Is Torture ever right??

john smith

Tongue in cheek
Registered Senior Member
I know that somewhere there must be a thread on this topic, but...

In college my form are having to produce an assembly, our chossen topic is torture, the reasons why torture occurs, what it can intail, and also if its always justified. :confused:

So, i would like you people here on Sci, to give me some of your opinions, mostly on wheather you think tourture is right or wrong, anything would be helpfull, thanks.
torture is NEVER right and has been proven--(you will have to research this.i have notes but they are unclassified...a starting to but its tedious.......also google o'course)not to even work. for example look at the Inquisition of The Medieval Church. thy only got the florid tales of dances with te@devil' etc etc cause of the awful tortues they did to the people--mosly women
i alo would fukin confess anything they wanted rather than be tortured

so it is evil, and should never be allowed. what UK is doing--ie., its gangster politicians is tis: on the surface they hypocritically cliaim publically they do not in any way condone torture YET allow for teir victims to be secretly flown to places where it IS legal! tisis actually going on

also, checkou te reaction of peple to tetortures carried out by the U.S military against Iraqi 'detainees'...we have seen the awful photographs right? but that is just a fraction of horror. in actuality that horror is a coninuation for te vicims yousee transfixed in time on celluloid.....and notice how the same fuker who do that change TERMS....all of a sudden it isn't 'torture' but---hah i have forgot the teerm they replaced it with--look into it. but tis is how all power weilders operate. they change language to 'make more acceptable to the gullible public' what is actually being done!!......but it STILL i torture, and evil
Two babies plop out of their mother's wombs absolutely equal. Neither has the right to so much lay a finger on the other without the express permission of the other.

Torture can never be right therefore although I am sure the torturers justify it in their own mind.


Well, to even discuss "torture" with any degree of intelligence, one must FIRST AND FOREMOST define/explain exactly what the term "torture" means or is. Otherwise, ye're just giving vent to each individuals' ideas of "torture" without any means of "measuring" it. I.e., one might think that just being put in a cage is "torture". Another might think that "torture" is ONLY physical abuse and/or bodily harm.

What's "torture"? Not getting blowjobs as often as I'd like!!

Baron Max
Humane treatment 101:

...the term "torture" means any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to lawful sanctions.
Ah, the old adage of method versus purpose. To me all is fair in love and war. But if that’s not very useful consider that the situation depends on the magnitude of the scenario. If there was in deed a serious and imminent terrorist threat to society then it should be justified, consider it as the part of the greater good. But like many other things we have embellished torturing and some may do it for personal pleasure or lesser situations. I don’t think torturing will ever cease and they will only device better more humane methods. I think we love violence, its part of that reptiliam brain of ours. We tortured Jesus to death and any body that preaches peace and stability always gets it from the government and people. These people including, Malcome X, Martin luther, Paul the apostle and Gandhi to name a few.
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if the information they need out of me could damage the world yes i would .
most rational people would just give over the information.
its only the dumbasses that dont
If by 'right' you mean morally sanctionable then that depends on the particular system involved, but generally no. If by 'right' you mean as sanctioned by the prevailing power, then yes.
devils_reject said:
We tortured Jesus to death and any body that preaches peace and stability always gets it from the government and people. These people including, Malcome X

Maclom X advocated militance and violent revolution. Malcom was killed by a fellow Muslim and one of his own followers.

Live by the sword, die by the sword.

Or perhaps his assassin was casting his ballot as a bullet.
Baron Max said:
What's "torture"? Not getting blowjobs as often as I'd like!!

You can blame the effects that advances in ear and eye health have had on the elderly female population for that Baron ;)
Ok, thanks for the replys guys, but say we have a scenario, there is one guy, a terrorist who has been caught, there are know terrorist cells operating in the area, they are about to make an attack, would it be right to tourture (using pysical and mental abuse) the terrorist, in order to stop the deaths of many more innocent people, should the other cells not be apprehended?

Baron, i dont think thats what i ment by torture:)
john smith said:
Ok, thanks for the replys guys, but say we have a scenario, there is one guy, a terrorist who has been caught, there are know terrorist cells operating in the area, they are about to make an attack, would it be right to tourture (using pysical and mental abuse) the terrorist, in order to stop the deaths of many more innocent people, should the other cells not be apprehended?

How useful do you think the information will be if you have subjected the person to physical and mental abuse? If you are trying to sell democracy then acting in a murderous way is a pretty poor way of going about it. The alledged terrorist that has been caught should face a fair trial just like anyone else. It may be possible to bargain with the length of sentence meted out if the alledged terrorist is found guilty in a court of law but I imagine it is unlikely that will cause the convicted terrorist to give up names etc. Torturing the alledged terrorist is likely to strengthen his resolve against you further and cause you to follow up time wasting information.


c20H25N3o said:
How useful do you think the information will be if you have subjected the person to physical and mental abuse?

I wasnt saying this would be the correct thing to do. Infact what you say is very true, i have seen the signature by 'Guy Fawkes', before and after he was tortured, it is virtually completly different, and unrecognisable as the same signature, by the end he would probably have signed anything to stop having more pain inflicted. So your definatly correct, in reference to the reliabilty of information, from a victim of torture. :(

c20H25N3o said:
If you are trying to sell democracy then acting in a murderous way is a pretty poor way of going about it.

Im not being stubbon or anything when i say this, but what do you mean?

c20H25N3o said:
The alledged terrorist that has been caught should face a fair trial just like anyone else.

I guess this is more of a personal question, but do you think everyone should have rights to a fair trial, no matter how hienous their crimes are?? :confused:
john smith said:
I wasnt saying this would be the correct thing to do.

I know :)

Infact what you say is very true, i have seen the signature by 'Guy Fawkes', before and after he was tortured, it is virtually completly different, and unrecognisable as the same signature, by the end he would probably have signed anything to stop having more pain inflicted. So your definatly correct, in reference to the reliabilty of information, from a victim of torture. :(

I saw the Guy Fawkes thing to. His last signature was a total mess.

Im not being stubbon or anything when i say this, but what do you mean?

I mean if you are trying to promote a way of life that the terrorist opposes (let's use western democracy vs religous fundamentalism) then you have to show that your ways are indeed superior. Torturing someone under the banner of democracy leaves you wide open to accusations of hypocrisy.

I guess this is more of a personal question, but do you think everyone should have rights to a fair trial, no matter how hienous their crimes are?? :confused:

I believe in the rule of law. Everyone deserves a fair trial.

