Is Weed Overrated???

Is Weed Overrated???

  • Yes, overrated

    Votes: 7 70.0%
  • No, not overrated

    Votes: 3 30.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Registered Senior Member
I hear everyone talking about weed, almost constantly. It seems to me that everyone smokes it. I honestly have never toked up, not for a particular moral constraint but rather lack of real interest.

Is weed overrated?
I smoked quite a lot in the navy, years ago, but very rarely since then. I enjoyed it. Then when I completed high school after leaving the navy, and studied psychology at a TAFE college, I learnt about the mechanisms of endorphine release in the brain, and spent a couple of years trying to figure out how to consciously control otherwise autonomic bodily systems. Specifically, I tried to get my body to produce endorphines through will alone, rather than as a reflex. Either it worked or I deluded myeslf into believing it worked, but either way I am simply no longer interested in things like marijuana. That, and I started reading about the possible effects of extensive use of such things.
Tough, but fair, question. Depends who's talking about it. Some speak of marijuana like a god-send and the greatest thing in life. I wouldn't go near that far. But it is an incredibly enjoyable activity.
At the end of the day it's about personal opinion, to some it might help and to others its just another thing that poeple become so hooked to in a subliminal way that they want to fight for it.

I kind of have an idea of how marijuana is suppose to aid with people and particular conditions like Athritis and MS.

The brain produces a natural level of dopamine in the brain, dopamine acts like a relay between between neurons and protein receptors. It carries the signals from one to the other and back again.

In some types of people, they might have less receptors, or lower dopamine levels, this is where Marijuana increases the relays and can help stimulate regions of the brain that wouldn't have previously functioned so well.

(It's basically a method of increasing the chances of stimulation)

This means there are chances that the future will bring some pill rather than a joint to deal with these problems.

But for those people that smoke?

Well it's known that a person with their mind adrift with hyperactivity will suffer from feeling a lapse of energy. (They have a kind of alzhiemers, where their brain is burning off more energy than the rest of their body. So their brain says their tired, even though the body isn't really.)

There is also the problem of the dreaded Whitey (well thats one term), when a person becomes so intoxicated that their blood pressure changes making them go completely pale and giddy (possibly even nausiuous, and maybe even pass out.

Of course this occurs when people smoke too much of it. (through a bong)

Notibly, a Pot smoker is not someone you want to hang around if you can't afford to stock you fridge up with food. The brain thinking that the rest of the body is suffering energy loss due to it's hyperactvity, usually orders the person to order pizza.

There is a real bad side though to smoking pot, the TAR rate is way higher than even a cigarette, so more chance of respiratory ailments. (Courtesy of the BBC)
There is also question to Scitzophrenia caused by smoking pot, from the parnoid delusionary state of someone heavily stoned on something a bit higher than the norm. (Usually something green)

I don't actually smoke pot, and won't in the future. My past is a different story.
We always have some in the house but I tire of it frankly. :rolleyes:
It's got its uses and I completely agree with the medicinal aspects I've just smoked it for years and lately it's begun to wain.
I used to smoke Weed for years and years. Mostly in the evening with some friends and good Music. :)

It was not a necessity, though. A nice way to relax and it helped me out with a nerve condition I still have after a failed surgery. Now I haven't smoked it in ages. So it seems, and I am as happy and/or sad as when I was smoking MJ.

It is not the most enjoyable thing on Earth no. It is a good way to relax and very nice when you go out dancing or so.

I think it is overrated here on Sciforums, because you mostly see the experiences of the people who actually use MJ now. I think everyone uses it in his/her own way and it is case to keep in control and not let the MJ be in control.

Yes, I would smoke it if I had it right now, not whole day long and not every day. :)

There shall be some influence because of the long term use, I can't tell you what it is. Maybe because of some memory loss. :bugeye:

Everything has its effect on life, whether it is alcohol, weed, tobacco or whatever. I think MJ is pretty harmless, looking at other things which influence life much more...
", and spent a couple of years trying to figure out how to consciously control otherwise autonomic bodily systems. Specifically, I tried to get my body to produce endorphines through will alone, rather than as a reflex. "

Is this at all possible? It seems very interesting. I'd stone myself during math everyday! :)

"There is also question to Scitzophrenia caused by smoking pot, from the parnoid delusionary state of someone heavily stoned on something a bit higher than the norm"

I've heard that about lots of drugs, LSD being a big one. I think it could be just another thing that the MAN wants you believe so you'll stop!

Interesting thing to think about.. I know lots of people who do drugs. And their grades in school SUCK. Majorly. Now, is it because of the weed, or because of something else? They are the types whose family's are usually poorer than those of the people with good grades. So I think that is probably the deciding factor. Of course, some people are so addicted to weed that they smoke it during lunch and then probably forget everything they learn in school the rest of the day. (maybe not physically addicted, but they do have a problem)
"I know lots of people who do drugs. And their grades in school SUCK. Majorly. Now, is it because of the weed, or because of something else? They are the types whose family's are usually poorer than those of the people with good grades. So I think that is probably the deciding factor. Of course, some people are so addicted to weed that they smoke it during lunch and then probably forget everything they learn in school the rest of the day. (maybe not physically addicted, but they do have a problem)"

The idea that marijuana brings down your grades is statistically unproven. The 'man' (as you so aptly named!) would say that heavy pot smokers get lower marks. Well.....generally, that's not because of marijuana. People who never doing work, not caring about school tend to be the ones who are heavy pot heads. NOT that heavy pot use drags your intelligence down. It does, however, make you feel less like doing work. But so far, it hasn't affected my marks in any negative way. In fact, I'd say it's helped me in writing English work, History work and Drama. A friend of mine this year was totally positive he would NOT smoke before an exam. Then one night he gave in and smoked up. Next day he did his English exam and got (and I'm not kidding) 98%.