?
ops my mestake, that makes more sence (thought it might be a demonstration on the effects of stress on the heart but you can do that with a pulse, anyway). Michael i would have complained, if she didnt want to take part thats fine, as i said there is no requirement to take off your shirt even here if you dont want to. However as ECG interpritation is a vital componant for most of the medical field (nursing, med, paramedics, possably even physio) it is rediculas that a whole class would be denied that because one person didnt want to have it done on themself. I have to wonder though WHY she would even bother to do a course like that concidering that all the medically related fields are hands on pts. How are you going to even take a pulse if you wont put your hands on your pt (even ignoring CPR)
Well, I had had a couple beers when I wrote that. But, the fact is, this is what a Physiology lecturer said to me.

Just like SAM, I see this as another small step backwards.

One must wonder, in the modern world, does Islam bring anything at all to the table? Anything? Anything? I know Muslims who are good people in spite of their indoctrination - and I give them double credit. That why I don't think SAM's too bad, even here she agrees with me, she just can't face it because of brainwashing.

With SAM it's either: Agree BUT blame the USA. Or agree but say it's sounds made up.

That aside, I read in the economist that the English are going to have a war of ideas to counteract some of this bullshit being taught. That's really good to hear. I hope they actually walk the walk.

Surely you agree it's not right to teach something like White Supremacy? Then why the f*ck would it be right to teach Religious Supremacy? It's not right to walk around covered in Klan robes signifying your intolerance of non-whites. It's not right to walk around covered in a burka signifying your intolerance of infidels.

Teach children white supremacy and don't be shocked when some rape or kill non-whites.

Teach children Religious supremacy and don't be shocked when some rape or kill non-Muslims.
what are you talking about?
i agree with you that its stupid that the class was canceled, HOWEVER i also cant see someone (ANYONE) failing because they dont want to have an ECG done on themself. As i said we have had classes where people (especially the girls) didnt want to have something done on themselves. Actually i didnt have the ECG done on myself because my feet stink sadly and you have to remove your shoes to put on the left leg dot
Its a fake story. Give me the email address of the girl in question and I will prove it.
what are you talking about?
i agree with you that its stupid that the class was canceled, HOWEVER i also cant see someone (ANYONE) failing because they dont want to have an ECG done on themself. As i said we have had classes where people (especially the girls) didnt want to have something done on themselves. Actually i didnt have the ECG done on myself because my feet stink sadly and you have to remove your shoes to put on the left leg dot

I didn't have to remove my shoes when I got an ECG done recently. They just raise your pant leg and stick it on. Would it be that hard to find another Muslim student or teacher?
what are you talking about?
i agree with you that its stupid that the class was canceled, HOWEVER i also cant see someone (ANYONE) failing because they dont want to have an ECG done on themself. As i said we have had classes where people (especially the girls) didnt want to have something done on themselves. Actually i didnt have the ECG done on myself because my feet stink sadly and you have to remove your shoes to put on the left leg dot
The class itself wasn't canceled, the class activity was changed so that now one person stands in front of the class whereas before the Ss did it to one another in pairs.
spidergoat thats because we used a different sort of ECG, the uni is to cheep to buy proper ECG's just for the bioscience students (we do use the proper ones for the ambo subjects though) so they used this clamp thing and you have to take your shoes off to get the clamp on

Surely you agree it's not right to teach something like White Supremacy? Then why the f*ck would it be right to teach Religious Supremacy? It's not right to walk around covered in Klan robes signifying your intolerance of non-whites. It's not right to walk around covered in a burka signifying your intolerance of infidels.

Teach children white supremacy and don't be shocked when some rape or kill non-whites.

[trolling deleted]

Teach children Religious supremacy and don't be shocked when some rape or kill non-Muslims.

Someone is obviously blowing this way out of proportion.

If this story is true, which I doubt by the way as you have a habit of making up weird stories, then I can offer some explanations. You have bad habit of deceptively offering your own analysis on common problems and trying to tarnish the image of more than a billion human beings.

Ok, most likely she did not want to reveal a part of her body in front of a group of strangers. Maybe she didn't want to be touched by a strange man. It is because unrelated men and women are not supposed to touch each other in Islamic culture. For example she is allowed to be checked by a Non-Muslim women, the problem is with a man, Muslim or Non-Muslim.

[trolling deleted]
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The point is: If we had a White Supreme standing up there in a Klan robes bitching they she didn't want a nigger touching her, we'd tell her to shut the f*ck up - and to take her stone age bull shit with her. But as soon as it's a Muslim girl wearing her Klan robes, ohh hoo hooo, she doesn't want a non-Muslim touching her. THEN it's OK?!?!?

WTF kind of reasoning is this?

I don't see any difference between a WASP wearing a klan monkey8 suit and teaching their kids blacks and arabs will burn in Hell because God doesn't like blacks and arabs AND a Muslim wearing their monkey suit teaching their kids that God doens't like atheist, or Hindu, or Shinto or non-Muslims and blah blah blah .. both people are the same. And while we cant stop WASPS and Muslims (and other monotheists) from teaching their children this BS, we certainly should never put up with it in the public domain..
And it maysound like a rant, but please, can you imagine?!?!?

No one would put up with this sort of attitude if it were skin color but because it's religion we put up with it.

One step backwards.

That said, I hear a number of English academics, usually the most liberal minded, are saying enough is enough. This has got to end it's f*cking up society.

meh... I've said it before, leave the ME to eat itself, we need to educate our society from the ground up. Part of that MUST be putting the word Infidel on par with the word Nigger. Children need to understand from outside sources, TV, school, bus ads, radio, that referring to a person as an Infidel or even suggesting that it's bad to be polytheist or atheist is just the same as calling someone a Nigger. In this way maybe they'll be revolted enough by these conservative wackjob Islamists to think for themselves. I could also see new legislation coming to pass in a decade or two...
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Spreading false stories about Muslims has become the norm.

Feel free at ANY point to send me her email

Or give me the name of the uni so I can contact the physiology department.

Maybe she could sue that creep for libel.
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It could very well be made up, I was not there in the classroom. The physiologist wasn't even telling me a story about a Muslim girl - they were telling me about how they do ECGs now compared to how they used to do them. I asked about why they didn't do them that way - which is when I got: Oh, well there was this girl who, because of religion, didn't want ... then I said, oh, yeah? What religion was that?

We certainly don't accept it when Klansmen WASPs wear their robes around and try to make society bend the rules for them, you know, African at the end of the bus. We have progressed past that. Oh, sure, it's legal for them to wear their robes, but we make damn well certain they know that most people think this intolerant ideology is wrong. Is that a form of intolerance itself? Sure. And Baron Max says so - he thinks people should be OK with other people teaching bigotry. Well, I think it's wrong to brainwash children into thinking a God thinks White People are the Chosen Ones. The superior people. You see - that's bull shit to me.

I Also think it's wrong to brainwash children into thinking atheists and polytheists are evil or wrong - people not to associate with etc.... ITS the EXACT same thing IMO. It's wrong to teach children that Islam and Muslims is the superior and only correct belief system. Or that Jews are the chosen people. Or anything like this.

It's a step backwards to coddle these beliefs or we should be doing the opposite, teaching children how they shouldn't accept this line of thinking.
She has NO business messing up the class for everyone else. They should just refuse to accommodate her "beliefs".
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