Is western Islam watered down?

Ivan Seeking

Registered Senior Member
First, I am not an expert on Islam or any other religious beliefs for that matter.

I have heard arguments that as Islam spreads to the west, it also strays further and further from fundamental teachings. I have heard the statement that the beliefs of a typical western Muslim are contrary to at least some historically fundamental Islamic beliefs. Is this true? Is this true for all sects of Islam as viewed by any particular sect? Is there anything unique about western Islamic cultures as opposed to those in the Near East?

I am short on time so I'll be back later. Any comments are appreciated.

Islam is remarkably diverse from locale to locale. I tend to agree that Western Islam is watered down, but that agreement is based on the notion that Westerners do all sorts of things like religion only half-assed. Technically, it's healthy. I've joked before that the primary difference between a Muslim and a Christian is that the Christian has found something more important than God. In these United States, at least, that seems rather quite true: that something is money.

"By the grace of God almighty, and the pressures of the marketplace, the human race has civilized itself. It's a miracle." (Roger Waters)

But running against the notion of watered-down Islam is the diversity of Islam itself. In the West, fundamentalists often pick on the Catholic church for its sympathetic assimilations of pagan cultures. While those sentimental to paganism resent this assimilation, the fundamentalists tend to see that brand of ecumenism as "watering down" Christianity. I tend to disagree; it shows the flexibility of doctrine, even in the case of Catholicism where these strange adaptions and absorptions were seemingly rare examples of flexibility. Comparatively, Islam is a skilled contortionist.

Some random links; I haven't read them all completely. Just enough to hope they're relevant and helpful.

Diversity in Islam for Absolute Beginners
Book promo: "Muslim Diversity - Local Islam in Global Contexts"
Diversity in Islam (Note: Believe it or not, this is a discussion of henna.)
Faces of Islam: Exploring the diversity of Islam
not really

Glad you asked.

Western Islam isn't "watered down" per se, but in general you'll find a lot more people who aren't practicing.

You can take that as far as you like, there are Muslims I know who smoke, who have done drugs. Lots of Muslims believe that a woman should cover her hair as a sign of modesty, but most of the muslim women I see don't. Some see that as an obligation, others see it as recommended but not required.

Blame it on whatever you want, the fact that people in the West generally don't take religion as seriously, the fact that the Christians living here are letting it happen and the muslim minority is copying them, etc. Syed Qutb, a distinguished author who eloquently wrote that muslims should go back to practicing their religion correctly and praying, spent about a week in the US and hated the culture, he felt it was all decadent and irreligious.

Unfortunately, you can't find a really good place anywhere where Muslims are practicing Islam completely. Not one government is "Islamic." There's no caliph, so no worldwide leader for the Muslims (the Shias claim to have one with their ayatollahs, but the majority of Muslims aren't shia). There is no Islamic state, no legitimate government for the people.

In short, it's not Western Islam that's watered down, but Islam as a whole is going through a hard time, as prophesized. No caliph, no Islamic State, no leader. People are following, but they're not organized enough yet. Fortunately, according to authentic hadith it will improve soon, but it will have to get worse first. :/ Muslims are waiting for the Mehdi to become the new caliph, and then Jesus will return and things will be looking up.
You will be waiting an eternity.....

Sorry don't mean any disrespect however it is funny to me it makes me chuckle.

(Muslims are waiting for the Mehdi to become the new caliph, and then Jesus will return and things will be looking up.)

According to biblical scriptures, the return of "Jesus" was supposed to happen or they interpreted to happen within their lives. It has been 2000+ years all those fokes who thought the Messiah would return in there life time are dead.

Don't wait for something that will never happen.

Logic dictates, if the Messiah has not returned yet, more than likely he won't return in your life time either!!.

Check back the next millenium.
Watering something down isn't always bad. Many good things are poisonous if in a pure state. Try and drink 200 proof alchohol for a change.
Drink a glass of the pure stuff and that might well end your life then and there. I guess you could say you were hooked for life. THe metaphor applies in many places.