Is Wicca a bunch of crap?

Wicca is celtic witchcraft.

Coincidentally, the amount of respect I have for 'wicca' is precisely that which I have for 'a bunch of crap'.
You sound remarkably like Bush, who declared that Wicca shouldn't be considered a religion. Hmm...perhaps you two also have comparable intelligence? (<-- devastating insult :cool: )
How about this?

How about this? After four years of attending Sciforums, after seeing its intellectual level descend from "surprisingly astute" to "dogshit in the gutter", I would like someone to tell me (please!) what isn't a bunch of crap.

Anyone. Go ahead. Step up.

It's all crap. Some parts moreso than others.

In addition, having a point is a good thing for a topic.

Go ahead. Give it a try. I'm pretty sure it won't kill you.

What's the matter, truth hurt?

I just think it's fucking hilarious how the more benign something is, the less death and destruction it causes, the more willing some people are to devote small amounts of energy to despising it. And yes, that truth does hurt a little. It used to be that people were fairly smart around here. Zero, I know, remembers part of that time. Jeez, I think back on a couple of fights we've had, Z, and suddenly I'm puzzled. In retrospect, it doesn't seem quite as bad then as it did when it was happening.

Crap like this topic, though ... don't know what to say that I haven't already.

Tiassa :cool:
Re: How about this?

Originally posted by tiassa
Anyone. Go ahead. Step up.

MAN, calling people OUT? Hehe.. you must be in one of your moods. Yikes. I probably shouldn't dare, for my ass is tender and needs only negative pain. I'm not sure that tangling with you on an occasion like this (your apparent current perspective) can lead to much more.. but I feel compelled.

Ah, maybe it's just that you need something to shred. Yes, that's probably it don't you think? Okay, uhm... shit. Lemme think.

Nah, dude, it's a shitty as you think it is. If you think it's shit, it is to you eh? (I know you're impressed :rolleyes:, still sometimes I need to be reminded of it and I assume for the hell of it that you might could use hearing it too).

Is this place really that much shittier than before? I mean I wasn't here then! How would sciforums exist without my valuable input? The thought perplexes me. :D Okay not really, but I like to make me feel good about me. I also like to make you feel good about you, but especially if I can do it by merely sharing how good I feel about me. There, you feel better now right? I at least hope my self-involvement can serve as your comic relief. LOL

Okay sorry, hey.. you're not pissy because you're old are you mr. olderson? :D

(i saw your b-day thread but didn't catch the specific day)

Sorry if this is annoying, I'd guess you'd know I mean well.

Oh, and in a last ditch effort to stay on topic, yeah, wicca is crap except for that which all religions offer their members.. some kind of sense of purpose or belonging that they apparently yearn for.
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I agree with tiassa about this topic.

Perhaps <b>Truth Hurts</b> could give us his (or her) views on the issue - preferably backed up by something resembling an argument.
i'd say sciforums was more astute at the outstart as it had less to do with confrontation to religious types and instead of having these massive posts about who is right and slinging the poo round, actual points were discussed that we're probably scientific, or a point of veiw, or just damn interesting. in light and in respect of such a time, i wish to withdraw the comment i made earlier.
He/she probably should have phrased the question differently. Perhaps something like:

Is Wicca just a trendy pseudo-religious phenomena that will have no lasting consequences in the history of mankind or is it just a bunch of crap?
Re: How about this?

Originally posted by tiassa
How about this? After four years of attending Sciforums, after seeing its intellectual level descend from "surprisingly astute" to "dogshit in the gutter"

Tiassa :cool:

Get rid of Religion and WE&P forum.

sorry off topic, i guess i am one of those who are making sciforums go into dogshit status.

On topic- "To each his own"....;)
I agree with Tiassa. Everything is crap. I realized the other night that all convention means nothing ultimately. It might mean something to people, but it doesn't last. Everything fades, and what is important now won't mean a damn thing in a few years.

Wicca is a belief, probably not considered a religion, although it does have its own gods. I know that most people don't actually go into it for the gods. They go into it for power, or lifestyle.
Minor digression for the DarkEyedBeauty

I realized the other night that all convention means nothing ultimately. It might mean something to people, but it doesn't last. Everything fades, and what is important now won't mean a damn thing in a few years.
Have you been over to WesMorris's Refutation of Nihilism topic in General Philosophy? It deals, sort of, with that very principle. That is to say that I think that what you've noted here is essential to that topic as well, but said topic is going in a couple of directions at once, which may be said to be part of the point, but ... er ... yeah.

Tiassa :cool:
Originally posted by DarkEyedBeauty
I agree with Tiassa. Everything is crap. I realized the other night that all convention means nothing ultimately. It might mean something to people, but it doesn't last. Everything fades, and what is important now won't mean a damn thing in a few years.

It doesn't matter at all huh??? Well then according to that we must know nothing by now...unless you mean subjective things that concern people well then you're still wrong there.

Wicca is a belief, probably not considered a religion, although it does have its own gods. I know that most people don't actually go into it for the gods. They go into it for power, or lifestyle.

Actually it is a religion. I know a few Wiccans and they consider it a religion. It was a major religion in Europe before the Christians ...(as usual) killed the druids and any other followers that won't convert to Christainity; what a peaceful way to respect god huh?..they nearly wiped out the whole religion during the dark ages.:rolleyes:
Wicca is a load of crap in many more ways than religions such as Christianity or Judaism, or what have you.

This is largely because, unlike most Judeo-Christian religions which preach that all true knowledge and all evidence of the truth of their faith will be revealed after death. This is convenient, because it can never be tested, no one can die and then come back to tell us that he saw the gates of heaven or pits of hell or the like (ok there are near death experiences, but if you want to debate that head to the parapsychology board). Wicca, however makes claims which should be testable and recognizable in life. I can't tell you how many times I've bought this up to wiccans I know, and then they cop out and say that they aren't practicing witches, and don't do spells (because as I'm repeatedly told you can be wiccan without being a witch). The problem is, if all this magic mumbojumbo were real, people would be using it to get ahead in life, or at very least having some observable effect on any aspect of anything anywhere, and we just don't see that.

Anyway, probably my favorite part of Wicca is when wiccans claim that their religion is ancient, when, in reality it's actually only about 50 years old. You can't claim that druids or ancient europian cults or whoever were wiccans, that's just not true, there was a distinct span of time when these old faiths simply did not exist, and when Wicca began. Not to mention the fact that no one actually knows the details of druid culture and certainly not their faith, any parallels which you try to draw between their faith and Wicca are purely speculative, the druids could have been atheists (I realize this is unlikely, and there is evidence of rituals which were most likely religious in nature) for all we know.
sargentlard wrote:
It was a major religion in Europe before the Christians ...(as usual) killed the druids and any other followers that won't convert to Christainity

Shouldn't you at least mention the fact that the Normans, the Saxons and the Vikings also killed their fair share of Druids? Naw, why cut them Christians any slack, they deserve a bad reputation.

Mystech wrote:

no one actually knows the details of druid culture and certainly not their faith, any parallels which you try to draw between their faith and Wicca are purely speculative

Yeah but it's cool to call yourself a druid, it ryhmes with dude.

Normans, Saxons, and Vikings aren't as much of an influence today. Christianity is important in this context because it is a huge influence in the modern world. Look at George Bush, for instance. At some level, he believes this is about God's will. After all, God is on our side.

Er ... yeah. :bugeye:

Tiassa :cool:
I'd like to see Bush become a born again wiccan and all of a sudden start spouting BS about the goddess who will save us from the threat of terrorism, and the three fold law of unsanctioned military actions and the like. It's kind of sad that people would only recognize this kind of faith as being insanity, but don't speak out about Bush taking policy advice from the pope.
Originally posted by Zero
You sound remarkably like Bush, who declared that Wicca shouldn't be considered a religion. Hmm...perhaps you two also have comparable intelligence? (<-- devastating insult :cool: )

I, with the help our allies, with abolishize terroristism around the globe.
Looking over my other general questions on sciforms, I have come to realize that certain definitions are subjective. I wanted to leave this thread very open-ended and with a slightly sharp shock taste peppered with profanity.

I could go on and on and on about what I think about wicca, but I'm curious what you guys thought on the subject, in any sense of the question.
Would this thread have gotten fewer postes if I titled it "Is Wicca an awesome religion?"

My significant other has a freind who is into wicca and I asked her once why she didn't get involved into budhism, it's a much more respected religion. (other than the religion that was forced upon her as a child which she rejects now as an adult) based on the current attitudes of the masses it seems to me that she is jockeying to be more hated.

It's not my job to read the same wicca books she reads and point by point list why it is complete crap. after stripping her of her beliefs, I then walk away leaving her emotionally naked?
Originally posted by Truth Hurts
It's not my job to read the same wicca books she reads and point by point list why it is complete crap. after stripping her of her beliefs, I then walk away leaving her emotionally naked?

Hey, don't feel bad about the prospect, if she ends up rejecting the religion on any points you bring up it's not like it's your fault that Wicca is a rediculous sham, you're just the messanger.

Originally posted by Truth Hurts
based on the current attitudes of the masses it seems to me that she is jockeying to be more hated.

This could well be the case. Being persecuted is fissionable, after all, there's a lot of appeal in the whole outlaw/arbitrary deviant persona that a lot of people identify with.