Is Ufology The Next World Religion?



Phillip Lamy, a cultural anthroplogist at Castleston College in Vermont recently wrote

"I really believe that Ufology is going to be the next world religion. We live in secular times and Ufology is a religion that even aethiests might enjoy. The idea that there are super-evolved intelligent beings out there is one that appeals to a lot of people."

What persuaded him to write this? It is a matter of record that some right-wing religious zealots and organisations in the USA have openly expressed vehement oposition to UFO 'believers', to the point of suggesting in one particular newsletter that they should be "stoned to death!"

More recently ABC news in America listed what they perceived to be the world's most dangerous cults on their web site. Included among them was Stephen Greer's CSETI oragnisation.

What has caused this anti-UFO hysteria and is it justified? I would very much like to hear the comments of some of you free thinkers in this group...The more controversial, the better....
I think that for it to reach that level, we would have to see major landings. While there are a large number of people who believe strongly in the UFO culture, I think it's to diverse a field to make a religion. But then again.. If a major landing took place it might polarize the community.
I think it could be right. Maybe it all started with a spaceship in the sky and three kings on camels following it.
Ufology became a religion whilst the bible was being written, the factions have not caught onto that yet. They still believe god as the unknown entity, more like the well known extraterrestrial biological entity.
Ramonth, religion isn't based soley on first hand sightings. Does this now mean that for Christianity to continue, God himself will have to kick off a World Tour with Jesus on lead guitar? No! religion exists because of peoples faith and devotian to a belief or subject. Most people wouldn't need to see a major UFO landing to believe, nor have to have a personal visit from God, but it does'nt make their views any less valid. And lets face it Ufology is'nt as diverse as some of the worlds weirder religions.
Yea, I think that you're on to something, here. Actually, that's the exact arguement that I am proposing. That this will be the next world religion. After all, all accounts specify a rejection of the Bible as a misinterpreted mistake, and aliens have taken God's place as Creator. Like the general thinks, that aliens created us and wrote the Bible, and now they're coming to explain it all to us. Something like that, right general? You know, it's pretty dag gone clear in the Bible that in the end times, there will be a new world religion and government supporting the Antichrist. Let's really put our heads together and think here. What else, besides aliens, could possibly bring about such a great change in our world society? As diverse as it is, what else could possibly bring this new world order prophecy to fruition?

God loves you and so do I!
Come to think of it has anybody heard of the Aetheirius Society? (I'm not quite sure how you spell it)

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this odd bunch already worship space beings don't they?
Did you know that recently, the local newspapers reported that 39 members of the UFO/Christian based group, Heaven's Gate, committed mass suicide in California with the idea of somehow linking up with a UFO which was "hiding" in the tail of the Hale/Bopp Comet.

These loonies are out there.
I must say...there could be a cause for alarm with some of these groups examples...
1.Heavens Gate.....mass suicide to meet the great spaceship behind Hale Bop...ignorance
2. Yes...Aetherius Society..also garbage and ignorance i believe.
3. Then theres the Zetans who also have a website
do a search on ufo cults i once saw and taped a documentary on tlc about ufo cults and there are many. Theres one in Georgia here where the people actua;;y built there own pyramid.
its amazing what people will do or believe out of faith...sheep i call them...dont have the strength of mind to believe what they see and must follow the foundation others lay no matter how ridiculous it may be.
Love and Light,

Eric Cooper