Islam - A Religion of Terror, or is it ???


Great stuff but there is too much, not many, if any, are going to read all that.

A summary in your own words, some examples, and some references would have been significantly more effective.
Can I just say that if one wants to be indescriminate about a religion then lets just say that all Roman Catholics are members of the IRA and all Jesuit Missionaries are capable of mass murder; which is offesive sure! And very dangerous to say yes true. BUT THEN I AM NOT SAYING THIS TRUELY. Islam was brought to us by the grace of God as with all religions as a stage in our evolution and understanding of the concept of our spirituality. Mohammed like Jesus, like Zoroaster, like Abraham, etc., was a very auspicious being who taught us ways of being straight and how to follow the correct path. There are many peaceful Islamics to be found out there in the world, so dont narrow the gate in your mind and throw the pure of heart out before you truely understand. :bugeye:
To label all the people in any religion is ridiculous. This is how stereotypes are formed -- the actions or characteristics of a few are portrayed as being those of the whole group. Out of the millions of people who practice Islam, a very small percentage (although a highly dangerous and evil percentage) are terrorists. If we were to judge each religion (or other group of people) by the extremist acts of a few, we might as well call Christians terrorists due to the crusades, and so on.
Originally posted by ChronGen
To label all the people in any religion is ridiculous. This is how stereotypes are formed -- the actions or characteristics of a few are portrayed as being those of the whole group. Out of the millions of people who practice Islam, a very small percentage (although a highly dangerous and evil percentage) are terrorists. If we were to judge each religion (or other group of people) by the extremist acts of a few, we might as well call Christians terrorists due to the crusades, and so on.

I wish some one will tell this to our fellow members here. Some members seems to think that GW or Sami are the only muslims in the world. :rolleyes: From more then a billion muslims, even if 10000 are fanatics or 20000, I don't think that they even make 1% of them. But for any religious or no religious fanatic this number is enough. As we have seen in this forum. Another sad thing is people here do not represent their ideas but they go to anti Islam or Anti christianiy websites to gain knowledge. Mostly they are copy and paste debates. I hope people would understand this.:cool:
Islams are terrorists now? I don't think it's a religion of terror. I have quite a few friends who believe in the Islamic way, but I wouldn't consider them terrorists, and they definitely don't promote terrorism. Hmmm...I have no clue on what i'm writing about, do I?